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Robbie Kramer – How a Golf & Poker Geek Became Successful with Women and Dating – 21 Convention

[1 MP3]



Here is Robbie Kramer’s recent speech at the 21 convention. Robbie is one of the better coaches in the Industry. He was on Mark Manson’s blogroll for awhile, and is known to be great and dosen’t advocate one-size-fits-all solutions, but solutions that WORK and are EFFECTIVE in the real world. I know Eric Disco (another legit coach) also vouches for him too.  He’s been a coach since Pickup 101 days and has been a coach for a couple of years. Been in the game for 8 years. Listen to the speech, it seems he’s been through everything:-early stuff (routines, fake it till you make it, ‘outer game’, mystery method stuff)-Inner work (affirmations, eft, hypnotism, chakra aligning) – he spent a huge amount of time/money on personal development and inner work-etc, etc, etc, the list goes on. Now he reveals what ACTUALLY works. This actually aligns with alot of the ‘legit’ stuff we have here – mark manson type ‘being authentic’, being a man, stuff. Check it out you guys. He’s a good coach. —-He has new program out: check out the GB:


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