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Quantum Techniques – Steve & Beth Daniel – Truth Techniques II

Quantum Techniques – Truth Techniques II – Steve & Beth Daniel
[1 CD – MP3, 1 PDF]


This new exclusive material is part of the The Greatest Advanced EFT Techniques group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: Techniques II: Understanding and Clearing Toxin SensitivitiesAuthor: Quantum Techniques – Steve & Beth DanielPublished: 2008Description:  1 CD ripped to 256k .MP3, 1 PDF – 28 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked.Truth Techniques II“Food sensitivity, whether described as an allergy or as an energy toxin, is at the root of almost all chronic health issues.” So begins Truth Techniques II: Understanding and Clearing Toxin Sensitivities Truth Techniques II explores the relationship between energy toxins and health and provides healing codes to clear the major toxin categories.Because of the changes in our food supply and eating habits over the years, people are eating the same foods over and over again, exposing them to soy, corn, wheat and dairy at almost every meal. The result is a heightened sensitivity to these foods. In addition, the writers have found food toxins to play a major role in all addictions and that every addict with whom they have worked was sensitive to one of the six most common foods. Truth Techniques II was developed to help people determine which are the offending toxins and clear them, if appropriate.In addition to food sensitivities, Truth Techniques II addresses other energy toxins, such as inhalants, injectants and contactants. Many times a person with chronic upper back and neck tension is toxic to his or her laundry soap and fabric softener. Testing for this and then changing to a non-offending product can make a major difference for people with this problem. When addressing foods, people can learn to determine, on a daily basis, whether or not a food will tax their system. A person can test differently to a particular food, depending on whether or not he or she is stressed or if it is served in combination with other foods. By learning to test yourself each day, you can learn to maximize your dietary choices.By using the self-testing method of your choice (from Truth Techniques I), you can find out which foods are toxic for you. You can also use that technique to test the various codes under each section to see which would be most helpful to you. You can use the technique to determine how much and how often you can consume the food. Sometimes it is necessary to avoid a food for awhile in order for the body to heal before being able to clear the food. You can then use the codes contained in Truth Techniques II to clear the food or other toxins, including: Inhalants, Contactants, Injectants, Toxic People’s Energy,Electromagnetic Frequencies and Addictive Cravings. You can also learn how to create an Energetic Shield.Truth Techniques II contains step-by-step instructions on how to effectively use thecodes. It is an important adjunct to your other Quantum Techniques work that will save you time as well as help you develop mastery over your health.The web site for this material is at:http://www.quantumtechniques.comQuantum Techniques – Truth Techniques I: [2 DVDs – Rip + 1 PDF]is posted at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to ddelias for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeFrom the time this group buy is fully funded:Elite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen


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