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Osho – The Osho Upanishad (August – October 1986)

Osho – The Osho Upanishad (2)
[1 DVD – 44 MP3, 1 PDF]



Osho – The Osho Upanishad (August – October 1986) Responses to questions – by Osho44 talks given live from August – October 1986 at Bombay, India________________________________________________________________ “My beloved ones… You are blessed to be here today, because we are starting a new series of talks between the master and the disciple. It is not only a birth of a new book, it is also a declaration of a new phase. Today, this moment: 7:00 pm, Saturday, the sixteenth of August of the year 1986 — one day this moment will be remembered as a historical moment, and you are blessed because you are participating in it. You are creating it; without you it cannot happen. Books can be written, can be dictated to a machine, but what I am going to start is totally different. It is an UPANISHAD. Long forgotten, one of the most beautiful words in any language, a very living word, ‘upanishad’ means sitting at the feet of the master. It says nothing more: just to be in the presence of the master, just to allow him to take you in, in his own light, in his own blissfulness, in his own world. And that’s exactly the work of a mystery school…”~~ Osho The Osho Upanishad, ch. 1________________________________________________________________ Chapter Titles: Chapter  1:   The Mystery School Chapter  2:   The Master Chapter  3:   Master and Disciple Chapter  4:   Misery Is the Prison Chapter  5:   The Ultimate Evolution of Mind Chapter  6:   Mind Thinks, Meditation Knows Chapter  7:   Silence Is a Song without Words Chapter  8:   The Conspiracy of the Mystics Chapter  9:   The Way of Upanishad Chapter 10:   Understanding Is Transcendence Chapter 11:   A Journey from Fiction to Reality Chapter 12:   To Be an Individual Takes Courage Chapter 13:   The Master’s Art Chapter 14:   Beyond Science Is Knowing Chapter 15:   The Art of Remembering Chapter 16:   Truth Is Always Individual Chapter 17:   Truth Is Dangerous Chapter 18:   Go Higher Chapter 19:   Responsibility Chapter 20:   When the Disciple Is Ready … Chapter 21:   Only the Real Can Meet the Real Chapter 22:   A Journey Without End Chapter 23:   “Nothing” Is My Sword Chapter 24:   Around Me…Something Happens Chapter 25:   Listening Lets the Heart Decide Chapter 26:   A Master Is Death and Resurrection Chapter 27:   This Is Just a Device Chapter 28:   If You Swim, You Miss Chapter 29:   Mysticism, the Forgotten Language Chapter 30:   The Taste of No-Mind Chapter 31:   The Greatest Reality in the World Chapter 32:   The Greatest Gamble Chapter 33:   Meditation in the Marketplace Chapter 34:   Not to Be, the Greatest Ecstasy Chapter 35:   A Realization Chapter 36:   The Miracle of the Flower Chapter 37:   Bowing Down to the Master Chapter 38:   The Conspiracy Against the Individual Chapter 39:   Must I Say Goodbye? Chapter 40:   My Disciples Are My Garden Chapter 41:   From Information to Transformation Chapter 42:   Be a Seeker, Not a Believer Chapter 43:   A Sunflower Faces the Sun Chapter 44:   Paradise Is for the Courageous —–search for Skye71 to see my other uploads


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