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Osho – The Beloved

Osho – The Beloved
[20 MP3s, 2 PDFs, JPGs, TXTs]



Osho introduces the wild, dancing, sane–crazy world of the Bauls, the mystics of Bengal. With understanding, love, humor and a touching clarity, he guides us through the songs of the Baul mystics, explaining their view of sex, their concept of the body as a temple, and their secret of surrender to the existential beloved. “I am tremendously happy to introduce you to the world of the Bauls. I hope you will be nourished by it, enriched by it. It is a bizarre world, eccentric, insane. It has to be so, because the world of the so–called sane people is so insane that if you really want to be sane in it, you will have to be insane. You will have to choose a path of your own.” OshoThis product contains:*20 MP3s, talks of pure Rajneeshy mind*PDFs of the talks’ transcripts*Pics


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