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NICABM – The Experts Biggest Mistakes

NICABM – The Experts Biggest Mistakes
[WebRip – 15 MP4s, 15 MP3s, 15 PDFs]

Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! About NICABMThe National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine is a pioneer and leader in the field of mind-body-spirit medicine. As a provider of continuing education for health and mental health care professionals for over 20 years, NICABM is at the forefront of developing and delivering programs with “take home” ideas, immediately adaptable for practitioners to use with their patients. Product InfoThe Experts’ Biggest Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)Get the Experts’ Hard-Won Lessons from Their Biggest Clinical ErrorsShame Mistakes. We all make them. Yet it’s something we don’t really like to talk about.But when we asked the top experts in our field if they were willing to let us in on their biggest mistakes, they said yes.And they were candid.There’s a lot we can learn from what they shared.That’s why we gathered their sharpest insights on their most memorable errors to bring you . . .How to Avoid Losing Empathy for Your Most Difficult ClientsSue Johnson, EdD      Kelly McGonigal, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyD•The vital strategy that can help you stay balanced when the therapeutic alliance collapses•When your protective impulse betrays you•Saving the therapy when your go-to strategies get hobbled in the session •The routine mistake practitioners make when their strategies failThe Right Treatment for the Right Client at the Wrong TimeBessel van der Kolk, MD      Shelly Harrell, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyDRick Hanson, PhD      Joan Borysenko, PhD•Why a corrective emotional experience can fall flat with some clients•When to rethink your role as an agent of compassion•Four important factors that help shape stronger, more effective treatment strategiesOne Misstep That Can Break Trust with Your Client and Stall TherapySteven Hayes, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyD•Why this helpful strategy, when misused, can lead to greater suffering for your client •The flexibility framework that’s vital for successful CBT treatment •One core belief about behavioral therapy that many practitioners get wrongWhen Critical Errors in Timing Can Impact a Client with TraumaPeter Levine, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyDKelly McGonigal, PhD      Rick Hanson, PhD•A common mistake practitioners make that can drive clients into deeper shutdown•How we can miss the small window of opportunity for helping a client enter a regulated state•What not to do when you sense a client is pulling back into themselves•The three energy states a client moves through in a session (and which one you shouldn’t engage)When Professional Strengths Become a LiabilityRick Hanson, PhD      Kelly McGonigal, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyD•One powerful tool that can help practitioners course-correct in real time•The honest self-assessment that will help you identify when NOT to work with a client•when it’s the right time to transfer a client to another therapistHow Can We Turn a Mistake into a Breakthrough?Pat Ogden, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyDJoan Borysenko, PhD      Kelly McGonigal, PhD•How a client could gain a deeper healing experience from your clinical mistake•The crucial question to ask yourself before you decide to self-disclose How Attachment Work Can Retraumatize a ClientPat Ogden, PhD      Rick Hanson, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyD•The one big mistake in attachment work that can terminate therapy•The critical miscue that can trigger perpetrator transference in your client•Specific client histories that can make us rein in our empathy When Client Backlash Can Advance the TherapyRichard Schwartz, PhD•The one miscue that can turn a client’s protective parts against them•Why a client’s backlash to therapy often gets mistaken for a deeper illness•One misstep in treatment that can put your client’s healing at risk Are You Treating the Right Problem?Christine Padesky, PhD      Ron Siegel, PsyD      Joan Borysenko, PhD•Why even the strongest evidence-based therapy methods can lead to clinical mistakes•The vital assessment that can prevent therapy from collapsing into a rut•One hidden mistake that can take place during the client intake process Repairing a Mistake So That It Doesn’t Affect the Therapeutic AllianceStan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT      Ron Siegel, PsyD      Rick Hanson, PhD•Why you might be prone to make more mistakes with highly sympathetic clients•One way of handling a mistake that can permanently break your client’s trust•One simple but powerful tool for immediately analyzing and repairing your mistakesProduct Page:


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