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Nick Shane – Become a Player Masters Series

Nick Shane – Become a Playboy Masters DVD Series
[14 DVD – Rip]



“Who Else Wants To Know How *I* Unlocked The Biggest Kept Secret with Women & Dating … so Powerful it will Shatter any Obstacle, Smash every Barrier and Solve all Problems that are still Keeping YOU From Meeting, Attracting and Seducing The Woman Of Your Dreams ?”My New MASTERS DVD Program Will Show You The Full Hidden Code Of The Dating Game, …And Reveal My Gameplan That Leads To The Kind Of Success With Women That You Want RIGHT NOW!Dear Friend,I have a few questions for you… Pay CLOSE ATTENTION as you read them…Do women giggle and laugh when you are trying to create attraction, but it just doesn’t seem to stick and they just leave after a while? Are you still being considered as “just a friend” instead of a potential lover? Do women flake on you when meeting you for a date, or simply not return your calls or text messages?When you approach women, do they sometimes give you the cold shoulder, act bitchy and give you bratty attitude?Do they not allow you to kiss them and turn their head when you are moving your lips closer?Do you get the impression women are losing interest in you very quickly?Are you having trouble getting a woman to come to your house?Do you find it almost impossible to make a woman your permanent girlfriend instead of just being short-term fun?Do you still have a hard time getting a woman to trust you and be comfortable around you … allowing herself to let go?Do you feel you hit the brick wall and just aren’t able to climb to the next stage when it comes to meeting and attracting super attractive women?Does your body still “freeze up” when you see that gorgeous woman you always wanted to meet … making it difficult for you to find the right words to say to her?Do women just ignore you when you enter a room instead of turning their heads, giggle and wonder who you are?Are you afraid that no matter how much you practice and dedicate yourself to becoming good with women and dating … there will always be some women who are “out of your league?”Do you feel completely frustrated when a woman rejects you or doesn’t want to date you anymore … even though you did everything by the textbook?Are you getting the impression that your success with women isn’t improving as fast as you want … and would like to speed things up drastically?    If you have answered YES to any one of those questions … I want you to listen up closely …    Sooner or later everybody hits a plateau! … a point where you are stuck.    I hit mine very quickly after I found out how I can make women feel that gut level emotion called “attraction” by being cheeky, confident and cocky.    At first … I got truck-loads of phone numbers, many dates … and I always felt like I finally found something that truly works with women.    But even though I could see incredible improvements and successes with women … I just couldn’t take it any further.    I just couldn’t get my “game” to that next stage.    No matter how many grueling nights I wasted trying to find out how to overcome that plateau … I didn’t know which direction I should take. The harder I pushed forward … the more obstacles I ran into.    The only solution to BREAK through that plateau was to master the dating game from start to finish!How To Break Your First Plateau And “Smoothen” Your Game … To Have Unstoppable Success With Women    I discovered a lot of the techniques, concepts and methods for approaching a woman you want to meet, how to talk to them in a way it makes them attracted to you … and how to seduce them so you can get physical very quickly.    But I just didn’t know how to put it all together!    I must have spent another 5+ years of my life going through all my notes, analyzing and re-arranging every piece of the puzzle to fill all the remaining holes.    I knew I was on to something when I first started out … but I still didn’t know how the BIG Picture really looked like.    Playing the dating game has always been easy … but playing it RIGHT with GREAT success is very difficult without any help.    To reach that next level of success when dating women, to SHATTER the plateau and WIPE OUT the existing problems, barriers and obstacles … I would have to look through the looking glass the other way and use a different angle.    I still remember this one night when I was out with some friends in a bar and I saw this classy yet incredibly stunning lady across the room.    I walked up, used one of my icebreakers and was throwing my entire arsenal of cocky and cheeky lines at this beautiful woman … and she totally ate it up.    She was totally into me!    I made her laugh, she hit my arm and told me I was an “evil badboy” … I kissed her, took her number and left. It was a great feeling!    But when I was supposed to meet her again for a “date” or “get together” … she went completely cold on me. She couldn’t be bothered anymore.    But why? … I did absolutely everything right, it wasn’t supposed to happen!    It wasn’t just a random hiccup in my game, it was much bigger than that. I had to come to realize that as good as I had become … I still had major flaws.    Not because I was doing something wrong, but because I had only scratched the surface of the dating game. I had completely underestimated the complexity of meeting, dating and seducing the kind of women I wanted.Don’t Get Left Behind … You’ve Only Scratched The Surface Of The Dating Game!    What I had failed to understand was that in order for me to reach that next level with meeting and dating women … I needed a Gameplan!    A system, a structure … or a map that links all the puzzle-pieces together and forms complete system!    And I didn’t have one!    I was so stupid … I had all the greatest techniques in my pocket for getting women, but haven’t even LOOKED which ones could be linked or circumvented!    You see, whenever you are dealing with women … You will always ask yourself one question: What happens next?    What do I say after I approached a beautiful woman and she gives me attitude or acts like a brat? … should I give her the cold shoulder, fire back or go look for someone else and leave the bitch alone?    What should I do after I got her number … should I attempt to kiss her, arrange a date or call her later?    What happens when I create too much attraction and never give a woman a break when teasing her or busting her balls? Is that bad or good?    If I want a fulfilling Relationship instead of a One Night Stand … do I make myself more mysterious and interesting so she gets curious, do I arrange multiple dates before I invite her to my place … or turn up the heat and act more like a jerk?    What do I have to do to make a woman come back and not leave the night after? What are the hidden steps that have to be taken beforehand?    The list goes on and on …    But you see where I’m going with this.    There are always certain checkpoints and steps involved that you must go through if you want a certain outcome … like multiple girlfriends or long lasting and meaningful relationships with those special women you always wanted.    But if you don’t know these steps that link all the techniques and methods together … you will always drop dead before the finish line!    That can be very, VERY frustrating!    I used to literally bang my head against the hood of my car everytime IT happened again.    And trust me … you really don’t want this happening to you.    But if you want to make absolutely sure it DOESN’T happen to you … and to reach that next level in your dating life … you simply can’t get there without having a complete Gameplan!You Simply Can’t Reach The Next Level Without A Map, A Structure Or A Well Defined Gameplan!    Building a Gameplan that leaves absolutely NOTHING unanswered when meeting and dating women was hands-down the most challenging and mind-wrecking experience I’ve ever had.    My room looked like a warzone!    A gigantic papertrail of notes, ripped manuals, broken pencils, open books … and my masterpiece on the wall.    Curious as to how some of it looked like? Here’s a snapshot:   Please bare in mind that I didn’t just solve this puzzle overnight.    It took me over 5 years AFTER I was already good with women to connect all the pieces of the dating game into a ‘system’.    This Gameplan is almost like a treasure map to the holy grail. If you understand how to read it, you can write your own ticket in life.    But if you CAN’T read it … you will never experience what real success with women feels like. As I said before, you have now only scratched the surface of what is actually possible with my attraction techniques.    Up till today, you’ve only had a TASTE of what attracting and seducing beautiful women looks like.    Now get ready to experience the real thing!What You’re Going To Learn    Inside my DVD Program, you will learn:The 2 UNIVERSAL styles of picking up women: Natural Game … and Structured Game! I will teach you both … and even show you how to take the best bits from both styles to form a superior one that will align perfectly with your personality.Advanced techniques for making a woman feel that gut-level emotion that tells her you are sexy, interesting and definitely boyfriend material.A complete Troubleshooting section where I address the most common problems guys have after they are getting better with women. This will be an entire breakdown of the top roadblocks in your way…and how to break themHow to remove a crucial mental barrier in your head that kept you from meeting and dating women out of your league by using 2 very effective techniques from my personal stash.How to fine-tune every element, every technique and every nut and bolt that is essential when you want to reach the finish line quicker and more often.The real essence of gaining the “right” confidence that women love in a guy. I’ll show you 3 incredibly smart ways to become a man who has that sexy appearance of pure confidence no woman can say no to.The real reason why that girl you met last weekend hasn’t called you back, is being flakey and just won’t go on a date with you. This is a real eye-opener when you see how many mistakes you have actually made.How to “turn it around” once you have become just another friend for a woman instead of actually being her lover or boyfriend.The 6 obstacles and key-factors that constantly get you rejected because you get nervous when you are about to talk to a woman or just screw it up.Why you are most likely still a complete nice-guy and wuss when it comes to women and dating. This is very common: You may think you overcame your inner wussiness … where in fact women can still sense that clingy, nicey-nice guy in you and you won’t even realize it.How to achieve the next-level and breach through your plateau without having to change yourself or become a different person you don’t want to.Precisely what you should do when you fall in love. Learn what you must do to get that special woman and make her your girlfriend without scaring her away. If you want her so bad … you must learn the crucial steps to a long-term relationship.How to make yourself as interesting as a rockstar or a celebrity even though you may work in McD’s or BK. This has to be one of my personal favorite techniques to tweak your personality traits and gain an irresistible character3 sure-fire ways of being able to kiss a woman the very first time you meet her without her turning her head away. These have been tested so many times that I perfected them. Now, they work like a charm!The real reasons why the so called “Experts” have absolutely no clue when it comes to teaching you how to meet, attract and date the kind of women you want … and why you shouldn’t listen to them.Why you have no chance of succeeding with women and dating if you listen and follow the moral rules that have been set by our society. Let me teach you how to break those boundaries and set you free!How I started out personally … and how introduced me to the dating game. I will teach you what kickstarted my own journey of becoming good with women, and reveal my biggest kept secrets and nuggets of gold.Why most women (and men) are very shallow … and how you can turn this into one of your biggest strength when it comes to appearance and aura.The secret of using the “Halo-Effect” to your biggest advantage, and make people instantly recognize you as a hot and sexy alpha-male.The 7 reasons why Alcohol decreases your chances of meeting women by 300% … and why most people think it would actually help.How to effectively pick up a woman in a group. Discover why most guys fail and kick themselves when they wanted to pick up a woman with a friend and get a no-go every single time.My 3 best methods of dealing with clubs, bars or any event where the music is very loud. If you find it difficult to talk to women because the volume is over the top … those techniques will get you off the hook immediately.Why women have a higher bitch-shield and arrogance-factor when you meet them at night … and how to sneak past it or destroy it with the snaps of your fingers. Dealing with “bitchy” women has never been this easy!The 2 reasons why you should never make-out in the toilets. Find out why it will quickly backfire … even if you think it’s cool and it works.Learn the 5 reasons why you must never use aggressive behavior when you are dealing with male competition … and what to do instead to give any guy a complete blow-out and humiliation.Why drunk girls may be an easy prey and easy to pull … but let me teach you some real life stories of what can happen when you actually do.The phenomenon of becoming metrosexual! This has to be the worst mis-belief of our time. Discover once and for all what happens with women when they see yyou decide to take your appearance and David Beckham-ish style too far.Where to get the coolest clothes that make you stand out from everybody else instantly … and how to get it with a 60-80% discount on retail price.An entire breakdown of where to meet beautiful women … and how to prepare yourself properly to maximize your chances of being successful.Learn the different types of bars and clubs you will encounter in any nightlife … including the difficulty level, the competition and the tips to gain an unfair advantage over every other guy in there.My entire collection of Dirty Tricks that are being used in the dating game. Learn how to use them yourself … or how to counter them if someone wants to use them on you.And that’s not even a quarter of this program. There is more… much more!But Wait … That Wasn’t Even A Quarter Of What You’re Going To LearnYou will also learn:How to read the hidden code of the Dating Matrix! If you want to reach the next level, you must be able to read behind the lines that are difficult to even see.The real dynamics behind dating: discover why it is always the woman that chooses the man and not the other way around. You must know how to tame that power she has … and get it back into your hands.The difference between hunting for girls … and fishing. Find out the difference between 2 highly effective techniques for meeting women … and if the shotgun or the sniper approach is the right one for you.A 4 step-by-step plan of how to use universal icebreakers that grab the attention of any woman you’d like to meet … or opens a group of girls to easiliy initiate a conversation and heat up the attraction.How to pick-up women like a real player and natural womanizer.Learn how to use extreme alphaness and meet and date some of the most beautiful women … and it’s so simple you’ll secretly grin all the way to your bedroom.How to pick-up women like a legendary Pick-Up Artist by using slick communication skills, smart anticipation and psychological charm. If you like a more structured approach … you will love this method in my gameplan.Learn the importance of a good Follow Up. After you have used an icebreaker to get your foot in the door … you must learn how to keep pushing without losing your momentum.How to meet and date women like a complete Playboy … a real man. If you know how to combine both styles of pick-up (Pick-Up Artis and Player) … and mix it with your own personality, the dating world will kneel at your feet.The Rebound-Method. This little technique is my personal favorite and it’s weight worth in gold. It smashes through every bitch-shield, opens up any group of women and makes hotties chase you instantly. I just love this one!The 4 ways of meeting women on a dancefloor … and why only 1 is really effective. 99% of guys have never heard of that technique I use all the time … but trust me, you’ll be thrilled at how well it works.My 11 Stripper Rules. If you like exotic dancers or topless models, this is my gift to you: Find out what every single guy does wrong when trying to get a dancer … so you can do the right thing and get her. I’ll teach you how!How to condition yourself and erase fear from your memory. The most effective way of dealing with fear and hesitation isn’t to learn how to deal with it … but to learn how to wipe it out from your system.The 3 Inner Barriers that you must face if you want to reach the next level of success in the dating game. I’ll teach you how to tame those inner beasts and break those barriers … if you don’t you will be stuck forever.2 effective nightlife strategies: Lone-Ranger or Team-Tag! Find out what takes to go to clubs or bars by yourself and meet women … and how to recruit and train anybody as your loyal wingman to back you up in any situation.How to get into lounges, bars or clubs with ease by handling the bouncers effectively. If you don’t have ID, aren’t dressed properly or don’t look like you belong there … no problem. I’ll show you a dirty little technique I still use that never gets me knocked back.The golden player rules you must know if you enter a territory where other playboys like you hang out. Everybody who know show to play the game has a secret understanding … like a secret code. If you haven’t figured it out already, I’ll let you in and show you what it’s all about.How to blow-out other alpha-males and jerks who want to mess it up for you. If you run into an angry competitor … I’ll teach you some killer moves that will put a jerk in his place and shut him up for good.The 9 biggest traps most guys tend to fall into when they want to meet a woman and create attraction. If you only make 1 mistake here … it will kill all your chances with that woman instantly.How to create a matrix mindmap or a cheat-sheet in your head. If you’ve ever had to think for more than 3 seconds as to what to say next … then you must have one or you will always be second best.The importance of relying more on your instinct, timing and delivery when it comes to talking to women … instead of using your entire arsenal of lines you put together in the last months.What you must never do or say when you are driving a woman to her place … or are taking a taxi to your place to get physical. If you screw it up so close before the finish line, you’ll literally beat yourself up for weeks!How to make sure a woman will stay at your place once you’ve successfully gotten her to a stage where she is about to get physical with you. You don’t want her to leave, you want her to stay overnight and have breakfast the next morning.My 8 personal and favorite lines to break the ice and suck women into a conversation. Tested, time-proven and highly effective in any situation.Advanced exampels of creating high-quality attraction spikes. A woman won’t just start giggling or hit you on the arm … you will see her eyes glowing right in front of you! Just be careful with these How to make smarter dates. Always be 2 steps ahead of the woman and get the result you want by making structured dateplans. I’ll show you how to effective plan ahead … so you will always know what to do next on a date.How and when to phone or text a woman before the date to eliminate all chances of her ever flaking on you. Let me teach you how to set up your dates correctly … and you will never have to worry about getting stood up.The fastest phone-number trick in the world. Find out how to get a woman’s phone number in less than 90 seconds … with a 100% chance of it being real and not fake.How to get a french-kiss and make out a woman in under 3 minutes flat. If you want to know how far you can go when you are good at this game … I’ll gladly show you the way.Discover why you are 10 times more likely to succeed when it comes to women and dating when you just don’t care … than when you actually do.The truths about speed-dating, monogamy, cheating, having friends with benefits or multiple girlfriends, marriage and maybe having kids some day.How to behave when you meet the parents. If you want fulfilling and long-term relationships, you will have to meet her parents some day. I’ll teach you how to make such a great impression that her mom won’t stop talking about you.The most important step in the dating game: How to run on autopilot and meet and seduce women left, right and centre wherever you go.And much, much moreREVIEW:I’m uploadind it because i really think elib should have everything about Pick Up.I haven’t seen it completely yet.So far, it looks like a David D but younger, cooler, and with good simple practical advices.Perfect for beginners.We already have the book here : it before downloading the DVD Series.Total Time : about 14 hoursFree Ratio here: can watch it online in a lower quality with a Veoh Player: Because it’s already on line, there is NO


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