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Ramtha – That Elixir Called Love – The Truth about Sexual Attraction, Secret Fantasies, and the Magic of True Love

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I would like to share the book review by Mount Shasta Magazine: This book was compiled by transcribing teachings by Ramtha, a 35,000 year old entity, speaking through the body of JZ Knight to his students. Some of it is upsetting. Much of it is encouraging and uplifting. That Elixir Called Love deals with humanity’s search for love through the attractions, agendas and addictions of the first three “seals” of the body. The seals are positioned in seven locations throughout the body and are, in Ramtha’s teachings, places where the body interacts with seven levels of mind and awareness. Of the three seals in question, the first is at the base of the spine, and is about sex; the second, in the abdomen, is about seeking attention through illness and calamity; and the third in the solar plexus, is about power. None of them are about love.According to this book, most men have been addicted to the first seal, sex, whereas most women deal with life from the third seal, power. This is why men have feared and disempowered women, who rest naturally in a more powerful consciousness. Women, in order to survive in a patriarchal society where they have been put down and robbed of power, have usually stepped down their energy from the third seal in order to meet a man’s energy. They have tried to make their faces and bodies enticing to men, so that they and their children could be protected and provided for.Ramtha’s advice to women: “Don’t use your sexuality to find another husband. Use your God to find yourself . . . When we are totally fulfilled in ourself, everyone else is company. Do you understand? That is the most desirable woman on the face of the earth.”And to men he says: “The day that the man no longer is connected to his penis but is connected to his fourth seal and works arduously to be that and still considers himself a God, not a man, is the day that he is nearer to God and he is on the equal precipice with women.” The fourth seal in this teaching is the heart.The first three seals are about emotion. “All emotion is a narcotic,” says the Ram. “You are addicted to your emotions.” Emotion demands that things be always new and different. Men coming from the first seal may say to a partner “I love you,” when the desire is simply for sex. But when the first flush of sexual fulfillment is over, boredom sets in and one or both partners begin to fantasize about being with different people.One of the most disturbing, eye opening parts of this book describes how our attitudes and fantasies during lovemaking determine the child who is conceived.Ramtha teaches that women are more likely to use the second seal to become ill or have accidents, so that they receive attention. And to the third seal gravitate those who want the longest orgasm of all–power over others–such as gurus, executives, ministers.Love is in the now. If genuine love exists between a couple, no Kama Sutra is needed. Love in the moment holds our complete attention. This love comes from the fourth seal of the heart, and higher. In that arena, we are attending to what is eternal in our partner, the soul and divinity.There is a fascinating section about St. Germain and Don Juan at a dinner party. St. Germain speaks of immortality, while Don Juan is his usual seductive self. Which receives all the attention? From this is garnered that the most desirable any of us can be is not merely a body. Not a man, not a woman. But God, our spiritual divine self.About amnesiacs, Ramtha says that as they feel no emotion from their past, they become younger; emotion equals time. And they are able to create cleanly and powerfully because nothing from their past holds them back. We need to break our repetitive emotional cycles. “The miracle exists out of emotional time,” he says.Of people with multiple personalities, one personality may have a disease-ridden, even terminally ill body. The next instant, another personality takes over the same body and it is disease-free, demonstrating that we are not a body, we are a mind.Ramtha encourages us to become the “Observer,” the high self which sees, knows and loves all without getting stuck in emotional attachment. Also, to not be a gender. “The clearest, cleanest, fastest way to manifestation is to create without gender. Then it happens straightaway.”About love with another person, Ramtha says “To fall in love with a person, another human being, has got to be the direct result of first falling in love with you.””And the reflection of love as a many-splendored thing is essentially the reflection of ourself, and then when we look in this mirror, we are looking at another entity . . .[who] smiles and we smile, that its eyes dance and our eyes dance, and that when we come together, full body, and we touch, the only thing that separates us is that it is an illusion of our own reflection. Then we are in splendor.”In one overview statement, towards the end, the Ram says: “[Love] is a many-splendored thing. It is a phenomenon, and yet it is the basis of life itself because we are, in the greater view, loved into life. We are loved by a higher order that is so passionately involved with us that but for that passion, we would literally be nothing; with no memory, no past, no present, no future, no hope. We would be a nothing.”The last section of the book is a transcription of JZ Knight’s telling the group of her experiences with Ramtha, and it is quite moving.All in all, I have read no book I would recommend more highly. It gives food for thought and action for a long, long time.


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