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NICABM – Treating Trauma 2013

NICABM – Treating Trauma 2013
[9 MP3s, 9 MP4s, 9 PDFs]


National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral MedicineTreating Trauma 2013The Right Treatments, Applied Skillfully and Timed Correctly, Make Healing from Trauma Faster and More EffectiveThis comprehensive training program will help you identify the best practices – and develop the skills you need to help clients take back their lives.Trauma Soldier NICABM While running a consultation group, a therapist came across a difficult case.“Ray,” a Marine who’d just finished a tour of duty in Afghanistan, had been diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome. His walking and talking were limited. He felt intolerably stressed. His jaw and neck would tense up and convulse, and he was having difficulty functioning in everyday life.Now, the curious thing was that it happened so quickly – in mere weeks. The therapist knew that Tourette’s syndrome doesn’t usually appear overnight, so he looked elsewhere for the answer.The root, he figured out, was a traumatic moment experienced overseas.While on patrol after a firefight, two explosive devices went off very close to Ray. Suddenly, he was thrown violently into the air . . .. . . and his next conscious memory was waking up in a hospital in Germany. The therapist, who was trained in the treatment of trauma, had a hunch. He thought perhaps Ray’s problem was rooted in his body.When the bomb went off, Ray had turned his head, moved his eyes toward the flash, looking for the source of the threat – and then was knocked unconscious. His body never had a chance to orient itself to the traumatic event.So the therapist and Ray worked together on the muscles of the neck, jaw, and shoulders. And after just a few sessions, Ray started to improve.His convulsions reduced, and eventually disappeared. He developed relaxation techniques to ward off the stress in his body. His speech recovered.His life changed because his therapist was up on the latest thinking about the treatment of trauma.It’s not enough to want to help. You need to be up on the newest developments and the latest thinking on exactly how trauma affects people’s lives and what you can do about it. By understanding trauma’s impact, what it does to the brain and how it affects the body, we can develop more sophisticated options for bringing wholeness and healing to people who are most affected. But there’s so much information (with more coming out every day), it can be hard to keep up.What if you could cut through all the theory and the thousands of research articles and quickly identify specific interventions that could help your patients heal?Imagine boiling the latest developments down to clear, simple principles you could implement after just minutes of study. This program will get you there.This comprehensive training program will help you identify the best practices – and develop the skills you need to make your treatments even more effective.Each session in this comprehensive training program is designed to get you up-to-date with the latest thinking in the treatment of trauma, giving you new perspectives and expanding your toolkit.Here’s a look at what you’ll get in this program . . .


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