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PJ Eby – How to Make Yourself Do Anything, Thinking Things Done

[1 mp3, 9 pdfs]



Hey guys, I’ve been listening to PJ Eby, and his ideas/concepts are BY FAR the best ‘self help’ advice i’ve read in a long time. His advice makes incredible sense and is practical and based on really accurate descriptions of human nature. His diagnosis on various problems related to procrastination, forming habits, goal setting, ‘inner obstacle’ issues, decision making, etc are amazing. What’s more is he has tools to fix these, and he’s so clear about what works and what dosen’t that it is almost impossible to not know what you’re doing wrong. The thing about this guy is that he has spent 20+ years doing ‘self help’ and it seems he’s been through them all. I think in his book he mentioned he had 300+ personal development books in his library. It seems he jumped from product to product, without much success before he found what works and what dosen’t. If we get his stuff we’ll be way ahead of the curve and save a ton of time and frustration.GWH wrote:Quote:Proud customer here…LOVE this guy.  I feel weird about how much I like him, but he has just helped me that much.  Helped me eliminate the procrastination that got my business off the ground, greatly reduced my approach anxiety, more productive at work….just great stuff.He is a frequent commenter on, which is free, but hard to use.He has a background as computer programmer and refers to his techniques as mindhacking.  If you are uncomfortable with some of the ‘woo-woo’ self help advice around here he is the perfect antidote to that.  He accounts for your emotions and how you were raised affect your current situation without sounding like Oprah.  He can explain why the Secret works (kinda) without resorting to the ‘the Universe loves you’  ‘the energy you put out is what you receive’ nonsense that often accompanies it.  Simply the most practical self help advice there is.Quote:I don’t comment much (as you can tell by my post count) but a few things come to mind… One, as someone who teaches marketing – this is a classic example.Personally – one of my biggest breakthroughs (read: HUUUGE) came from some of the bonus material that came with Perry Marshall’s Renaissance club newsletters. The Leverage Point interviews with PJ Eby.Search TV for “PJ Eby” and it will bring up all the issues that contain one of these interviews.What he teaches has turned more people around than anything else I know.Second, there’s nothing wrong with working a job. Like someone asked during his (legendary) Web 2.0 Expo talk a few years ago… “How do I get paid for doing what I love?”His response: “You don’t. Work 9-5. Get home, kiss the dog… 7pm until 2 in the morning is plenty of time to do some damage”A third option is to get paid while learning. This is an Ed Dale suggestion – there are a huge number of people looking for assistants to do some of their dirty work… articles, link building, social media – that kinda thing. Sure it’s peanuts – but hey money is money.But yeah, seriously get the PJ Eby interviews ASAP. Some of the most important information that I’ve ever heard.There is currently a GB ongoing for his product and full coaching program. This product is just the free stuff you can find on his site. GB page:…


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