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Rob Biernacki & Stephan Kesting – Modern Leg Lock Formula

Modern Leg Lock Formula
[WebRip – 158 MP4, 1 PDF]


The Modern Leglock Formula“The single best resource or instructional on leglocks I’ve ever seen”After years of research and development The Modern Leglock Formula with Rob Biernacki and Stephan Kesting is out!This ultimate guide to leglocking in the modern era by these two well-known BJJ black belts instructors is available both as a 6 DVD set, and also in an online format that you can access instantly on your computer, phone, or tablet.This resource will give you a proven,step-by-step system for safely adding ultra-effective lower body submissions to your game.  Now you can add the same leglock techniques and strategies that have transformed the grappling scene to your own submission arsenal.Leglocks Are the Great EqualiserLeglocks are the hottest area of jiu-jitsu right now, and that’s for a good reason…They are the great equaliser and give you a totally unfair advantage on the mat. Leglocks allow you to go against people who should be completely dominating you, turn the tables, and tap them out instead.Leglocks are the easiest way to submit a more experienced grappler.We’re at a funny stage now in jiu-jitsu… There are lots of grapplers who are super skilled at the traditional upper body submissions but are still absolute beginners at leglocks. It’s not the way it should be, but many BJJ black belts are wizards at armbars and triangle chokes but only white belts when it comes to understanding the lower body game.This creates a HUGE opportunity for you right now to submit higher belts.  All you need is to know what to do.The leglock game is a very technical battle, and a little bit of knowledge goes a long way. So having even a bit more knowledge in this area than someone else allows you to move into attacks confidently, knowing that he probably won’t have an answer to them.It’s simple: if your opponent has ignored leglocks then you’ll be able to tap him easily, even if if he’s been training three times longer than you have.Leglocks are also the best way to tap out someone much stronger than you.Bigger, stronger guys are always scary. Even if you catch them in a submission then they can often just power out of it.  For example, a big guy can literally bicep curl his way out of an armbar, and someone with a really thick neck can often survive your triangle choke.One excellent answer is not to even engage them in an upper body battle of strength.  Instead change the game and go to the legs.First of all, it’s much safer. Once you catch someone in a leg entanglement it’s extremely difficult for him to get to their feet and get his weight back on top of you.  That’s because you’re controlling his legs and his base until the the exact moment that you attack with your final submission.And then, the best part is that size is no defense against a properly executed leglock.That’s because with modern leglocks you attack the smallest portion of his leg – the tiny muscles and ligaments that don’t scale up with size.  And you’re doing it with  your biggest, most powerful muscles.It’s a totally unfair contest, one you’re going to win every time.The Leglock Game is Changing.Leglocks have been around a long time, but in the last few years they have become much more sophisticated, powerful, and effective.New strategies and transitions have been developed.  The control positions have been refined.  And the actual submissions themselves are now applied in a different way that requires much less strength.These innovations have resulted in leglocks becoming the dominant submission in no gi grappling competitions like EBI, Polaris, and ADCC (plus they’ve had a resurgence in MMA as well.)So in the modern era you can’t only attack half the body!Like it or not, the leglocks are coming.And when it comes to defense, then it’s only a matter of time until someone jumps on your legs. If you don’t know the lower body game then you’re going to end up tapping out multiple times in a single sparring session, or losing that big competition just a few seconds after stepping on the mat. You don’t want to end up in a submission that you have NO idea how to defend.You just can’t stick your head in the sand and hope that this part of jiu-jitsu goes away.The difference between success and being left behind here is knowledge. Knowing what to do gives you options, both when it comes to leglock attack and defense.You don’t want to be left behind in this area of jiu-jitsu.


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