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Nelson Berry – MASTER MANIFESTOR VI Heal Your Fears

Heal Your Fears
[1 avi, 1 mp4, 1 avi]



SUBLIMINAL VIDEO MESSAGESMANIFESTATION MASTER VI / MASTER MANIFESTOR VIHeal Your Fears(Also now part of the amazing Manifestation Master / Master Manifestor series!)Manifestation Master is the exciting new series of videos from Nelson Berry,  founder and creator of Subliminal Video Messages.  You may be familiar with some of the earlier releases, such as The Intelligent Warrior Videos, or the $5K Per Day videos.This sixth video in this series, Heal Your Fears,  is about dissolving various forms of fear that are universal to the human condition, such as anxiety, depression, lack of self esteem, feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, and so forth.  You may find positive messages are much more effective and powerful once you’ve rid yourself of the negative emotional cobwebs fear can cause.As you watch Manifestation Master VI Subliminal Video –Heal Your Fears:You feel your fears melt awayYou become empoweredYou are up to life’s challenges, and ready for positivity to work its magicBring out your hidden manifesting talent in just minutes a day!  Individual results vary, and depend on a number of factors, but most people begin noticing positive changes in their lives within 30 days.  Sooner, and later, has been reported, but almost everyone can “feel something” the first time they watch one of these magnificent videos.  Each and every one of Nelson’s videos is special, but this may be his best series yet!Plant the seeds of attraction and manifestation quickly and easily.  Transform your life in a few relaxing minutes a day!  Effortlessly raise your vibrational level to a more purposeful frequency, and watch money, opportunities, and happiness begin to materialize.While watching Manifestation Master videos, you…See striking, vivid images of wonderful places, scenery, and the beauty of life   presented  like a slide show    Barely see words and phrases flashing at about 30 frames a second, planting the seeds           of positivity, power,  and abundance deep into your subconscious mind. Hear  soothing soundtracks that relax and empower youDon’t hear, or barely notice subliminal audio further accelerating the  positive                  programming to bring out your hidden manifesting powerCreate abundance consciousness while enjoying a daily meditation session in front          of your PC.  Or,  convert your video files into *DVD format, burn to disc, and          watch on your television!                                    *Not to be confused with DVD-Rom; additional software may be required. Comes in three (3) file formats, each delivered in a ZIP file: AVI MOVMPEG-4


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