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Raw Food – Mom’s Summit

[24 MP3s]


Raw Mom Summit was a 9 day event in which many different people from the raw food movement were interviewed. The file names are the names of the person interviewed. For more info on the individuals interviewed, check the website at is the info from the web site: What if you could gather together some of the most inspirational health leaders in the world and get them together in the same place for 9 days to discuss the subjects of nutrition, pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and other family health care issues?What if you could get YOUR concerns addressed about how to succeed on a healthy diet or how to feed your children the best food? What if you could finally get answers to your questions about:What to do about Fertility, Ovulation and Conscious Conception?How to prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy, Labor and Childbirth?What is Attachment Parenting?Which natural remedies to use when your children are sick?How to feed a meat-eating partner if you are vegetarian or vegan?What should you feed yourself when you’re overwhelmed with cravings?How to get kids excited and involved in their own food-prep?What to do when our kids rebel against our healthy diet?What is going on with the Bees and why is it so important?How to shrink our Carbon Footprint?What is Sustainability and Permaculture?What Super Foods are BEST for kids?Exactly what IS the healthiest diet?What are the best ways to Raise Children Naturally?What are the lesser-known common pit-falls of a Raw Food Diet?Which foods help or hinder our Hormones?What are the issues around Veganism, B-12 and Protein?What do Raw children eat?How to get picky eaters to crave their veggies?Which foods help kids transition and stick to a healthier diet?What are the other Top Lifestyle Factors besides diet for longevity?What if you could get the answers to all these questions and a WHOLE LOT MORE while washing dishes in your pajamas and bouncing a babe on your hip at the same time?Sound too good to be true?Well, not if we’re talking about an exciting new event that has been put together by two self-employed mothers with the spunk and determination to get these questions answered by some of the most outstanding experts in the world!Introducing…THE RAW MOM SUMMITTo your better health! Enjoy!


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