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NICABM – Mind-Body Medicine Series

NICABM – Mind-Body Medicine Series
[19 MP3s, 11 PDFs]


National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral MedicineMind-Body Medicine SeriesThe most common problems patients complain about – whether in psychotherapy or medicine – center on being in pain, tired, or depressed.Could Symptoms be a Signal that the Body’s Complex Balance is “Out of Whack”?Dear Colleague, We’ve always known how responsive and highly orchestrated the mind/body connection is. When all goes well, that incredible design is in balance. But too often, symptoms are treated instead of their underlying causes. It doesn’t take long to see how we could improve health outcomes if we had a 21st century map. Unless we’re up-to-date, we can’t re-program the locked and interlocking connections at the heart of health. Learn how to get beyond symptoms to treat the whole patient. Some of the least known ideas can have the greatest impact on healing. We’ve created this 6-session teleseminar series to empower you with an action plan for change.


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