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Paul Scheele’s – Million Dollar Vocabulary –

Million Dollar Vocabulary MP3
[6 CDs – 94MP3s – 1 Workook PDF]



This is the full version with workbook and full paraliminalsPlease keep it here at The PlaceA breakthrough “Paraliminal” way to dramatically improve your vocabularyMillion Dollar Vocabulary method iseasier and more fun than any othervocabulary building program–guaranteedPeople with strong vocabularies are thought to have• superior intelligence• higher education• gifted capabilities… “even when it is not true!”No wonder they earn 3 times more money than someone with an average vocabulary.Get your piece of the rewards by sharpening your verbal edge for success with your Million Dollar Vocabulary. In a moment we’ll take you on a tour. You will see how in as little as 27 minutes a day you can boost your vocabulary—and have fun with it!Nothing can help you build financial, career, and social success like carefully chosen words, so the next few minutes are well spent as you learn about the Million Dollar Vocabulary.Million Dollar VocabularyCourse Contents Lessons 1-10 Each lesson is a self-contained unit focusing on a different theme to make learning enjoyable. You can even listen to these lessons in your car. Lesson 1: The Wonderful World of Words Lesson 2: English Language History and Development Lesson 3: Alphabet Soup Lesson 4: Learning to Learn Lesson 5: From Painting to Professing Lesson 6: Reading and the Reader Lesson 7: Listen My Children and You Shall Hear… Lesson 8: Word Play Lesson 9: Sail on the Seven C’s Lesson 10: I Love WordsTwo ParaliminalsYou get two Paraliminal Learning Sessions with Paul Scheele to imprint the words and their meanings directly into your brain. Do not listen to these sessions while driving.Course PlaybookThe course Playbook helps you playfully explore your new words and improve your ability to effectively communicate. You can immerse yourself, have fun, and take possession of your growing vocabulary.Zenfire


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