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Nelson Berry – Extract Audio Manifestation Master

Nelson Berry
[14 M4as, 14 Wmvs,1 Pdf]



Banish-PainIntelligent Warrior 1 – The BeginningIntelligent Warrior 3 – Achieve Your Social PotentialIntelligent Warrior 4 – Aggressive ManifestationIntelligent Warrior 5 – Unstoppable ConfidenceIntelligent Warrior 6 – Social Mastery For Men – Man PowerIntelligent Warrior 6 – Social Mastery For Women – Bikini PowerIntelligent Warrior 7 – How To Manifest Money, Power, Sex & Love In 10 HoursIntelligent Warrior Bonus 1 – Earn $5k Per DayIntelligent Warrior Bonus 2 – Attitude of GratitudeIntelligent Warrior Bonus 3 – The Good LifeMANIFESTATION MASTER IMANIFESTATION MASTER VIYou feel your fears melt awayYou become empoweredYou are up to life’s challenges, and ready for positivity to work its magicBring out your hidden manifesting talent in just minutes a day!  Individual results vary, and depend on a number of factors, but most people begin noticing positive changes in their lives within 30 days.  Sooner, and later, has been reported, but almost everyone can “feel something” the first time they watch one of these magnificent videos.  Each and every one of Nelson’s videos is special, but this may be his best series yet!As you watch Manifestation Master I Subliminal Video –The Most Dangerous Manifestor in the World:You connect with your own power to manifestYou affirm to your subconscious mind what a manifesting marvel you areYou devastate obstacles to your success–including your own self-sabotaging  doubtsBring out your hidden manifesting talent in just minutes a day!  Individual results vary, and depend on a number of factors, but most people begin noticing positive changes in their lives within 30 days.  Sooner, and later, has been reported, but almost everyone can “feel something” the first time they watch one of these magnificent videos.  Each and every one of Nelson’s videos is special, but this may be his best series yet!You are correct.  When I first started using the videos, I watched them all daily, then as my collection grew, I started rotating, some of them each day, depending on what I wanted to focus on.  The key seems to be consistency–after about a month or so of daily watching, I started noticing I had a more positive outlook, and things just seemed to “go more smoothly”, and also I noticed a little more “good luck” than usualy.  I have cut back on the schedule, but when I’m trying to get on track, I watch about 20 to 30 minutes early in the day, and 20 to 30 minutes shortly before I go to bed.  Nelson Berry has a “10 minute ritual” listed on one of his blogs, but it is basically just about thinking of what you want, positive ideas you had while watching the videos, or thinking about them afterwards, and writing the ideas down.  He gives a specific way of doing it, but in my opinion, that is just one variation of many ways to do it.  At any rate, the first part of manifesting is to clarify and identify what you want to attract, so a pen, spiral notebook, and maybe a few notecards, that you can carry with you, can help.  Write down your goals, but be ready to change them as you go.  Also, write down any ideas you get.  We can receive divine inspiration from within.Some of the millionaires out there made their fortunes by a single idea.  Years ago, I worked for a software company, founded by two men that were eating at a restaurant in New York, and came up with an idea for the software.  One of the men jotted down the outline, and a diagram, on one of the restaurant’s paper napkins!  I worked for the company until the owners sold it, and as I understand, they were both millionaires at that point.  Just sharing this to point out the importance of being receptive to any ideas you get, whether while watching the videos, or at other time.I don’t believe there are messages that say that in the video, but if the self talk is coming to the surface, that valuable awareness is the first step in replacing that thought with “I am a winner”. A lot of us do have negative self talk that we don’t realize, because it has gradually formed over many years (things we were told by family members, friends, neighbors, school mates, etc.).  The way these videos, or, in my opinion, any other self development products work, is to help us replace negative self programming with positive self programming.  Once we can do that, the real magic happens, within us, that was really there all along.Are you referring to the Nelson Berry videos and audios I sell?  I don’t believe the regular subliminal ones are theta or delta brainwave, but the Subliminal IPOD Feel Good Podcast is the brainwave entrainment audio, and I don’t recall Nelson specifying the type of frequency.I try to price my videos fairly low, so they are more affordable to those who don’t need the resale rights & return policy, when purchasing directly from Nelson Berry through Clickbank.  However, I will extend to you the last special I ran, a few months ago, if you’re interested.  I have a set of brainwave entrainment audios — , and with that purchase ($17.00), I was offering a free video set, anything under $20.00.  So, for instance, if you wanted the Love-n-Luxxxury set, you could request it, after purchasing the audios.  There is a guide that comes with the Brain Juicer audios, but I believe it is more on how to use them, than analytical data about the specific frequencies.  This is a product I purchased resale rights for from Monstar Media.I have a few other sets of brainwave entrainment audios that I purchased from Monstar Media, that I will be setting up for sale over the next few months.Thanks.


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