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Robert Moore – Masculine Psychology Anthology -Collection Part2

RobertMooreJung pt2
[103 MP3s]


DO NOT SHARE WITH ANYONE OR ANY OTHER WEBSITE OR ELSE I WILL USE A PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS, SKILLS I HAVE ACQUIRED OVER A VERY LONG CAREER, SKILLS THAT MAKE ME A NIGHTMARE FOR PEOPLE WHO STEAL, IF YOU BREAK THE RULES I WILL FIND YOU. AFTER YOU DIE YOU WILL BE BANNED FOREVER. This is a collection of lectures that have not been on elib until now and is part 2 to the product in the link.. Robert Moore is Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Spirituality in the Graduate Center of the Chicago Theological Seminary where he is the Founding Director of the new Institute for Advanced Studies in Spirituality and Wellness. An internationally recognized psychoanalyst and consultant in private practice in Chicago, he has served as a Training Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is Director of Research for the Institute for Integrative Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and the Chicago Center for Integrative Psychotherapy. Author and editor of numerous books in psychology and spirituality, he lectures internationally on his formulation of a neo-Jungian  psychoanalysis and integrative psychotherapy.  His most recent books include THE ARCHETYPE OF INITIATION: Sacred Space, Ritual Process and Personal Transformation; THE MAGICIAN AND THE ANALYST: The Archetype of the Magus in Occult Spirituality and Jungian Psychology, and FACING THE DRAGON: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.  He is currently working on a number of books including his DECODING THE DIAMOND WITHIN: Archetypal Structures in the Fragmentation and Integration of Personality.Total of 24 workshops Here is a full list of all programs in the product: Angels and demons, Archetype of sacrifice, Compulsions and healing, Neo-Jung structural diagnosis, Divine gender, George Dumezil, Idealization and Evil, Archetype of spiritual warfare, Crisis, Rape of the soul, Man Kind project, Ritual and initiation, Spirituality and the mission, Jung in 21st century, Psychoanalysis Neo-Jung Paradigm, Initiation Transformation of the Psyche, Collective Unconscious, Darkness of Divine persecution, Edward Edinger, Sacred space, The Trickster, Transforming Fire… Here is a preview of what is in the productRape of the SoulThe prevalent opinion that childhood is a happy time for most people is only one manifestation of our tendency to deny the realities of childhood. Ever since Freud scandalized his contemporaries with his pioneering research into the psychological effects of childhood sexual traumas, child abuse has been a topic laden wth taboos and avoided by most researchers and theorists—a situation that has only recently begun to change. In this course Dr. Moore examines the nature and dynamics of child abuse from a Jungian point of view. After reviewing available historical and psychological research on the topic, Moore works toward an understanding of the theoretical and therapeutic issues which arise from a close encounter with the horror of these experiences.Angels and DemonsAt the turn of the nineteenth century, most European intellectuals were smugly declaring the end of belief in spirits and angels and declaiming all other paranormal spiritual phenomena.  As the twentieth century gives way to the new millennium we find that – instead of the predicted rise of the “secular city” – we are experiencing a profound renewal of paranormal and spiritual phenomena, and many expect this trend to intensify even further in the next few years. In this workshop Dr. Moore gives an overview of current spiritual phenomenology to help us grasp the present situation in spiritual experience and practice, then turn to Jung’s psychology to help us understand it.  Prominent consideration will be given to Jung’s differentiation between personal psychological contents which should be integrated, and the phenomenon of the “spirit complex,” which by its very nature cannot and should not be brought into the inner precincts of the self. Also examined is the current interest in angels, channeling, spirit possession, and  other forms of paranormal spiritual phenomena by using Jung’s psychology as an interpretive tool. The workshop concludes with an exploration of the ways in which these phenomena raise questions about current dominant paradigms in philosophy and science.Archetype of SacrificeThis workshop links Jung’s alchemical studies and his examination of the archetype of sacrifice to more recent research into the nature and dynamics of grandiose energies in the human psyche. In this program Robert Moore discusses how the decline of ritual containment of these energies in indigenous and traditional cultures has led to an epidemic of increased anxiety, addiction, and violent acting out.First, Moore introduces the role of the archetype of sacrifice and related techniques of ritual practice in human strategies of coping with the pressures of archetypal energies. Second, he links the failure of these traditional means to our current epidemic of narcissistic acting out. Third, he summarizes the ways in which recent research supports Jung and Edinger on the necessity of the achievement of an ego-Self axis—a conscious and willed sacrificial attitude in the individuation process. Finally, Moore outlines the clinical implications: the ways in which we must be much more specific in our understanding of the structure and dynamics of the ego-Self axis in relation to the analytical task. He discusses the implications of this understanding of sacrifice for our conceptualization of a truly Jungian understanding of a psychoanalytic “cure”—the task of optimizing the analysand’s conscious regulation of archetypal energies. In short, Dr. Moore argues that Jungian Analysis should return to its roots in a manner which draws upon the best in recent interdisciplinary research to build upon Jung’s foundational discoveries.Archetype, Compulsion and HealingIn this workshop, Dr. Moore  continues his series on the clinical implications of the structure of the collective unconscious. He discusses the relationship between archetype, compulsion, and fragmentation in human personality. Clinical implications for therapeutic strategies in integrative psychotherapy are  addressed. This workshop is a continuation of Dr. Moore’s studies in neo-Jungian structural psychoanalysis and integrative psychotherapy.Archetype, Compulsion and Complex: A Neo-Jungian Approach to Structural Diagnosis in the Practice ofIn this first advanced seminar following the introductory seminar, Structural Psychoanlysis and Integrative Psychotherapy (RM46), Dr. Moore shows how his discoveries can help get beyond a shallow focus on symptoms to the underlying structural deficits that issue in pathology and behavioral dysfunction both in individuals and in relationships. He explains the central role of powerful intrusions of archetypal energy in the formation of complex and symptom and shows how these intrusion lead to the particular patterns of fragmentation we note in the behavioral and cognitive presentations of patients. Dr. Moore addresses the way in which the new theoretical paradigm of neo-Jungian structural psychoanalysis helps make sense of the best research evidence on both the causes and the forms of psychopathology. He emphasizes the importance of structural diagnosis for adequate treatment planning.Divine Gender: Male Images and Experiences of GodJung’s psychology is unique in its high regard for religious ideas and images, but, above all, Jung emphasizes the profound importance of religious experience—the experience of the divine. His theory takes account of the psychological dynamics that occasion this experience, and his conceptualization helps us to understand and describe the experience without reducing it to a cause other than itself. This course examines the correspondence between Jung’s theories and the human experience of the divine, thereby helping us to understand and appreciate the mysterious workings of the religious function of the psyche. Georges Dumézil & “The New Comparative Mythology”: A Response from Jungian Structural Psychoanalysis Of the greatest scholars of mythology, perhaps the one who has received the least systematic attention by Jungian theoreticians has been Georges Dumézil, the controversial specialist in Indo-European mythology. His work at the College de France has been enormously influential in the fields of comparative folklore and mythology. In fact, his research was so influential that the work of scholars using his theories has been dubbed “the new comparative mythology.” Given psychoanalytic interest in discovering the coding of the deep structures of the unconscious, neglect of Dumézil’s work has left large amounts of significant cross-cultural research out of our reach and uninterpreted with regard to their significance for Jungian research. In this workshop Dr. Moore presents an introduction to Dumézil’s theories of mythology and then offers his reflections as to their significance for the development of research into the structures of the collective unconscious in general and the structure of the archetypal Self in particular. This workshop is the latest of a series on Jungian structural psychoanalysis and the collective unconscious being offered by Dr. Moore at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.Idealization and Evil: Perspectives from Jungian PsychoanalysisDr. Moore describes and analyzes the phenomena which we call idealizing transferences and projections.  Dr. Moore discusses the role of idealization in the normal developement of the self, and examines the nature and dynamics of pathological idealization.  Attention is given to psychological, political, and spiritual implications of this phenomenon.  Both lecture and experiental exercise are included.Dr. Robert Moore’s Website  and catalogue for more information in the links below. description catalogue CLASS D-LOAD INFOVIP+: Now Power-users+:3 monthsUsers: After the earth explodes If you were part of the original Robert Moore gb and at least an extreme user leave a comment requesting whitelist.Rest in Peace DR. Robert Moore (August 13, 1942 – June 18, 2016)


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