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NonStop Jiu-Jitsu 4DVDSet

[DVDRip .MP4]


Another fine mess brought to you by Mr.Sinister and the Agents of S.C.U.M(The Society of Capitalists for Undermining Monopolies)Sharing information for the advancement of the human condition since the Library of Alexandria.”File sharing is evolution, not a crime; and as American as apple pie.  Just ask Ben Franklin, father of the public library.”Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu 4 DVD set by Stephan Kesting & Brandon MullinsLearn how to develop a game plan and strategy when you face your opponent. Stephan Kesting and Brandon Mullins show you how to connect the right techniques in the right order. They break down each move in a organized and systematized way so you can better understand how each technique works together so you can get an edge on your opponent.Includes:DVD 1: Advanced Applications of Fundamental Movements (2 hours, 4 minutes)DVD 2: Non-Stop Butterfly Guard Attacks and Guard Passes (2 hours, 20 minutes)DVD 3: Non-Stop de la Riva Guard Attacks and Guard Passes (2 hours, 26 minutes)BONUS DVD: Advanced Guard Passing Masterclass (2 hours)Total run time: 8 hrs 50 min———————————————————————————————-Non-Stop Jiu-JitsuThe Power of a Gameplan in GrapplingWhen it comes to strategy and planning your game in jiu-jitsu pretty much every top instructor will say the same thing…They’ll tell you, “Attack, attack, attack.”And this is really good advice.  It applies regardless of whether you’re trying to sweep your opponent, hunting for a submission, or passing his guard.Moving forward and keeping your opponent on the defensive gives you a huge advantage both from the top and the bottom.  That’s because your opponent is reacting to you instead of setting up his own game. He’s so busy trying to catch up, adapting to a changing landscape, that he doesn’t have the mental bandwidth to launch his attacks on you.  He’s automatically a step behind.But the reality is that “Attack, attack, attack” is a lot easier to say than to do.The fact is that most people’s jiu-jitsu is really a bunch of single moves.  This sweep by itself.  That guard pass by itself.These isolated techniques get thrown at the opponent, but they don’t connect together in combinations and there is no big picture.Combinations are much more effective than single moves.  And that’s largely because you avoid analysis paralysis.What that means is simple.  You try your move.  If it doesn’t work then you need to stop, analyse the situation, and plan your next move.  That’s the moment of paralysis.  Instead of automatically knowing what to do next you have to take time to figure it out.During the time it takes to do that analysis you’re no longer attacking, and that delay gives your opponent a golden opportunity to start launching his own offence.Doing jiu-jitsu with single moves and no gameplan is like a boxer throwing only giant Hail Mary roundhouse punches one at at a time, hoping that this one punch will connect.  No backup plan, no second attack.But that’s not how boxing works.  Every good boxer uses combinations, throwing punches in bunches.  The first punch sets up the second punch, the second punch sets up the third punch, and so on…Your jiu-jitsu should be exactly the same.Combination attacks embedded in a coherent step-by-step game plan should allow you to flow around the resistance you encounter, and neutralise your opponent’s reactions.  A framework that tells you what to do next cuts down on your decision making time.Even if your cardio isn’t the greatest then it’s still better to fight this way.  Launching ineffective single attacks while getting crushed by your opponent is actually way more tiring than using 3 or 4 moves together, getting to a dominant position and then resting a bit to get your wind back.Some people develop these gameplans on their own, but this can take a very long time.  And inevitably there will be long periods of time where their jiu-jitsu is totally stagnant while they try to figure things out, which can be very frustrating.So yes, ‘Attack, attack, attack‘ is the right answer.  But it’s not a complete answer.What you actually need to follow this strategy is a gameplan.  A set of actionable steps for what to do and when to do it.  A framework for linking individual techniques together into a powerful and flexible strategy.A Resource to Help You Develop an Attacking style of Jiu-JitsuIf you’re not using combinations and gameplans in your jiu-jitsu then you’re giving your opponent an opportunity to turn the table on you after every technique you try.  Single moves are great, but they’re not what high-level jiu-jitsu is all about.To make it easy and quick for people to add this ‘Attack, attack, attack’ mentality to their game I brought in BJJ black belt world champion Brandon ‘Wolverine’ Mullins.Together we created Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu which features a series of plug and play gameplans for controlling your opponent in the open guard, sweeping him, passing his guard, and stabilising your dominant top position.Brandon is a genius when it comes to connecting the right techniques in the right order. He is also able to take the highest level of jiu-jitsu and boil it down into its simplest steps. That’s why in this instructional you’ll get complete, beginning-to-end, cradle-to-grave strategies.The random, unpredictable, chaotic nature of jiu-jitsu has finally been organised and systematised so that anyone from an absolute beginner to an experienced black belt can revolutionise their game with these drag and drop formulas.This instructional uses a revolutionary new format making learning the material much easier and faster than ever before.It will give you a formula that you can use to frustrate your training partners on the mats and defeat your opponents in competition.  Boiling down all that complexity into a step-by-step process so that you can use the same techniques, combinations and strategies that elite-level professional competitors are using.This is not just another BJJ instructional with a mishmash collection of random techniques.One of the first things you’ll learn in Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu is how to set up your open guard correctly.Everything from getting your grips, where to put your feet, how to off-balance your opponent, and how to keep him so busy that it prevents him from even thinking about passing your guard.  Techniques that’ll work even if your opponent is fighting you tooth and nail.Then you’ll learn the guard sweeps and attacks themselves.This section of the instructional focuses on the guard sweeps from the Butterfly Guard and the de la Riva guard.  Brandon covers how to set up the best sweeps, how to make them work against different types of resistance, and the right way to transition into other techniques.There is a TON of competition footage in this section showing these exact techniques being applied under pressure against fully resisting opponents at the highest level of competition.You’ll be getting a complete step-by-step game plan for your open guard.  But that’s not where we’re stopping; there’s a lot more material than that in Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu…The next thing you’ll learn are the exact techniques that world class competitors are using to pass the guard.Guard passes are often taught in isolation, which creates a problem: if you learn to pass the guard this way then after you sweep someone you’ll have to completely reset your position in order to start your guard pass.But you reseting your position also allows your opponent to establish his own position. Which then makes it a fair fight: your best guard pass against their best guard attacks.But you don’t want it to be a fair fight.  You want to create a situation where you hold all the cards, keeping control of the situation and never even letting him get his own game started.  You want guard passing to be an unfair proposition…Basically you want to bring a gun to a knife fight!That’s why the best time to pass the guard is IMMEDIATELY after a guard sweep or takedown.  While your opponent is still disoriented and hasn’t yet established his preferred grips and hooks.This instructional will also show you how to link your attacks and go directly from your guard sweeps into your guard passes.When you combine guard sweeps and guard passes correctly then the grips and hooks you established for the guard sweep actually help your guard pass, keeping him just as helpless and immobilised on the bottom as he was on the top.Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu will show you exactly how to follow up your guard sweeps with the most powerful guard passes in the grappling repertoire.  You’ll learn seamless cradle to grave progressions of what winning world class jiu-jitsu looks like.When we filmed this together I was blown away by the level of detail that Brandon showed.It’s an incredible product that address topics, techniques and concepts that have never been covered in any other Grapplearts instructional, nor, to my knowledge, in any other instructional available in the market today.But That’s Not All…Brandon and I really want you to succeed with this stuff.  We won’t be happy until you’re actually using this material to sweep your opponents all over the mat.That’s why one of the three core DVDs is called ‘Advanced Applications of Fundamental Movements.’  That might not sound like the most sexy topic on earth, but it’s incredibly important.And, more to the point, your game will instantly improve once you absorb this information.You see, jiu-jitsu is created from just a few building blocks.  These building blocks are the fundamental movements that underly all of jiu-jitsu.Even the craziest, most advanced techniques are built from certain fundamental movements that you probably already know. It’s not a question of re-inventing your jiu-jitsu again and again for each new move you learn – instead it’s all about being able to hone in on the underlying movement patterns.This might sound a bit dry and academic, but let me reassure you that it’s anything but.  In the  Advanced Applications of Fundamental Movements section of Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu Brandon goes over the fundamental movements and then shows you how that very same movement can be used again and again in ever-more advanced applications.If you’ve read this far then you’re probably into jiu-jitsu for the long haul.  What Brandon is doing in this section is building a super-strong foundation for the next ten years of your jiu-jitsu training.  Plus you’ll learn some really cool techniques that I guarantee you haven’t seen before too.Plus You’ll Get a Killer BonusIf you order Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu today then we’ll also give you something else, entirely for free.  A bonus DVD called The Advanced Guard Passing Masterclass.  You’ll get the highest percentage answers to difficult positions like the Closed Guard, de la Riva Guard, Spider Guard, and the Deep Half Guard.These are always difficult positions to be caught in.  When you go against a high level guy, then it seems like every guard pass you try, or adjustment you make, just gets you into deeper and deeper water.  They have answers for all your guard passing attempts, and everything you try just gets you swept, submitted, or both.This is where The Advanced Guard Passing Masterclass bonus DVD comes in.The good news is that there are answers to all these problems.  There are definite ways to neutralise, shut down and pass all these guards.  You just have to know what to do.In this two-hour bonus DVD you’ll get Brandon breaking down his guard passing game for you.  These are the exact go-to techniques that he uses on a daily basis against the killers at his school and at the highest level of competition.ContentThere are three main DVDs and one bonus DVD in the Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu instructional set.•DVD 1: Advanced Applications of Fundamental Movements (2 hours, 4 minutes)•DVD 2: Non-Stop Butterfly Guard Attacks and Guard Passes (2 hours, 20 minutes)•DVD 3: Non-Stop de la Riva Guard Attacks and Guard Passes (2 hours, 26 minutes)•BONUS DVD: Advanced Guard Passing Masterclass (2 hours)All together you’ll be getting almost 9 hours of world-class instruction in this set.There’s so much content on these discs that we had to use a special type of manufacturing process to allow them to hold twice as much information as a regular DVD (don’t worry, the discs will still play on any computer or DVD player anywhere in the world).The instructional footage has been professionally filmed and edited using multiple camera angles so that it’s super-easy to understand what’s going on.And, of course, there are full menus so that you can quickly and easily get to the technique or the section that you want to review.Is There Overlap with Brandon’s First Instructional Set?The short answer is that there is virtually no overlap between this set, Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu, and Brandon’s first incredibly popular set called How to Defeat the Bigger, Stronger Opponent Series 2.It’s important to know that you DON’T need to own the Brandon’s first series to understand or benefit from Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu (although the two sets do go very well together).Brandon and I decided to focus on all new areas for Non-Stop Jiu-Jitsu, which makes this a totally unique instructional set that both stands on its own, or can be combined with any other Grapplearts instructional set.The bottom line is that if you don’t like it then just return the set to me for a full refund. Remember, I’m giving you my “Best in the Business” 365 day money-back guarantee.About Brandon Mullins…Brandon and StephanBrandon Mullins is a BJJ black belt based in Houston Texas. He’s one of the most active North Americans on the competition circuit today, with a phenomenal record, both with and without the gi.Over the past 15 years he’s tested himself in well over 200 competition matches at BJJ, no-gi submission grappling, and Judo tournaments.He’s proved his skills by winning multiple gold medals at the Black Belt division at the No-Gi World Championships…And multiple gold medals in the Advanced division at Grappler’s Quest…And medals at the Mundials, the Pan-Ams, the US Open, and the Gracie World’s.Brandon competes ALL the time. This keeps him on the cutting edge of Jiu-jitsu, and if anyone has developed a new tweak or variation of an old technique Brandon knows about it.And it also means that his techniques have been tested in ways that most of us can only imagine.Brandon is also a small guy – he competes at 118 lbs against some of the best people in the world. And when he’s training at the school he’s usually the smallest person on the mats – even the women and children are bigger than he is – his jiu-jitsu HAS to be super-technical so that it works against bigger people.He’s a great competitor, but the sad fact is that not every great competitor is a great teacher. For example, would you want to have Mike Tyson as your boxing coach?From from my perspective, the ability to teach is even more important than a great competition record.I’ve worked with Brandon before and know first hand that he’s an extremely gifted jiu-jitsu teacher (there’s no way I would have worked with him twice if this wasn’t the case).Also Brandon is one of the main instructors for Vinicius ‘Draculino’ Magalhães, who has churned out an incredible number of BJJ champions. Draculino could literally have his pick of the litter when it comes to people to teach at his school, but he’s chosen Brandon to be his main instructor for a reason – this guy can teach!!The bottom line is that Brandon is a rare combination of a super-skilled competitor AND a very good teacher, which means that you’ll be learning in one of the best situations possible.=================================================================================== General =====================Complete name               : NonstopJJ.Disc1.DVDRip.x264.SCUM.mp4Format                      : MPEG-4Format profile              : Base Media / Version 2Codec Id                    : mp42File size                   : 1.53 GBDuration (ms)               : 2h 4mnOverallBitRate_Mode/String  : VariableTotal bitrate               : 1 767 KbpsEncoded date                : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16Tagged date                 : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16Encoded application         : HandBrake 0.10.2 2015060900===================== Video =====================Id                          : 1Format                      : AVCFormat info                 : Advanced Video CodecFormat profile              : [email protected] of CABAC                : YesRefframes                   : 4 framesCodec Id                    : avc1Codec info                  : Advanced Video CodingDuration (ms)               : 2h 4mnBitrate                     : 1 600 KbpsWidth                       : 720 pixelsHeight                      : 480 pixelsAspect ratio                : 16:9DisplayAspectRatio_Original : 16:9framerate mode              : Constantframerate                   : 29.970 fpsStandard                    : NTSCColorimetry                 : YUVColos space                 : 4:2:0Bit depth                   : 8 bitsScan type                   : ProgressiveBits/(Pixel*frame)          : 0.154Stream size                 : 1.39 GB (91%)Encoded library             : x264 core 142 r2479 dd79a61Encoded date                : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16Tagged date                 : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16colour_primaries            : BT.601 NTSCtransfer_characteristics    : BT.709matrix_coefficients         : BT.601===================== Audio =====================Id                          : 2Format                      : AACFormat info                 : Advanced Audio CodecFormat profile              : LCCodec Id                    : 40Duration (ms)               : 2h 4mnBitrate mode                : VariableBitrate                     : 161 KbpsChannel(s)                  : 2 channelsChannelPositions            : Front: L RSampling rate               : 48.0 KHzCompression_Mode/String     : LossyStream size                 : 143 MB (9%)Title                       : StereoEncoded date                : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16Tagged date                 : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16===================== Menu =====================Id                          : 3Codec Id                    : textDuration (ms)               : 2h 4mnLanguage                    : EnglishEncoded date                : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16Tagged date                 : UTC 2036-02-06 06:28:16Bit rate mode               : VBR


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