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PJ Eby – EPIC Motivation Workshop 2, Part 1 and 2 –2 mp3s, 2 mp4s, 1 pdf

EPIC Motivatiion, Workshop 2–The Compass and The Map


This is for the participants of PJ Eby Monthly Newsletter GBfrom the email:[/center]Resistance is futile [EPIC Motivation Workshop 2, Video 1][/center]Hey, it’s PJ here.  How much time do you spend resisting doing things?  Maybe because they’re unpleasant, but maybe just because you hate that you *have* to do them?In this first video from October’s EPIC Motivation workshop, The Compass And The Map, I explain where these and several other symptoms of a “broken compass” (a problem with how your brain sees your choices) come from:Check it out!–PJ————————————————————————————————–Important! Read This First:Download and read this newsletter before you start, as it contains an important guide to the change process used in the later parts of the program:(Also, be sure to have a notepad or pen and paper handy, because I’m going to ask you to write down some things about your life as you go through the process: important things, that will help you after the workshop is over!)Part 1: Broken Child, Broken CompassPart 2: Inner and Outer, True and FalseSo, enjoy!Watch the videos or listen to the MP3’s, do the exercises, and then, when you’re done, please use the “Add new comment” link at the bottom of this page to let me know what you think.PJ Eby Mind Hacking Instructor Founder, The Mind Hackers’ GuildP.S. Right after the introduction and recap, there’s a section of about 10 minutes or so where you’ll be watching exactly one slide, that has the instructions for the exercise.  That’s because while you’re listening to the people who were on the call talk about their answers to the exercise, I want you to be writing down *your* answers!  Don’t worry, the slides will start moving again when that section is over.Inner and Outer, True and False [EPIC Motivation Workshop 2, Video 2]How much time do you spend with your head buried in a computer, TV, video game, or book?Do you run away from the things that matter, rebel against the things you know you need to do?Could it be because the goals you think you should be working for, aren’t really all that *satisfying* to begin with?In this next video from our last “EPIC Motivation” workshop, you’ll discover two critical distinctions that make all the difference in procrastination and fulfillment: the difference between your “inner child” and “outer child”, and the difference between true goals and false goals.And along the way, you’ll discover the hidden source of judgments that seem to come from “society” or “other people”…  and how to get *rid* of them, for good:Check it out!–PJP.S.  The third and final EPIC Motivation workshop, “Finding True North”, will be held on January 19th at 2pm Eastern.  Mark your calendar now!


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