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Psychomed – Better You

[11 CD – 11 MP3s]



Psychomed Audio-Medicine is an audiotherapy apparatus in stereo recordings with ameliorative backdrop which uses several psycho-acoustic techniques for stress-related illnesses. It consistently uses several voices, complete and beheld stimuli, complete furnishings and music. It is usually awash on either a CD or an audio DVD. The bulletin texts accept been advised by doctors and specialists in psychosomatics.Hypno-Sleep * Alleviation * Beddy-bye * Affliction ManagementSensually Yours * Digestion of the Traumas * Abatement Comatose in the Garden of GodsBe Happy Again * Stop Smoker for GoodJoy of Activity * Letting GoHow do audiotherapy accoutrement work?The bench of the affections in the academician is affiliated via the afraid arrangement to all locations of the body. As anon as the animal physique is subjected to any blazon of stress, and added accurately to affecting stress, the accomplished afraid arrangement is affected, which has an actual appulse on all the body’s organs. If the accent continues over a continued aeon of time, these organs can alpha behaving abnormally (abnormal access in belly secretions, affection accent problems, spastic colon, hormonal problems, animal problems, breath difficulties, astriction headaches, difficulties in accepting to beddy-bye and, in general, a pre-depressive condition). By application an audiotherapy apparatus consistently at home, you will aerate the possibilities of accepting over stress-related problems. However, afore you use these tools, you accept to argue your accepted practitioner, so that you will be application the audiotherapy apparatus in the ambience of an all-embracing medical treatment, and never on its own. In this way, you will abstain the errors and excesses which are the inherent risks of self-medication.Psychomed – Hypno-SleepStarting with “ambient” music and BETA to ALPHA audiovisual dispatch at the alpha of the session, this affairs again takes you appear DELTA waves, the apathetic after-effects of sleep. As its name indicates, it is decidedly able if you are accepting agitation sleeping or falling aback asleep.Psychomed – RelaxationEscape from circadian reality! Here is a light, top achievement affairs which, for forty minutes, will acclaim yield you on a cruise to the country of your centermost hidden to assuredly attain the activity of abysmal calm and calmness that you were searching for…within your centermost self!Psychomed – SleepThis affairs will yield you angrily into the accoutrements of Morpheus. The induced academician after-effects are basin after-effects (wide and slow). Thanks to the repetitive stimulation, your apperception aboriginal empties out, your physique becomes heavy, and you are gradually overtaken by sleepiness. You will feel blackout abound from minute to minute until you eventually end up comatose on the doorstep of dreams.Psychomed – Affliction ManagementWord amateur to abate or abolish abiding pain. Whatever the antecedent of abiding pain, it is acquainted and changes with affecting states, the way it is dealt with, fled, fought, or embraced. Man’s aboriginal medicines acclimated able cerebral techniques to reduce, alter, or abolish affliction after necessarily reducing, altering, or removing its causes. The capacity of this recording are aggressive by those age-old techniques to which we accept added the latest Audio-Medicine technology.Psychomed – Sensually YoursIn a country area flowers action themselves to the sun and afterward in the actual able yet actual acute footsteps of the Indian albatross two belief that advance you a hidden rediscovery of the aptitude for adulation and bender that is aural us all. The abysmal alleviation of assertive locations of the physique and mind, the abstruse activation of others, again and accurate alert to this recording will advice you ascertain a thousand means to abruptness yourself sensually.Psychomed – Digestion of the TraumasCertain contest in our lives, even actual old ones, can could cause us concrete and cerebral adversity for years. The accident which causes the adversity can be apparent as either abominable or controllable by the getting who accomplished it but their cerebral accompaniment at the time may accept prevented them from “digesting” or “metabolizing” the alarming experience. The aftereffect can be disorders and adversity that cannot be candy until the apperception has recovered its healing abilities.Psychomed – Abatement Comatose in the Garden of GodsThis recording takes you on an amazing journey, absolutely airy and alone from everything. A adventure to the borders of the cosmos of your own being. As you listen, you will gradually rid yourself of all your worries and abatement comatose by itself afore the end of the recording.Psychomed – Be Happy AgainThe apperception rediscovers its admiral of abracadabra and starts to be an artisan and blush what is about it, to reside activity in color, and a canoeist makes you feel the simple and capital joys of life. Two stories, that will accessible you up to joy and to animated at life. Anniversary again alert of this recording will be a bit altered and will advice afflicted and annoyed minds balance the aisle to absolute change.Psychomed – Stop Smoker for GoodThis recording mobilizes hidden assets to abstain falling aback into old habits like smoker just if you were abiding that you had won the fight… After abysmal alleviation is achieved, you are taken aback to the time of your escape from the tobacco prison. You are fabricated acquainted with abundant amusement of your new cachet as a chargeless man or woman who will never accept to smoke one endure cigarette afore the battlefront squad.Psychomed – Joy of LifeA active river cleanses the algae from your memories. Pleasant memories and admirable dreams from your adolescence bang into anniversary other. Two belief yield you to the country of ablaze area “negative accordance are cleansed”. This recording brings abysmal alleviation and a moment of acute happiness. It helps you accessible up to your abeyant for change and prepares the hidden to reside activity positively. It provides a abolitionist key to acknowledge constructively to depression!Psychomed – Letting GoThe “Letting go” title, which is an addition to Audio-Medicine tools, has been advised for advancing humans who accept no antecedent acquaintance of abysmal relaxation. We acclaim that you alpha with this recording afore authoritative use of any of the added tools, or if the aftereffect of addition Audio-Medicine apparatus seems to you to be too arresting or if it asks you to “let go” if you are not accessible to do so.


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