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Robbie & Miss Jamie (LVO3) – Pass Her Shit Tests

Robbie & Miss Jamie – Pass Her Shit Tests.mp3
[1 MP3]



Thank Sean Messenger for being such a cool guy, all credit goes to him.“Let’s just be friends!”“Are you a player?”“Where did you learn that line?”You’ve heard them. Or you’ve had nightmares about hearing them. The dreaded tests. You like her, and you think she likes you, but she keeps throwing up these challenges, like giant hurdles on a steeplechase.And as hard as you try, you keep hitting them full speed and falling on your face.What if a smart, sexy, confident woman finally came clean about her tests, and told you exactly how to pass dreaded tests?What if you got the playbook directly from women. This is like going into a football game with the other team’s playbook!I’ve got an insanely-good new podclass this week, and because you put in the time and effort to invest in yourself to get good with women, you might as well get GREAT.Let me tell you the story of a man who became great.Robbie Kramer was a student of mine. He was charming and funny and successful and smart. He was cute. Girls liked him. So naturally he became a pickup artist. And then he got so good at it, he became a pickup instructor.But he didn’t become any different. He stayed the same.All that time, all that money, all the expertise gained in learning about women only to find himself exactly where he started. It was like spending thousands on a journey around the world only to arrive back home with no memory of the trip.That is, until he learned how to really go for what he wanted.He got the girl he thought he could never get. And this week, he’s going to tell you EXACTLY how he did it.See, when you challenge yourself to do something you’ve never done before, you will find all sorts of obstacles, roadblocks, and tests along the way. And when you are dealing with smart, beautiful, confident women, we in the love-makin’ biz call those things by a very special name.Shit Tests.That’s right. You say you want it to be easy, but it never is. She’s not here to make it easy for you. You want her? You want all the sexy that comes along with an amazing woman? Then you’d better be ready to handle it. Just like a Ferrarri Testarossa isn’t made for just any dumb kid to drive, the best women aren’t made for any dumb guy.If you don’t know what you are doing with beautiful women, they will rip you to shreds. But if you do know, well, there’s a world of pleasure and joy and pure satisfaction that most men can only dream of.This is what you’ll get in this groundbreaking one-hour with Robbie and Jamie: •  The real reason she will test you and never ever stop •  A simple tweak that makes you BULLETPROOF to her tests! •  A smart, sexy, confident woman finally comes clean about her tests, and tells you exactly how to pass dreaded tests like… •  Get her even if she KNOWS you study pickup (the dreaded PUA trap) •  You get the playbook directly from women. This is like going into a football game with the other team’s playbook! •  How to get her EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT HER TYPE.Now it is going to become your reality. Listen to “Pass Her Tests” with Robbie Kramer and Miss Jamie now.


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