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NeSeminars WebRip (Small)

NeSeminars WebRip (Small)
[640 MP4 – 27 PDF]


It’s rip from this upload: made resolution 640×480 and small bitrate – 200 kbit/s. Video and sound are normal. Enjoy! More than 150 credit hours which includes the following;Mulligan Concept (MCTA) Library ($399 value)BASIC TIER ($239 value)Brian Mulligan and Kevin Wilk’s Course: The Diagnosis and Treatment of the Upper and Lower Quadrants ($399 value)Rafael Escamilla teaching Analysis of Exercises for the Knee and Core ($87.50 value)Functional Movement Symposium presented by Gray Cook, Kyle Kiesel, Michael Voight and Phil Plisky ($375.00 value)Basic Tier : 23 Courses :Basic Tier Package1) Reducing Risk of Falls in the Elderly -by Leslie Allison, PT, PhD 2) Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach: In Assessment and Management of the Adult Hemiplegic Patient in Functional Activities – by Waleed Al-Oboudi, MOT, OTR3) Myofascial Release vs Feldenkrais Method – A Comparison and Contrast – by Sandy Burkart, P.T., OCS, PhD4) Differential Diagnosis of the Neuromusculoskeletal System – by Sandy Burkart, PT, OCS, PhD5) Mobilization of the Nervous System The Mobile Nervous System, Clinical Reasoning and Pain – by David Butler, PT, GDAMT, MSPP SC6) Therapeutic Exercises Using the Swiss Ball – by Caroline Corning Creager, PT7) Functional Relationships of the Lower Half – by Richard Jackson, PT, OCS8) Cumulative Trauma Disorders – by James W. King, MA, OTR, CHT9) Functional Anatomy: A Cadaver Review of the Thigh, Knee, and Leg – by Peter Leininger, MSPT, OCS, CSCS10) Assessment of the Lumbar Spine – by David Magee, BPT, PhD11) Knee Rehab: Patellofemoral and ACL Injuries – by Robert Mangine, MEd, PT, ATC12) Work Hardening – Returning the Difficult Client to Work – by Leonard Matheson, PhD, CVE13) Managing Challenging Lower Limb Problems – by Jenny McConnell PT, Bapp Sci Grad Man Ter M Biomed Eng14) Functional Anatomy – A Cadaver Review of the Shoulder, Hip, and Pelvis – by Paul Mettler, EdD15) Hand Rehabilitation: Extensor and Flexor Tendons – by Anne Moscony, OTR, CHT16) Cadaver Review: Cervicothoracic and Scapulohumeral Regions – by James Porterfield, PT, MA, ATC17) Functional Anatomy: A Cadaver Review of the Hand, Wrist, and Elbow – by Neal Pratt, PhD, PT18) Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscle Imbalances and Associated Movement Impairment Syndromes – by Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA19) CranioSacral Therapy: Recognizing the Body-Mind Continuum – by John Upledger, DO, OMM20) Rehab of the Shoulder Non-Operative and Operative Treatment of Shoulder Instability and Rotator Cuff Injuries – by Kevin Wilk, DPT21) Recognition & Treatment of Shoulder Injuries in the Overhead Athlete – by Kevin Wilk, DPT+ 2 more courses. CONCEPT (MCTA) Mobilizations with Movement (MWM) techniques directly from Brian Mulligan himself! • 7 Seminars with total of 12+ hours of instruction• Demonstrations on live models & Treatment of the Upper and Lower Quadrant Instructed by Brian Mulligan, F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip M.T. and Kevin Wilk, D.P.T Run Time: 12 hrsACL rehabElbow ConditionsPatellofemoral ConditionsAdhesive CapsulitiesRotator Cuff Rehab.Functional Movement Symposium ( Gray Cook)15+ hrsThe symposium starts with an overview of the entire Functional Movement System as outlined in Gray Cook’s new book Movement. The system enhances the clinician’s understanding and application of the functional movement model for the orthopedic and sports medicine patient. The system seamlessly bridges rehabilitation and injury prevention/performance programs.• Understand how and why the SFMA, FMS, and Y-Balance Test are used in a comprehensive functional movement evaluation of the patient.• Understand the key concepts that drive the movement model including regional interdependence, neuro-developmental perspectives, and how pain adversely affects motor control.• Appreciate the response of the motor control system to therapeutic exercise and manual therapy to improve individual outcomes etc.


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