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Real Social Dynamics – Flawless Natural 6 AVI DVDs 2.5GIGS

Real Social Dynamics – Flawless Natural 6 AVI DVDs 2.5GIGS
[6 DVDs – 6 AVIs]



First of all, I am aware that there are already individual DVDs of this program in seed, however I figured some people might want to download them all at once.  There was one which included all of them, but it was like 16 gigs or something.  I am hoping that people will appreciate the smaller file size while retaining decent quality.  Also, some people might prefer AVI files.  My intention is to benefit the community, as it has benefited me.Also, here is the accompanying pdf product: is some of the sales pitch, though you’re probably familiar:Tim’s “Total Method” For Reaching The Super Abundant Level Of Choice With Women That Most Guys Only Fantasize About In Their Most Testosterone-Fuelled Daydreams(As Opposed To LIVING It In Real Life)So what wondrous goodies does Tim have in store for YOU??Over the past six months Tim has been hard at work developing an entirely new “Total Method” that will finally reveal to you the sheer shocking effectiveness of natural game.Tim has taken it to the next level here – where beyond being a LIVING MODEL for what he teaches and an OTHER-WORLDLY instructor of success with girls…he has now created an ultra refined “transfer method” of uploading it from his head to yours.We’re talking about a super practical step-by-step breakdown of his entire unique approach that makes it instantly implementable and easy for you to use.It’s called the “Flawless Natural Method” – and it consists of Tim’s THREE never-seen-before components to take you light years ahead in your results:  1) The Flawless Attitude, 2) The Flawless 5 Step Method, and 3) The Flawless Ecosystem.This is a lot of TAKING YOU BY THE HAND and teaching you the step by step OUTER TECHNIQUE from open-to-close.As you can expect from Tim, it’s very light on theory and focused instead on teaching you his secret framework that will blow up your immediate response from women literally the same night you put it to the test.Tim is a man about simplicity, conciseness, no nonsense, and going straight to the point.He is a legend among dating community insiders because in spite of the devastating dominance of his approach (and deity-type results), his success with women is so NORMAL and DOWN TO EARTH.Tim does not believe in being flashy just for the sake of being flashy…He approaches the girl and states what’s on his mind, unleashes a barrage of personality which creates a rhythm for the duration of the night, and then simply says “Let’s go…”Simultaneously Tim is the man most fearless and daring with women you will ever witness.The dude knows precisely what he wants, steps up, and TAKES it – much to the woman’s fascination and delight.(This is where the whole “the way the game is meant to be played” reputation originated from – because it is every man’s ideal for their own skills).The power of Tim’s method lies in teaching you to tap into your CORE MASCULINE INTENT and combine your undiscovered skill for bringing a surge of positive energy (aka – the WOOO!) with your innate FURY of passion for the women who attract you.And the freakiest part of is…when you’ve got this down rejection no longer exists (you’ll see what I mean).You simply DON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT because you bring nothing but pure value and positivity by using the “Flawless Natural” methodology.Tim is about reconnecting you to your deeper purpose for approaching women, and tapping into that as fuel for your approach.He will unveil to you the hidden roles that you and the girl play within a social interaction, and how to hit a rhythmic sweet spot that leads you both towards harmony (aka – flirtation, happiness, and passionate physical ecstasy).You will forge a mental link where seeing the girl generates an internal reflex of instant charisma, and then ride the wave from “open to close” with effortless ease.This is a TOTAL METHOD which means you will know EXACTLY WHAT TO DO.Tim is about to enlighten you with his ultimate hidden code for unlimited success, and these secrets will rapidly change your dating life in ways you can only dream about today.Discover The Hard To Find “X-Factor” That Allows You To Generate Charm And Charisma In Infinite SupplySee, most people think of success with women as having TWO main layers.The first is the layer of “inner confidence”.This allows you to approach the girl with a “full cup” of your own internal happiness instead of as an “empty vessel” waiting to be filled.It empowers you with an unshakeable foundation of self esteem to see the girl you want and STEP UP – as well as the core centeredness which shines through and makes her trust you instinctively as a man.From there you have the second layer that is “outer technique”.This is the subtle skill of grabbing the girl’s attention away from whatever she’s busy doing – and blasting through the various social barriers that are preventing the two of you from hooking up.It arms you with the step-by-step skill of leading the interaction with the girl you like from “open to close” – so it also plays an important role in your success.But what most folks fail to realize is that there is a THIRD absolutely crucial layer that consistently separates the successful elite from the poor suckers who flounder.And that is the “X-Factor” or “Special Sauce” that is likeability and charisma and charm.This is what transforms you into a guy who is FUN TO HOOK UP WITH and ADDICTIVE to be around.It is such a rare quality because it is more of an ON-THE FLY FREQUENCY or SUBTLE VIBE that you have to tune into.You can think about it like this…When a buddy of yours introduces you to new people, do you automatically assume that you’ll be accepted and well liked??Or when you go to apply for a job, are you certain the employers will think it would be fun to have you around??Or let’s say your roommate has a girl coming to the house and she’s bringing over a cute friend, do you instantly know it’s going to be “ON”??Well, being FLAWLESS means there is NO QUESTION any of these every day social scenarios are EVER an issue for you.You’re coming from a position of LOGICALLY knowing you have the CONTAGIOUS TYPE OF PERSONALITY that is addictive for people to be around.This comes from your own style of rhythms, expressions, jokes and mannerisms that grip your mind in a “happy reality” and prevent anything but pure glory and positivity from entering into your “personal realm”.And the coolest part…When you reach this level you can approach girls with an UNWAVERING UNREACTIVE CONFIDENCE that comes from a total anticipated response of warm and attracted response.Once you’ve got this ability, you’ve got it PERMANENTELY.It’s a load that has now been taken off of your mind, and you never have to think about it ever again.That’s why Tim’s “transfer method” for uploading it from his head to yours is so devastatingly effective.Tim transforms you by 1) exposing you to hours of unstoppable charisma, 2) his step-by-step “total method” that will teach you everything you need to know, and 3) LIVE IN FIELD VIDEO FOOTAGE of himself out meeting women himself.You will rapidly internalize the years of “in the trenches” dating wisdom from every angle possible – and discover a newfound level of social success that you can enjoy every day for the rest of your life.You Will Hyperventilate And Gasp For Air As Tim BURIES You With A Half A Decade’s Worth Of Dating GeniusThe Flawless Natural Method is a six disc program that’s bursting at the seams with over half a decade of Tim’s knowledge and experience.Tim’s presentation has been polished over many months of preparation to ENLIVEN you like nothing you have ever experienced.It is raw, uncut, and specifically designed to explode your reality of what’s possible and shortcut your learning curve by as much as several years.


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