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Zepp Hoelzer – Permaculture Seminar in Moldova
[German, Russian]Sepp Hoeltzer – Permaculture Seminar in Moldova [TVRIP – 3mp4]


Agricultural cultivation without chemicals, fertilizers, special greenhouses, plowing and weeding the soil – is not theoretical speculation, and the actual practice, time-tested and has shown excellent results.The methodology proposed by the Austrian agrarian revolutionary Sepp Holzer, completely breaks the usual stereotypes of Agriculture. “Rebellious farmer”, often referred to as in the West Holzer, offers, first of all, get away from the planting of monocultures. In this case, the direct costs of labor farmer are minimized and productivity skyrockets.In Moldova Zepp Holzer came first. Invited him to our country company DAAC Ecoplant. Trips around the country produced by peasant-millionaire from the highlands Austrian Alps lasting impression. The rich soil and favorable climate – what more could you ask for? But why in this paradise of so many abandoned fields and orchards dying? How is it that Moldova with all its natural resources has become the poorest country in Europe?Austrian farmer sure that abandoned, almost dying orchards, which he had seen in this country, do not uproot – they can be restored. And it does not require much cost. This can help … pig. Their snouts are particularly suited for loosening the earth, moreover, they are passing more and fertilize the soil.Enough to make a paddock, quite large in size, so that animals feel there freely. Then gradually move this pen on the garden. As soon as you have moved to a new location pigs, you can begin to plant them on the loosened soil vegetables, corn, berry bushes, a variety of herbs. Do not forget about the recommendations on the water – a small pond near the garden is a must. Upgraded environment itself will cure the trees dry up and they will again start to bear fruit. And what gifts will thus have pork!According to Sepp Holzer, the peasants themselves to work on their land. And if you treat her with love, it will reward handsomelyAttention!!! Sepp speaks in German, translation in Russian


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