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Pickup 101 (Lance Mason) – Romance in the Workplace

Romance in the Workplace
[1 DVD Rip -AVI + PDF]



I’d like you to stop for a moment and think about a woman you workwith, or used to work with, that you had a little ‘secret crush’for.Can you think of someone?If not at your current job, maybe a previous one.If you’re a red blooded male who has ever held down an office job,then I’m sure you have no problem doing this.Maybe your contact with her was fleeting or from a distance, ormaybe you would talked to her often and hang out as friends.Maybe you were flirting and making light of it, or maybe you had areal connection, and would share parts of your life over innocentruns to the lunchroom or local deli.Or maybe you simply don’t really know what her feelings were foryou, because you were to afraid to act or to talk about it.What ever the case, if your anything like me, you wanted to makeyour move somehow but were confused by all the issues that come upfrom dating, or even worse, ‘hitting on’ a coworker.It’s a tough situation.You may want to ignore your feelings, but there’s something aboutbeing around an amazing woman everyday and NOT being able to ‘gofor it’ that has a mysterious pull on our desire.By not being able to act on your feelings, they can end upintensifying.Add to that the fact that people who work together tend to have aLOT more in common then people that just meet on the street, andthere’s always this nagging feeling that dating a girl like thatcould lead into a really great relationship.By far the WORST PART about all of this is facing the possibilitythat some of these women may have felt the SAME WAY about you – andyou may not have had the slightest clue.After all, the women you work with have the exact same concerns youdo.No matter how remote she may have seemed, or how she ‘refused’ thesubtle hints you might have thrown her way, that possibility thatshe was also harboring a secret attraction is very real.After all, if she DID like you, then she would have experienced thesame concerns and confusion that you did.  She would have also feltthe same ‘resistance’ to even hinting at her true feelings.Whether or not you’ve ever dated someone at work or not, you mightask yourself if there were some women out there that you MISSED OUTon because you were unsure about the ‘complications’ of pursuing her.Was she “into you”, or is she just being polite?Did she even know what you’re feelings were?Ouch… talk about the girl that got away.It can be a painful and humbling exercise, and I wouldn’t have yougo through it if there wasn’t a huge opportunity available to you.You see, once I started to build confidence around dating womenthat I worked with, I slowly started to realize the amazingopportunity that was available in the workplace.After all, women feel a comfort and familiarity with you, and ifyou are at all good at your job that is a HUGE turn-on for women aswell.Women that I thought I had NO CHANCE with at work would  laterreveal how long they had had feelings for me, and for how long theyhad tried to hide any real signs.The GOOD news is there’s probably a LOT more opportunity for alittle ‘office romance’ then you have previously guessed at.So what do you do?And, more importantly, what you should be careful NOT to do.Or advice on this matter may surprise you  – It turns out you canget away with a LOT more then you may realize in an honest effortto reveal her feelings.This week I’m going to be talking to you guys about how to work thehottie in your office in a way that WON’T put your job, or yourdignity in danger.If you have a success story about your own experience dating anoffice hottie, be sure to share it with me at********@pi*******.com – Your letter could become inspiration forother guys on this list.Similarly, if you have a question about situation going on in youroffice, send me your question at as******@Pi*******.com – I’llanswer as many questions as I can.Now go meet some co-workers,Your friend,Lance Mason


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