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Riccardo Gueli – The Secret Potency Report 2.0

The Secret Potency Report 2.0.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


This is Riccardo Gueli, and I will keep this short, starting with a fair warning:If you follow the recommendations I make in my eBook “The Secret Potency Report” and yet don’t see the same penis size gains in a MONTH that you would otherwise see in THREE months then you might need to check your pulse.Here’s why:It is very well-known in the bodybuilding universe that the nutrients you put into your body (i.e. the proteins, vitamins, carbs, fats, and so on) play a far more important role in increasing the size of your muscles than the actual weight-training.The weights only trigger the muscle growth, while the actual gains in muscle size come from the food you put into your mouth.”Hang on, I thought the penis was not a muscle!” I hear you. But did you know while the penis is not ENTIRELY a muscle, it IS made up in part of smoothe muscle tissue that plays a vital part in the size and quality of your erections?Did you know that it is the smoothe muscle tissue that makes the actions of Acetylecholine (a neurotransmitter that influences the size, shape and hardness of your erections) possible?What you and I both know for a fact is, just like your other body parts, your penis is governed by the same make-break-remake mechanisms that renew your whole body on a continuous basis.Infact, on a purely physical (cellular) level, you are entirely a “new person” as opposed to what you were a year ago. Yes, you are still the same person. You still likely bear the same name. The same date-of-birth. The same history of deranged ex-girlfriends (or whatever). But on a cellular level, new cells have likely replaced ALL the old ones, and you are therefore biologically “new”.How you utilize your body and, most importantly, how you FEED your body on a continuous basis influences the quality of this cellular renewal, which in turn affects your physical shape and functionality… and… this inevitably extends to include your penis.Now if you have been faithfully at it with your penis enlargement program, following the exact “Timetable” outlined for you and carefully cranking out every single exercise, and yet you haven’t been feeding yourself in a specific way that aids your penile size-gains, then…”We Need To Talk”See, the problem is not that the blood won’t reach your penis in order to heal it.The problem is the blood looses MUCH of its nutrients and its alkalinity while circulating in your other (more vital) organs FIRST before reaching your extremities, such as your fingers, toes, scalp, and yes… your genitals.This is infact a blessing, as without this mechanism in place, your vital organs will be famished, and you won’t be around for too long.Nonetheless, when it comes to making the fastest penile size gains in the shortest time humanly possible, it can be a curse! Your blood will have less nutrients to spare, and since it is more acidic by the time it reaches the penis, what nutrients your blood CAN spare down there won’t efficiently enter your penile cells.”So what?” Here’s what… Your penile tissues will heal slower which means your girth and length gains will also be slower.The idea behind the “fastest penis size gains in the shortest time” is really quite simple:The Faster You Heal, TheQuicker You Will Grow! And for that to happen, your blood needs to be as packed with extra nutrients and as alkalized as possible. What’s more, your blood vessels must be unclogged and complimented by increased cardio-vascular strength, paving the way for more increased blood-flow (both increased “passive” blood flow for on-the-go healing, and increased “active” blood flow for efficient size and erection quality).And that is why I find it tragic that almost none of the “PE Programs” out there give this VITAL aspect of penile enhancement the attention it deserves (and the ones that do usually only skim through this) when in all likelihood it is possibly the most important piece of the “male enhancement” puzzle.Remember this rule of thumb:Penis Enlargement Exercises Only Trigger.The Building Is Done By The RIGHT Nutrients!Here’s the good news: I have discovered the four foods that, more than any other, MORE than provide you with all the nutrients you need (and then some!) in order to make this a consistent reality.Infact, when combined in the recipe I outline in “The Secret Potency Report”, these four foods pack your blood with more nutrition PER DAY than most food will give you in a MONTH!The “potency recipe” I will teach you to make in the comfort of your own home using a blender (and it takes less than two minutes to prepare) will…    *      Widen your blood vessels, allowing for greater blood flow to and from your penis,    *      Nourish and therefore enhance your cardio-vascular strength like NO other food can,    *      Fully pack your blood with all the vital minerals you could possibly need,    *      Increase your “Human Growth Hormone” and “Insulin Growth Factor” levels,    *      Safely increase the amount of USABLE testosterone in your system, and increase vital neurotransmission levels in your penis,    *      Provide you with all the “Vital Energy” (recognized by many names throughout the ancient world, among them “qi” in the orient) you could ever derive from food,    *      Pack your blood with all the myriad of healing macro-nutrients you could possibly need to ensure your penis heals as quickly as possible,    *      Sufficiently ALKALIZE your blood for increased expulsion of metabolic wastes and increased nutrient uptake (which means increased healing rate!)And you know the best part? These foods have a combined cost ofLESS Than a Regular CappuccinoAt Starbucks Per Day!I will teach you the EXACT varieties of these foods to look out for in healthfood stores, and the exact variety to avoid like the plague if you do not want to be cheated off your money and, in some cases, off your health!I will also teach how how to best utilize this recipe for maximum absorption, and exactly how to time it with your body’s natural healing cycle and the timing of your penis enlargement exercises for maximum healing in the shortest time possible.”Is there such a thing as ‘reduced benefits'” – Yes there is, and I will show you the three common mistakes you need to avoid if you do not want the benefits you derive from these foods counteracted by unintentional carelessness. These mistakes are so common that, if you are like most guys, you are likely to commit at least one of them in the next 30 minutes! Learn what they are, why you need to avoid them, and how doing so keeps your penis enlargement progress uninterrupted.But wait, I am not going to stop there!I will teach you how to use this recipe to help you last much longer in bed, and in record time. Infact, if you have been suffering from “premature ejaculation” or coming too soon, you will learn how to obliterate this problem from your life once and for all… and FAST!This problem simply WON’T stand a chance against the power of what you are about to unleash from the recipe, and the dint of your own will, and I will show you exactly how.Finally, you will be able to learn of a secret way to increase the size of your penis without resorting to endless hours of penis enlargement exercises. Not only is this secret a much, MUCH more enjoyable (not to mention more effective) alternative to jelqing and stretching, but a pleasant side-effect is your woman will practically worship the ground you walk on.Without spilling too many beans, the secret involves: Increasing the thickness of the vaginal walls (in record time), dramatically improving the vagina’s responsiveness, and a follow-up technique that allows you to create a “vacuum effect” inside the vagina for maximum “grip” and contact with your shaft.If you thought “jelqing” was effective, wait until you see what I have got in store for you. There is quite simply nothing like this taught ANYWHERE else, and this alone is worth the small asking price of “The Secret Potency Report” many, many times over. Now before you make a decision, I want you to relax… and imagine yourself a month or two from now… You have broken through your plateaus, and are now inches longer and thicker. Everytime you see yourself in the mirror, or visit a restroom, or change in the locker room, you emit a sigh of relief as a trail of bliss courses through your body. It’s the sort of bliss that unmistakeably communicates: “Mission Accomplished” and that is when you know, this is one area in your life that you have finally taken care of.You knew all along that a bigger member was NOT an absolute “pre-requisit” for giving women wild orgasms, but now you’ve come to realize that was never the point.You’ve come to appreciate how a bigger size puts your own mind at ease… how it enables you to RELAX into new-found sexual power… how it makes embracing your innate masculinity that much more doable and enjoyable.Because you are no longer haunted by yesterday’s self-doubts and insecurities, you are finally able to “get out of your own head” and instead tune in to the needs of your girl. As a result, you are more present when you talk dirty to her… more present when you tune in to her breathing, her moans, her heartbeats… more present when you kiss her, taste her, smell her, touch her, study every nuance of her being… more present when you finally enter her… …And because many “sexual positions” are now easier to execute, your new-found skills with sexual acrobatics finally enable you to enjoy sexual adventures that are physically more involving, exciting, thrilling and HEALTHY than they were a few short months back, adding more richness, variety and sparkle to your love life.You well up with pride when as your girl teases you about how she had been “bragging” to her other girlfriends about… not only your size… but your physical and PSYCHIC abilities in the bedroom (which you know are a direct RESULT of your increased size).You can now approach a pretty stranger with greater confidence, or even your current partner with greater self-assurance… knowing that when it comes time to conquer the bedroom, insecurities and self-doubts that had once plagued you and fuelled your “approach anxiety” are now completely vaporized from your life, replaced with the sort of irresistable confidence that comes – not from self-talk – but from truly “knowing” your strengths, which only adds to the allure of your personality.  And when your woman responds to your full, undivided presence deep inside her in a way that can never be mistaken with “fakeness”, it is here that you will remember…”Size Is Not Everything, But One Of TheBEST MEANS To Everything” And all that stands between you and that reality is just a tiny $37.Look, this might not be for you. But since you’ve read this far, I take it your penis size might be a cause for concern. Or maybe you just want to improve your already “OK” dimensions. Eitherway, I have made it my mission to help you put this part of your life to rest once, and for all.


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