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osho – Enlightment bible( 12 mp3 cds) 425 discources

osho – Enlightment bible



Osho (formerly known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) teaches meditation not as a practice but as a way of life. He is a mystic who brings the timeless wisdom of the East to bear upon the urgent questions facing men and women today. He speaks of the search for harmony, wholeness and love that lies at the core of all religious and spiritual traditions, illuminating the essence of Christianity, Hassidism, Buddhism, Sufism, Tantra, Tao, Yoga, and Zen.His talks, spoken over 30 years, have been recorded on audio, video tapes, and DVDs and published in hundreds of books in every major language of the world. Osho’s vision is of a new man. After his enlightenment in 1953, the evolution of that new man became his whole work.Osho speaks on virtually every aspect of the development of human consciousness. His talks cover a staggering range – from the meaning of life and death to the struggle of power and politics, from the challenges of love and creativity to the significance of science and education. Osho was born in India in 1931 and left his body in January 1990. He belongs to no tradition.To know oneself is to know all. And that is the only thing I emphasize; no belief, no dogma, no creed, no church, no religion. By a simple process of inner observation you come to realize yourself… Truth is within – seek not elsewhere.Includes following of oshos discourcesfrom misery to enlightmentfrom bondage to freedomfrom darkness to lightfrom death to deathlessnessfrom ignorance to innocencefrom false to truthfrom personality to individualityfrom unconciousness to conciousnesslight on the pathTransmission of the lampthe sword and the lotus socrates poisoined


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