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PickUp 101 – Project San Francisco – Playerize Your Pad, Part Two

PickUp 101 – Project San Francisco – Playerize Your Pad, Part Two (Video)



                                               Monthly Silver VIP Membership             PickUp 101 – Project San Francisco – Playerize Your Pad, Part Two (Video)Part II takes you on a never beforeseen video tour of Project San Francisco.This behind the scenes look at theworld famous household of Pickup Artists,will take you into EVERY room in the housecomplete with me explaining each and everydetail and what messages it sends to a woman.You’ll see each man’s bedroom and how itreflects his personality, and helps theseduction part of his game.If you’re a VIP Inner Circle Member, here’sjust a sample of what you’ll learn this monthwhen Part II arrives at your door:* How a simple item beside the bed sendspowerful sensual messages without beingovertly sexual.* Easy decorating tricks that will blow awoman’s mind and make her think she’s won thelottery for the most AWESOME MAN EVER.* Kick Ass ways to create a total SEDUCTIONenvironment in your room that’s guaranteed toblow a woman’s mind.* How even the kitchen can be used to lead awoman to more intimacy.* Simple bed ‘features’ that can make intimacymore fun (For her and you!)* Amazingly easy (and LOW COST) methods to addyour personality to your home without itlooking like you live in a college dorm.* Why you should have some silly kids toys inselect locations in your private space (andhow to use them to have a powerful BONDINGexperience with her)* Powerful ways to let a woman know you are aman of discretion (She’ll WANT to be intimatewith you)* The exact way to express ‘sexuality’ inyour room that makes a woman want to knowMORE (get this wrong and you will creep herout)* How to make a BOLD statement with seeminglysimple items. (This can be done for less thanthe cost of a 6-pack of beer)* The first impression of your home hasthe same effect on a woman as wearing niceshoes (and simple things you can do that tellher you are an amazing guy!)* The STUPID MISTAKE most guys make whentrying to get a woman to come back to ‘myplace’ (and 2 never-fail methods to useinstead)* How to pick out a bed that makes a womanwant to get on (Get the right one and as soonas she sees it, she’ll IMAGINE herself on it)* Fun ‘rituals’ you can share with a womanthat give her a REASON to be alone in yourroom with you (and allow her to let go of thesocial norms that prevent her from acting onher desires)* Easy-to-follow examples for creatingNATURAL environments that lead a woman tomore and more intimacy (without making herfeel uncomfortable)[img]


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