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Robert Bly – The Masculine Road: The Red, White and Black



You don’t make a boy into a man simply by feeding him a certain kind of food,” says Bly, as he describes the three necessary and sequential life phases symbolized by three colors–the “red, white and black,” in the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tale “Iron John.” He casts a penetrating light on these male life stages, describing complications that arise, for example, when a boy skips the red and goes directly to the white. He also discusses how these stages, when fulfilled, affect men’s relationships with women. 1 hour…Available to all. Note from uploader:This is a very important audio. What he talks about in this audio is something that resonated with me deeply. He talks about the path to becomming a man and how the color red is associated with it and how the ancient warrior tribes used red in the initiations of boys becomming men. ( red signifying BLOOD SHED ).Very beautiful audio by Robert Bly.


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