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Dietrich Klinghardt – Autonome Regulations-Diagnostik IV
[German] Dietrich Klinghardt – Autonome Regulations-Diagnostik IV (RD IV) [9 DVDs – MP4]


GERMAN LANGUAGE ONLYDietrich Klinghardt – Autonome Regulations-Diagnostik IV (RD IV)Neben Stellungnahmen zu wesentlichen aktuellen medizinischen und psychologischen Themen werden effektive Behandlungsmethoden aus Dr. Klinghardts reichem Erfahrungsschatz vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zu jedem Behandlungsschritt werden angemessene Heilmethoden für die physische, energetische, psychologische und spirituelle Ebene vorgestellt. Der Kurs ist Teil des Ausbildungsprogramms zum Diplom für Angewandte Neurobiologie nach Dr. Klinghardt® (D.A.N.K.).Aus dem Inhalt Vertiefung des Wissens über die Anwendung von Heart Rate Variability in der RD Psychiatrische Erkrankungen Die neuen chronischen Infektionserkrankungen Borreliose, Mykoplasmen, Herpes-Viren, Babesien, Rickettsien, mutierte Streptokokken Diagnostik und Behandlung der Nebenniereninsuffizienz Schwermetall- und Umweltgift-Diagnostik und Entgiftung RD in der Krebstherapie Diagnostik bei Autismus, Hyperaktivität, MS, ALS, Parkinson und Epilepsie Austesten von Therapiemaßnahmen Behandlung von Infektionen im Kiefer und Zahnfleisch RD-Okklusionsdiagnostik und Therapie mit MFT und systemischer PK RD in der Orthopädie Chronisches Müdigkeitssyndrom und FibromyalgieNeuestes Seminar in deutscher Sprache vom November 2006 in Kirchzarten.eng:Autonomous regulatory diagnostics IV(RD IV)Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt studied medicine and psychology in Freiburg, specializing in the treatment of chronic pain. Since 1982 he lives and works as a doctor in the United States. He is committed to the holistic medicine, combining the scientific with the spiritual approach. Dr. Klinghardt is regularly lectures and workshops worldwide, including at several universities (Chicago, USA, Adelaide, Australia). He is a member of the faculty of the American Academy of Neural Therapy, AM. Academy of Pain Management, International Academy of Biological Dentistry and the Academy of Orthopedic Medicine.The autonomous regulation diagnostics according to Dr. Klinghardt is a complete self diagnostic system that can be detected by this, whether there is a limitation of biological self-regulation and how these can be eliminated.Basis of this process are well-founded knowledge of regulatory medicine, particularly in neurobiology. The autonomous regulation diagnostics has been developed in recent years by Dr. Klinghardt and Dr. Williams in collaboration with leading dentists, neurologists, orthopedists, chiropractors and healers.The aim of the regulation diagnostics is to detect the start of treatment and therapy to remove blockages so that the targeted therapy can be fully effective.The regulation diagnostics is working with the help of the kinesiology muscle test. This allows us to directly query disturbances of biological functions of the body. As part of a systematic test procedure factors are identified that limit the range in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, such as heavy metals from amalgam, scar interference fields, and other allergies. Thus, the primary disturbance field is found, which often has an effect on other organs or biological systems. Then will be tested, what treatment method normalizes the body’s own self-regulation and thus the self-healing powers to restore.4. Seminar (RD IV)


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