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Ralph Losey – Prima Sounds – Masterpieces of Psychoactive Music

Ralph Losey – Prima Sounds2
[ 1 CD – 1 FLAC , 2 TXT , 1 JPG ]



Ralph Losey – Prima Sounds – Masterpieces of Psychoactive MusicChakra music, Meditative/ FLACInformationDisc PrimaSounds contains 50 minutes of meditation music tones and 10 minutes to set up the seven chakras, the music has a special “fractal” structure, where instead of the traditional melody and rhythm are used resonance chakras and artfully created “chaotic musical forms.” The resulting fractal harmonies stimulate not only the seven energy centers (chakras), but all the human energy field (chi). This allows you to enter slushatelyav his or her “strange attractor” (t, e the unique structure of the energy field). In addition, PrimaSounds aligns activity hemispheres of the brain, helping to expand the perception and increase the speed of information processing. The disc is ideal for relaxation, including during the massages, to focus, work with the energies of the body, visualization, and most types of meditation and spiritual practice.PrimaSounds uses a unique musical scale open a professor of the Academy of Arts at the University of Vienna, Arnold Kaiserling, notes and intervals of its pentatonicheskoy scale is fundamentally different from all other scales are tied to the vibrations of the basic energies of the body and have a direct impact on the state of consciousness. This provides a powerful physiological properties PrimaSounds, which should be used sostorozhnostyu.PrimaSounds – truly “fractal music ‘is used instead of the traditional melody, rhythm and resonance of the chakras and artfully created” chaotic musical forms, the sequence of its notes and chords at first glance may seem random, but after a while, when the resonance effect is manifested in music the form of altered states of consciousness, becomes visible and hidden in the fourth dimension order. fractal harmonies stimulate not only the seven energy centers or chakras and all human energy field which in Chinese is called “chi.” This expands the consciousness, leading him, followed by energy field, in a unique for each person stable dynamic state, referred to as chaos theory, strange attractor. ” In this state the person wakes up from sleep or waking, in the words of Charles Tart, socially conditioned trance, thereby obtaining the opportunity to realize their true potential of their true capabilities.Wide frequency range PrimaSounds designed to audition and perception, not only with their ears, and his whole body. Fractal vibrations resonate with the right hemisphere of the brain, stimulating it and thus leading the listener from the typical ‘left hemisphere’ to a holistic perception of when consciousness expands to the whole body listening to a disc gives deep relaxation, increases awareness and can serve as the key to deep states associated with self-knowledge and creativity, which are called “whirlpool bath”, “bathroom” they are called because they relax the body purify the soul and mind.Instructions for listeningListen PrimaSounds a peaceful quiet place, preferably with your eyes closed, back and head is desirable to keep upright. Sounds should be treated the whole body, not just the ears, so clothing should be light. Stop the internal dialogue and focus on new experiences. If you stop the internal dialogue is causing your painful tension, turn the attention to the movement of sound in time, rhythmic beats, the sound vibrations themselves. Music should be played loud enough it can be felt all over, especially the response of the abdomen, spine and head.From time to time may be slightly rotating the head or move to another place of the room. Celebrate how the perception of sound when your ears fall into different areas of standing sound waves. Watching these vibrations, including (not opposing) the resonance effects created by sound waves, you will not notice how your discursive thinking, anxiety and stress naturally replaced by positive feelings. Incidentally, many people when listening PrimaSounds like spontaneously sing at times especially long notes, it greatly enhances the resonance effects. Repeat a few deep breaths and drawling sing on one note. Watch for emerging beats to tune exactly to resonance with one of the main music.To listen to PrimaSounds critical is the quality of the equipment. Sounding music has a direct impact on the energetics of the listener, so quality playback of vibrations is very important. Poor equipment, especially speakers can make a harmful distortions, which reduce to nothing all the beneficial effects. If the same quality equipment as long as you do not afford them, simply do not include the large volume.


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