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Realsubliminal – Boost self esteem

Realsubliminal – Boost Self Esteem
[1CdRip – 4WAV]



Boost Self Esteem SubliminalBoost Self EsteemLearn to love yourself! Increase your self esteem with the help of our powerful subliminal mp3 album!There are several identifiable symptoms of no self esteem and no confidence sufferers, can you see yourself in any of the statements below?    Do you suffer from a low self image, or have a low opinion of your self worth?    Do you often feel inferior to other people?    Are you constantly comparing yourself to other people?    Are you easily affected by other peoples opinions of you? or when you receive criticism    Does being rejected, either by the opposite sex, by your peers, or even within your social circle upset you more than it should?    Do you feel you have to prove yourself to other people?    Do you feel that you NEED to be good at something all the time?    Do you find yourself putting others down in an attempt to put yourself above them?If you recognize yourself in any of the statements above then you suffer from low self esteem issues in some form or other. It is no use trying to work on the problems above individually; you need to work on the cause – i.e. your low self esteem, and low self image. If you can improve your self image and self esteem you will notice you will no longer try to impress people all the time, or worry what other people think about you.Building self esteem can be difficult, but you can do it with the help of this subliminal album: Improve your self esteem from the inside out by targeting the root cause – your mind! Here’s how this album will help you:    Re-Program your mind to change your opinion of yourself into a more positive one.    Train your mind to relax and stop worrying what other people think of you all the time.    Develop a stronger state of mind to be less affected by rejection, and other peoples criticism.    Increase your confidence – become comfortable just being yourself.    Increase your natural belief in yourself, without the need to prove yourself to anyone.    Increase your natural self pride, and self respect.    Remove any mental barriers to success, and eliminate and negative thoughts that might hinder your progress.Start respecting yourself, do not continue to live your life with these low self opinions and feelings of inferiority.This album will ultimately allow you to view yourself as someone of high value, who is not dependent upon other peoples responses all the time, and allow you to start living your life how you want to!Boost Self Esteem Front CD CoverBoost Self Esteem CD+ BONUS free subliminal track! We also give you a 4th subliminal track which is completely silent containing key messages from the first 3 tracks. Listen to this subliminal track anywhere, anytime for maximum exposure.


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