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Robert Gammal – ROOTED

Rooted (2006).avi
[1 DVD – avi ]

Description Exclusive and part of a Group Buy… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!Brought to you by the Holistic Dentistry Archive -Mercury Amalgam Detoxification and alternatives Group BuyGB Status OPENGB Thread HEREUPLOAD LIST – HERE ROOTED (2006)The concept that dentistry should only be answerable to other dentists has created a vacuum of care that affects the health of most people.  What is regarded as the ultimate in great dental care often leaves a trail of disease and death.In most 1st world countries the citizens are continually bombarded with the message that ‘we have the greatest standard of dental treatment in the world.’  we also hear things like ‘we are second to none’ and ‘our profession maintains the highest standards of care’.  Most of us want to believe this.  The people who run the profession want us to believe this.  Then if everyone BELIEVES this, no one will ask nasty questions.The reality is that dentistry is the single greatest cause of a wide range of degenerative diseases and refuses to take responsibility for this. Dentistry actively promotes the poisoning of people with mercury, the third most toxic substance known to man, in the form of dental mercury amalgam fillings. Dentistry promotes the concept that it is a GOOD idea to leave dead, gangrenous and anaerobically infected tissue in the body – this is called Root Canal Therapy. Dentistry actively promotes the mass medication of populations with RAT POISON – in the form of water fluoridation.  This mass medication is based on the false premise that rat poison will stop tooth decay.  This is blatantly false as there is ample evidence which demonstrates that fluoride does not stop or reduce tooth decay.ReviewsDavid Kennedy, DDSPast President International Academy of Oral Medicine and ToxicologyRobert Gammal’s newest animated feature film “Rooted” is a must see for anyone who has, is contemplating having or knows some one who has a root canal. Somehow the director has managed to make this otherwise boring topic a riveting and even entertaining presentation. Robert explains in elegant detail both with animation and interviews of victims who were injured by their own dead teeth exactly what is wrong with trying to retain dead teeth in the body. His 78 minute film relies heavily upon peer reviewed scientific research over the last 80 years that has more than adequately demonstrated the very real and dangerous problems with dead teeth.Robert is well aware to the resistance of the dental profession andsometimes the public to new and controversial information. To better facilitate the scholars in the audience he has combined his film with the web site where he has posted all of the relevant scientific studies and copies of the actual correspondence with supposed root canal experts. This not only lends credibility to an otherwise controversial subject it tells the viewers that this director really did his homework before he spoke. When Robert speaks be sure you listen.Website - + No


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