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NeuroSummit II with Lisa Garr (Audio Set)

NeuroSummit II audios
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NeuroSummit II with Lisa Garr (Audio Set) 2014videos can be found here: you ever reflected on the nearly magical power of our brains?  It is beyond remarkable and we are just beginning to explore the capacity, potential and amazing abilities it has. This is why we are excited to share with you the latest developments, information and insights from the field’s leading researchers, teachers and authors, in these recordings.In our first NeuroSummit we unveiled a wealth of new techniques, therapies and knowledge that is helping us advance toward ever greater levels of Awareness.NeuroSummit II will continue introducing you to some of the greatest minds in this exciting filed of neuroscience, who will enlighten us to how it can be harnessed to create more happiness, abundance and love in our lives.NeuroSummit II will be the ultimate immersion in cutting edge science, creativity and in-depth research, revealed for the first time here on The Aware Show! It promises to be even more thought-provoking and packed with new information to help us navigate the ever-challenging times we live in, and break through the barriers to your greatest dreams.To Help You Live a Healthy, Enlightened and Prosperous Life, The Aware Show’sNeuroSummit II will reveal:      • How to energize, jump-start, and transform your daily experience      • How you can fine tune, control, radically improve and raise your energy levels to new heights      • Techniques to improve the clarity, memory function and synaptic power you never         thought possible      • How to remove blocks, overcome the last remnants of procrastination, hesitation and         feelings of being stuck      • Practices, programs and techniques that will enrich your life and help you achieve         your greatest goals                                         Meet our Neurosummit II Experts:Harnessing the Power of AwarenessBill HarrisAwareness is the “Secret Key” that unlocks your Power of Choice over how you feel, how you behave, which people and situations you attract or become attracted to, and what meanings you assign to what happens.  Without this key, life can be a struggle. With it, life is easy.NeuroWisdom 101Mark WaldmanMark Waldman is one of the world’s leading experts on communication, spirituality, and the brain. His research has been featured in Time Magazine, The Washington Post, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Investor’s Business Weekly and Oprah Magazine.  Mark’s latest work involves revealing the Spectrum of Human Consciousness. This incorporates learning how to apply core strategies of brain-training, cognitive therapy, and positive psychology. The end effect is to reduce physical pain, eliminate worry and stress and cultivate positive energy.Wired for Love: Developing an Insider’s Guide to Your RelationshipStan TatkinStan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT, is a clinician, researcher, teacher, and developer of A Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT®). He has a clinical practice in Calabasas, CA, and developed the PACT Institute for the purpose of training other psychotherapists to use this method in their clinical practice.  Stan teaches the biology and the psychology of coupling that will immediately and dramatically improve your relationship with your partner or help you pull in the appropriate partner for a long, happy, and healthy long-term relationship.Create a Radiant, Full Color LifeWhitney FreyaWhitney Freya is revolutionizing the way we think about how we think! Her unique insight into our right brain abilities and how we can all access and strengthen our creative thinking abilities to create change, is both elemental and infinite.  Her techniques, including looking at our lives as a blank canvas and applying the Principles of Design to create a “masterpiece”, can be applied to both personal and business life.Supreme InfluenceNiurkaNiurka and I just had the most energized interview imaginable, filled with stories, exercises, wisdom and love. Learn many practical tips you can use today to become Spiritually empowered. Find out why Tony Robbins had Niurka on the road with him for 5 years, transforming lives with her uplifting energy.  Niurka is a true Spiritual Warrior and she has put together a Special Offer just for our Aware Family. The “Problems into Possibilities” videos she created for us are the key to Quantum Linguistics, and the more I use this the more I am coming from my heart and my deepest power. This has already improved my awareness and opened possibilities for me, so just by listening to this Limited Replay, I believe you will have the same experience. Most of all I know you will feel the joy and love Niurka emanates so clearly!Neuroscience and AgeingDr. Rudolph TanziToday I interview Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, who is a Professor of Neurology and holder of the Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Endowed Chair in Neurology and Mental Retardation at Harvard University. His latest research and vision for global transformation is being announced right here at our NeuroSummit II!  Dr. Tanzi’s passion to help those around him in the area of Alzheimer’s disease is selfless and inspiring! I am excited to share this special interview with you.How the Brain WorksDr. Eben AlexanderDr. Eben Alexander just might be the most contemplative neuroscientist I have interviewed. He is an active meditator and he readily shares with us the benefits, style and attitudes he uses for his meditations. Brilliant ideas being shared right here, from one of the leading Alzheimer researchers in the World. Among the many topics we covered, he showed us his model of how the brain works and the 3 Ds we can use now for full integration within our realities. This is a must see.The Aware BrainRon TeeguardenI interview Ron Teeguarden, who is the cofounder, with his wife Yanlin, and leader of Dragon Herbs. He is widely recognized as one of the foremost herbalists in America. His wisdom, passion and knowledge comes through in unexpected ways as we GO LIVE at Dragon Herb Emporium, right in Santa Monica, CA!  Ron’s passion to help those around him in the area of natural healing, longevity and wellness is exciting and will change your life! I am honored to share this special interview with youNeurofeedback for Enlightened AwarenessDr. Siegfried OthmerDr. Siegfried Othmer’s Neurofeedback for Enlightened Awareness is direct training for higher brain function, by which the brain learns to function more efficiently. When we observe the brain in action from moment to moment we can reward the brain for changing its own activity to more appropriate patterns. This is a gradual learning process and leads to improvement in every aspect of brain function.  Neurofeedback for Enlightened Awareness is based on electrical brain activity for higher, meta-cognative self-awareness. Self-cognition and awareness is a necessary part of good brain function and allows the central nervous system to function better for dramatically improved health, relationships and prosperity.The Neuroscience of TransformationDr. Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D.These days, everywhere you look, there is an article on the mind! Yes, the mind. From the cover of Time Magazine to the TV Show Cosmos, we are learning more about our mind everyday. That is why it is important you listen to our interviews and take advantage of our Special Offers during our NeuroSummit II.  Dr Elisha Goldstein just gave us the clearest and most positive insights we have even heard at our NeuroSummit. He told us the only thing we can effect is the NOW and he showed us how! He shared with us his life story which was difficult from the beginning, being filled with anger and contempt ever since he was a child. And he showed us all he did to transform himself into a positive, productive and passionate healer.Discourses on EnlightenmentDr. Andrew NewbergToday I interview Dr Andrew Newberg, who is the director of research at the Jefferson Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine and a physician at Jefferson University Hospital. He is board certified in internal medicine, nuclear medicine, and nuclear cardiology.  Dr Newberg’s passion to shed light on the human mind and its complex workings will change your life! Andrew is considered a research pioneer in the area of meditation processes and has done extensive work in determining the benefits of virtually all meditation techniques available in the world today. I am honored to share this special interview with youMaking The Mind MatterDr. Joe DispenzaDr Joe shows us first hand how and why spontaneous cures are possible, whether physical, emotional or spiritual in nature. And he shares that wisdom first hand in this interview and in the Special Offer he put together just for us. Please take advantage of this one while they last as it includes his latest book “You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter”, the latest major work from Hay House.  This must be shared and used by you and all you love and cherish. Dr Joe is on the leading edge of the new medicine we all know we need but cannot explain. He does explain it right here in a way we can understand and use, right during the interview. Thank you Dr Joe!Emotions and Energy MedicineDonna EdenSimply put, you need to see this to believe it. The energy and sheer joy that comes through in my time together with Donna Eden has inspired my entire being, just as it will yours. Donna is a true gift to our humanity, brought here to guide us to a clear state of health and well being. And she lives it, emanates it and shares it freely.  As one of our team said, I hope I look that great at 71! Donna is timeless, her wisdom is timeless and the ease by which she helps people, hundreds of thousands of people, experience personal relief and cures for every disease imaginable is … well, watch this and learn for yourself.Create Change in Your Life Using the Power of EnergyDr. George PrattDr George Pratt helps olympic athletes, entertainers, heads of state, CEOs and people from every corner of the world, right from his office in Scripps, La Jolla. And in this interview he showed us why he is so popular.  You will immediately see why George’s work is so effective. He is fun, witty, accomplished, and filled with heart. During this interview he shared over 20 practical approaches for our Aware Family. You will learn why it is important to laugh, what dolphin breathing is, how to maximize tapping, the solution for anxiety, conscious clearing techniques, and the truth about food. Yes, all of this and more right here in one of the most important shows I have ever done. Dr George Pratt is now officially called “Doctor How”! How to have the best life possible, and its FREE!Healthy Backs, Necks and FitnessDr. Anat BanielHonestly, during this interview, my body needed help. Well, what better time to experience first hand how to help heal ourselves, right at our desks. Yes, we sit at our desks more than most things we do, and if you are like me you might have pain in your back, shoulders and neck. Even if you only have a little tension, this is the interview for you. Watch Anat as she walks me through her work, live and in person with you.  Watch Now to See Anat Teaching Me How to End Pain.  “Movement is the language of the brain”. What a great concept, and Anat brought that to life right here. Please learn all you can from Anat while you watch this interview, as her work is the best in the world for uniting neuroscience with physical movement. She is a renown student of Moshe Feldenkrais and what she does for us all here is a true gift.  Join us on this journey of pain free living, with exercises you can do right at your desk.Seeing Clearly with Love and WisdomDr. Wayne DyerWayne was especially clear during this entire interview. Direct from Maui and right to our hearts, Wayne teaches and shows us first hand why he is an inspirational leader for our planet. Please listen to this interview now and tell me what you receive from it.  Wayne Dyer “I Can See Clearly Now” Interview.  Wayne can see very clearly because of all he has been through in his 74 years of living on this earth. He has experienced so many difficult times that he has transformed into pure acceptance for all that is, that just by listening to him takes you deeper and higher into your own being. I firmly believe that his truths and depth of being, which are universal truths, create a teaching that we all need to put into practice now.  If we all listen to this and share it with everyone we know and love, our lives would become more clear and uplifting forever. Wayne’s teachings here are the clearest we have ever heard, so please take advantage of the Free Replay we have here for you to enjoy and use for wherever you are in your life.About Your Host Lisa GarrLisa Garr is the host of The Aware Show radio program on KPFK-FM in Southern California. Since 1999, Lisa has interviewed over 1,500 best-selling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, spirituality, and personal growth. She is considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational media programming and is committed to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change. In addition to being a sought-after emcee, Lisa hosts her own TV show and popular online personal-development teleseminar series.


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