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NemoSeen Media – Remote Viewing The Gold Standard Course-

Remote Viewing The Gold Standard Course
[10 DVD Rips/ 5 CDs MP3s/ E-Book PDFs]



**^* For The Only!!**^*   Quick question: Does this site deserve to have members only exclusive content on it? If  ‘yes’ than keep it here! This course has 15 discs to it. It was my goal to rip it all to fit on one DVD ROM (less than 4 GB). I did not sacrifice media quality however. All rips are high quality. I achieved my goal. Click “RV Course”From site: “You get a total of 15 discs — 10 DVDS and 5 CDs. The course is presented by the Masters of the craft: Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, Ingo Swann , Stephan A. Schwartz, James Spottiswoode, Paul Smith, Skip Atwater, Dale Graff, Henry Reed, and Edgar Evans Cayce . All presented in broadcast quality digital video accompanied by rarely seen Remote Viewing images that mark the developments in the field. The course features the scientists, viewers, and military intelligence officers who created the field of Remote Viewing. There is nothing else like it available on the market today.”At Amazon it got only ‘5 out of 5’ stars for all  11 reviews:Check it- It’s Called The Gold Standard For a Reason, May 28, 2005Reviewer: Henry Reed “Creator Spirit” (Mouth of Wilson, VA USA) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   The DVDs represent an historic event, the coming together of the key people in the history of remote viewing. It is like taking an advanced graduate course with all the original players being the teachers. The DVDs are well produced and edited, a professional job.Having the CDs along with the visuals, it is a skill development lab built in. The exercises really work and you know you’re getting the real thing. And for about 1/3 the cost of a university class. And, should you ever want to part with it, you can sell it back on, something you can’t do with a live training class! Truly a gem amongst the much out there!! Look no further. Buy It!!, June 12, 2006Reviewer: Jane “JaneD” (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) – See all my reviewsHaving read much about ESP research in the Soviet Union, read some books onRemote viewing (Psychic Warrior, I recommend) and coming across at least on 1 occasion a public recognition by a sitting US President (Jimmy Carter) on the contribution of Remote Viewers (within the intelligence community) in at least 1 case, I was hooked. I was looking for material that wasn’t just detailing some history. I knew that already. I was looking for more. I wanted to be part of it. Nothing seemed to fit the bill…until.. Gold Standard. Here it was..history.. by the very people who made it happen and the CDs that accompany the program that give the guidance to those that want to try. Not to the debunkers (nothing will convince them!) but to the believers and even those sitting on the wall. NOTHING LIKE IT OUT THERE. Compendium of Knowledge, March 19, 2006Reviewer: Star Matrix – See all my reviewsIn terms of both value for your dollar and the scope of the project, The Gold Standard Course is on par with the novice or professional remote viewer. If not alone for the dvd’s of the fascinating people who drove this movement.Driven by a cohesive set of episodes, each one with its own story arc and deep sense of content.The Gold Standard Course is a must-own DVD collection.You’ll love this series, if for no other reason than it will afford you the opportunity to spend several hours listening to many of very smart, knowledgeable, and creative people talk with passion on a subject that is now part of history. At last something real!, August 25, 2005Reviewer: Rebbeca M. (South Carolina USA) – See all my reviewsAfter being disappointed again and again by material I have purchased on remote viewing, I came across Stephan Schwartz’s Gold Standard Course. If you really want to know the truth about how this ability actually was developed, as opposed to the fanciful stories and phony claims that seem to be the substance of most accounts, the Gold Standard is for you. Buy this set! And if you really want to learn how to do it yourself I have not found anything better than this compendium course Stephan has put together. He has all the significant figures you read about over and over, but never actually hear, all in one collection. But for me the real strength of the gold standard course is in the CDs that take you through the experiences just as if you were in one of the RV labs, and had a master teacher gently guiding you along. Using the “Remote Viewing” CD I finally was able to understand how to remote view successfully, by actually remote viewing, thanks to the step-by-step walk through the CD provides. But that is not my favorite, as good as it is. I have had a chronic illness and have found the “Healing” CD particularly helpful. This CD helps you to view your own body and then to stimulate your own healing powers. It has been wonderful. Incredible opportunity, June 26, 2005Reviewer: Christine Fallwell “Lightdoc” (Virginia Beach, VA) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   Stephan’s Gold Standard course is educational, insightful and entertaining. I was fortunate enough to attend his annual SchwartzReport conference at the Association for Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, where he brought together the original experts in the field of remote viewing. This course is an incredible distillation of more than 30 years worth of their combined experience. If you are interested in learning about remote viewing, it just doesn’t get any better than this. Learn Remote Viewing from its Masters, June 24, 2005Reviewer: Coldwater – See all my reviewsThis is a truly fine course in remote viewing-both what it is and how to learn to do it-but it is a lot more than that. Stephan Schwartz has been involved in remote viewing from its modern beginnings, working at about the same time with his own separate research program as the now famous military funded remote viewing program. In the fall of 2003, he organized and assembled a conference at the A.R.E. Headquarters in Virginia Beach where he brought together most of the greatest names in remote viewing history: Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, and many more. I attended this conference and heard all the speakers. The 10 DVD’s included in this set provide a record of these illuminating presentations by the founders and masters of the subject. The production work is excellent and certainly is studio quality. I was there, and these videos bring you closer to the speakers than people sitting in the front row. There is nothing else available like this at any price. For example, Hal Puthoff’s talk is the very best review of the history of the SRI remote viewing program that I have ever seen. He should know, since he founded the program and led the work.On the 5 CD’s that come with the course, you will find everything you need in order to learn how to do remote viewing yourself. On the first CD, Schwartz explains what remote viewing is and how to do it. He covers the selection of targets, protocols, analysis, and feedback. As something of a bonus, a short but excellent discussion is included of how to do meditation, which tends to enhance remote viewing results. There are guided sessions to lead you through several remote viewing experiences with various sorts of “targets”: different locations, different times, classic outbound remote viewing, and sensing another person. The second and third CD’s take you through time, one to the time before you were born and the other into the future to the year 2050. The fourth CD guides you into remote viewing as an aid to health and healing. The fifth contains a number of PDF files that are helpful for recording results of remote viewing sessions and keeping records.With this course, you can learn all about remote viewing through time and space: its history, its uses, and how to do it. It is a wonderful set of material and I highly recommend it. In addition, Stephan Schwartz has written some fascinating books on the history of remote viewing and its use in archaeology over the last hundred years or so (The Secret Vaults of Time) and on his own experience taking a remote viewing team to Egypt to do archaeological work (The Alexandria Project). These are also extremely good, and I recommend them to anyone with an interest in remote viewing. Schwartz is a master of the topic and of how to teach it to others. Calling All Librarians!, June 8, 2005Reviewer: Janis Nobles Reed (Virginia, USNA) – See all my reviewsHal Puthoff,phD;Major Paul Smith,ret.;Stephan Schwartz;James Spottiswoode;Skip Atwater;Russel Targ;Dale Graff;Henry Reed,phD; Edgar Evans Cayce;and the incomparable Ingo Swann are the absolute and original authorities on the altered state of comprehension called “Remote Viewing”.This DVD set needs to be in every library of every school, everywhere. It stands alone as “The Gold Standard” of educational material on this mind-expanding subject.Superb Remote Viewing Training and Information, May 29, 2005Reviewer: David M. Livingston “Dr. Space (The Space Show)” (Tiburon, CA United States) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   Stephen Schwartz has produced the absolute best remote viewing home study and training program ever. No other program currently on the market for self-training even approaches the professionalism and quality of his Gold Standard Course. In addition, having the opportunity to see and hear from the world’s leading remote viewers is a strong plus, a great motivator for learning, and a remarkable historic achievement. This is THE program to have, to study, and to collect. I strongly recommend it for those wanting first hand information about remote viewing, for those that want to learn how to do it themselves, for those that are skeptical or even close minded (it will force open your mind if you are close minded), for those that are curious, and for everyone else! There is a reason this is titled the Gold Standard Course.Simply the best in the world. Outstanding value., May 17, 2005Reviewer: B. Porter Briggs (Washington, DC) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   I have read about and followed for many years thoughtful and rigorous study on psychic phenomena and consciousness. This program is the BEST that has ever been created. Nothing comes close. The value, dollar for dollar, has no equal. Anyone interested in this subject MUST see this.The program will take you through the experiments just as if you were there live. Everything you need to experience it first hand is here – all the instruction, experiments and forms. It is exactly what you would experience if you were right in the remote viewing laboratory.And the people conducting the experiments and instructions are simply the BEST IN THE WORLD. Forget going to college or lectures: this is the equivalent of a degree in remote viewing.And by the way, the quality of the production is sheer excellence. I felt like I was watching a network broadcast.Porter BriggsAn Exceptional Opportunity to Learn Remote Viewing, May 16, 2005Reviewer: Judith Orloff “intuitive physician” (Los Angeles, California United States) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   Stephan Schwartz has created an amazing opportunity for everyone to learn the intuitive skill of remote viewing. You don’t have to be a psychic or “gifted’ to apply this invaluable skill to contemporary life. Stephan is a master teacher, and you will learn an enormous amount from this historic DVD program which will be for this generation and generations to come. Don’t miss this opportunity. Highly recommended.Resonate with the real talent– like a tuning fork, mind wise, May 12, 2005Reviewer: Heather T. Raymond “goldesprit” (Kapaa, HI United States) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   The videos are just right. Lots of the “little”items thrown in by these “real deal” speakers are of greatsignificance! Liked the audio instructiondisks as well–great comprehensive stuff!! I personally liked to slow down the audio by using windows media player–after making the audio a file–because I tend to ideate more slowly.The speakers are so very forthright–and Ingo Swan’s humor was spot on.>> Thanks again, Heather, AND–>> Henry Raymond, Author: “The Third Kind of Midnight” also available at Amazon.Hope U Guys Dig it!P.S. = It will take me a few days to seed this fully ‘cause my PC isn’t always on. No bitching- there are an assload of products on this site to get and so much to watch /listen to that if you don’t get it in 3 nanoseconds it ain’t the end of the universe! Stay Strong!


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