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Pulse of the Planet No.4 1993 On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy

Pulse of the Planet No.4 1993 On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy.pdf
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Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned!This product is brought to you by Reichian Therapy/Orgonomy Books GB* On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy (Pulse of the Planet No.4, 1993)Reich in Denmark, Atomic Accidents, Bomb Tests & Weather,Cloudbusting in Israel & Namibia, Summerhill School Slandered, &Eyewitness Report on FDA Burning of Reich’s BooksEdited by James DeMeoTable of Contents:- “Wilhelm Reich in Denmark” with photographs, by Ellen Siersted- “The Jailing of a Great Scientist in the USA”, by Lois Wyvell- “Eyewitness Report on the Burning of Reich’s Books”, by Victor Sobey- “Why is Reich Never Mentioned?”, by R.D. Laing- “The Biophysical Discoveries of Wilhelm Reich”, by James DeMeo- “Electron Microscope Photos of Bions from Iron Dust”, by Stephen Shanahan- “Three Mile Island, Revisted” (Part II), by Mitsuru Katagiri- “OROP Israel 1991: A Cloudbusting Experiment to Restore Winter Rains During Extended Drought”, by James DeMeo- “HIV is Not the Cause of AIDS: Review of Current Research”, by James DeMeo- “Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Power by the US Food and Drug Administration and Other Governmental Agencies”, by James DeMeo- “Summerhill at 70 – A Personal Perspective”, by Matthew appleton- “The Beauty of Children: Through a Child’s Eyes”, by Deborah Carrino- “Research Reports and Observations: Orgonomic Project Waldheilung 1989 to 1993, OROP Namibia 1992-1993, Cloudbusting is Not ‘Weather Modification’, Healing Lakes with Life Energy?”, by James DeMeo- “Weather Anomalies and Nuclear Testing” by James DeMeo and Stephen Nagy- “Modern Medical-Genetic Quackery/Modern Horrific Medicine”, by James DeMeo- Department Notes: Educational Activities, Emotional Plague Report, Book Reviews, Orgonomic Research and Publications Review, Science Notes, Nuclear Notes, Environmental Notes, Economic Notes, Positive Signs, Sex-Economic Notes, Health and Biology Notes, Letters to the Editor, Reader Observations, Sources of Information. as always a big appreciation goes to trance33 for doing all the amazing OCRs for everything I have been scanning and I don’t always mention her name.Access times:Contributors: Now, ratio-freeVIP+: 2 WeeksPU+: 8 WeeksUsers: upgrade to Power User


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