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NICABM – Brain Science 2012

NICABM – Brain Science 2012
[9 MP3s, 9 MP4s, 9 PDFs]


National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral MedicineBrain Science 2012Breakthroughs in neuroscience have helped transform the lives of thousands of patients around the world and could enhance results with your patients today.Dear Colleague,We’ve pulled together the leading neuroscientists for this all-new webinar series. They’ll be revealing some of the most astounding and life-changing approaches that you can use immediately with your patients. Do you have a patient who is stuck in a rut and struggling desperately to get out?Or perhaps you’re working with someone who doesn’t really believe that change is possible . . . at least not in their life.Or maybe you’ve been working on the same issues for so long that you’re both feeling worn out and losing hope that your interventions will really make a difference.For many of us, this scenario is all too familiar.But this doesn’t have to be the end of the story. . .Many practitioners have found that the latest breakthroughs in brain science can have a profound impact on frustrating situations like these.Unlock the MindFor decades, we were told that the brain was fixed at an early age, and that it deteriorated with age.Turns out, this was not true, but this myth fundamentally influenced the way we practiced.The latest findings are telling a completely different story, and it’s good news.In the past few years, we’ve been discovering how the brain is plastic – constantly learning, changing, and growing (or shrinking, depending on how we treat the brain).That’s right – we have the potential, not only to strengthen the brain, but even to grow and develop some of its most essential parts.But this kind of thing won’t happen on its own. Without specific interventions, the natural trajectory of the brain is decline.It doesn’t have to be that way!Doidge and RuthWith skillful intervention, our patients can move toward the life they’ve barely dared to dream of.In the hands of a skilled practitioner, the latest brain science can mean new hope for:•kids with learning disabilities•fighting couples cycling through the same arguments•people struggling with depression•returning veterans with PTSD•patients working to break free from addiction•aging clients who can’t remember as well as they used to•anyone who wants to stay sharp and healthy as they ageBrain science unlocks potential for all kinds of people – but only if we know how to use it.That’s why we’ve created this 6-part webinar series to give you the latest, most up-to-date ways to use neuroplasticity in your work.You’ll hear from the experts who are paving the way in our field. What’s more, you’ll get concrete ways to implement what you hear immediately.And If the Brain Can Change…Anyone’s Life Can Change


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