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Neely Quinn – For Women Only The Weight Loss Solution (Audio) 2014

For Women Only Weight Loss Solution audio
[38 MP3 – 9 MP4 – 6 PDF – 1 html File set]


This is the audio version of           FOR WOMEN ONLY                                        THE WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION                                                                            hosted by Neely QuinnFinally, the Complete Solution to  ALL Your Weight Loss Challenges!      Your Invitation to the Most In-Depth, Life-Changing                   Women’s Weight Loss Event of 2014!   40 Of The Foremost Weight Loss Experts On The Planet Come Together To Reveal The Real Secrets To Melting Stubborn Fat Faster, Stopping PrematureAging In Its Tracks, Softer, Younger Skin, Creating Youthful, Abundant Energy,                                                  And So Much More!   • Burn fat off of your trouble areas: your belly, hips, waist, and thighs   • Drop dress sizes and fit into your favorite clothes again   • How to build sexy, toned muscles – without spending hours in the gym   • Look and feel younger, sexier, happier, and more vibrant   • Reverse the devastating effects of aging on your body   • Eat delicious foods without bloating, weight gain, or digestive issues   • Drop those last stubborn pounds of baby weightIf you’ve ever tried to lose weight before, you’ll already know it’s not dropping those first few pounds that’s the hardest …it’s keeping them off!  So if you’re sick of the fat-loss “yo-yo” game of lose, gain and never maintain… Allow me to invite you to an event like no other.My name’s Neely Quinn and together with the team here at we’ve gathered together more than 40 renowned experts… Including best-selling authors, nutritionists, practitioners, bloggers, doctors, chefs and thought leaders to shine a light on breakthrough, new and lasting ways to melt away fat–for good.  Our goal was to create a SAFE and friendly environment where women can learn exactly how to fix their own personal weight loss challenges.  Best part? The event is completely FREE.Each session is jam packed with PRACTICAL, step-by-step, “do this, do that” information guaranteed to help you take action and get you the weight loss results you want as quickly and safely as possible.  As you watch each FREE presentation inside For Women Only: The Weight Loss Solution, you’ll discover:   • Why your thyroid may be to blame for your weight gain (and how to fix it)   • The truth about digestion and fat loss…   • How to get your kids making the right food choices on their own…   • How to lose 20 pounds effortlessly in a month…   • The remarkably satiating food that stops bingeing and overeating…   • How to ‘cheat’ with desserts and still lose weight…   • How to conquer emotional eating disorders…   • Simple body “hacks” to balance your hormones…   • How gluten really affects weight loss…   • The surprising link between fat and fat-burning (it’s not what you think)…   • How to beat your sugar addiction   • How to heal autoimmune diseases that are stopping your weight loss in its tracks   • The #1 dangerous exercise to avoid   • The amazing truth about how bacon and chocolate can keep you happy AND healthy…   • and much, much more!                               Meet the Experts Who Will Show You                              How to Finally Lose Those Extra Pounds…Live pre-event Kickoff Call – Neely Quinn   • Previews of whats going to be covered in the conference   • Opportunity to ask Neely whatever questions you wantHow To Lose Weight and Heal Your Thyroid – Melissa Joulwan   • How she went from an obese and unhealthy youngster to a thriving adult…   • Her best tips and tricks to minimize your time in the kitchen…   • Her struggles with her thyroid and what she’s done to overcome them and heal herself…Overcoming “Chronic Cardio” – Mark Sisson   • How to fix ‘chronic cardio’ issues   • Running for women – how much to do   • The “primal” lifestyle – how to apply it for womenCarbs, Bingeing, And Emotional Eating – Neely Quinn   • A simple trick to stop binge-eating…   • The surprising truth about carbohydrates and ketosis…   • What foods to eat, what foods to avoid…Behind The Scenes At Fresh Thymes – Christine RuchA few weeks ago, I flew out to Boulder, CO. to work on the summit with Neely, and had the opportunity to experience some incredibly tasty “health food” restaurants.  Fresh Thymes was one of those, and we had the opportunity to sit down and talk with the founder and owner, Christine Ruch, about her journey founding the restaurant, and how she’s used real food to fight through and minimize her symptoms of multiple sclerosis.The Truth About Desserts and Cheat Meals – Kelley Herring   • How Kelley fixed her chronic and debilitating health issues with diet…   • How to satisfy your cravings with sweet treats without hormonal and weight consequences…   • Is Paleo a fad? Find out the surprising truth…   • The shocking ways sugar affects our bodies, and what to eat instead…How To Break Into Healthy Eating – Diane Sanfilippo   • How nutrition improved her health in drastic and surprising ways   • What to focus on instead of dropping pounds or getting visible abs.   • How to properly do a Paleo challenge or sugar detox, and who should be doing them.   • The most common struggles people have on a “cleanse”, “detox”, or “challenge” and how to overcome them.The Psychology Of Eating – Marc David and Emily Rosen   • How to activate the right part of your nervous system to digest your food properly…   • Use this trick to reduce stress and watch the weight come off…   • How to breeze past emotional eating issues, bingeing, and the prison of self hatred…Massaged Kale Salad Demo – Christine Ruch   • Christine of Fresh Thymes joins us again for a recipe demonstration – a very tasty massaged Kale Salad.   • No, I didn’t know you could massage kale either. But you’ll see exactly why she does it – and how it can      result in DELICIOUSNESS.   • This is a quick-hitter that you can make for lunch this afternoon – so check it out!How To Eat For Health and Beauty – Liz Wolfe   • How eating real food not only makes you drop pounds, but clears your skin and thickens your hair too…   • How fat and cholesterol got their bad reputations (and which fats you should be eating to help improve your health      and melt away fat)   • Should we eat like our ancestors, even though we’ve been told they didn’t live very long?How To Heal Autoimmune Diseases With Food – Sarah Ballantyne   • What the autoimmune protocol is… who should use it… and how to implement it for best results…   • How she developed 3 autoimmune diseases over many years and STILL got off all 6 of her meds in less than 2 weeks…   • Why you MUST avoid nightshades, eggs, dairy, nuts, and seeds if you have an autoimmune disease or symptoms…   • How to implement the Autoimmune Protocol in baby steps…   • The telltale signs to look for if you suspect you have an autoimmune disease…Low Carb Diets and Lifting Weights For Women – Sarah Fragoso   • How to get healthy and toned with mouth–watering, delicious food…   • The terrible kidney symptoms and other issues she cured with her diet…   • Her approach with her kids to get them to make good food choices on their own…   • What to do if you ‘crash and burn’ when dieting (and how Sarah overcame her own challenges on the Paleo diet)…   • What “mommy guilt” is and how she overcomes it…Chocolate Avocado Mousse Demo – Christine Ruch   • Christine is back again for her FINAL demonstration of her Chocolate Avocado Mousse. You can’t see me in the video,      but I’m the guy drooling behind the camera. Lol.   • This is an ultra tasty recipe and super healthy too – so make sure to check it out. It takes MAYBE 4 minutes to make!   • And BTW – I saw your comments about Christine’s Almond Ricotta — I will be getting that recipe for you shortly.Ketosis: The Misunderstood Key To Weight Loss – Jimmy Moore   • What is ketosis and why should you try it?   • Jimmy’s 2-year (and running) “experiment” with ketosis and the health benefits he’s had   • How doctors have this cholesterol thing all wrong, and the potential dangers of their suggestions   • How to figure out what your carb tolerance is on a ketogenic dietHow To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally – Dr. Datis Kharrazian   • How inflammation and autoimmunity cause weight gain (and what to do about it)…   • The role everyday chemicals play in autoimmunity, inflammation, and overall health and well-being…   • How to know if you’re inflamed and specific dietary steps to reverse it…   • Exactly what to do if you’ve been on Paleo for a while and you’re still not losing weight…   • How to treat reactive hypoglycemia (feeling like taking a nap after any meal)   • The astoundingly little amount of exercise you can do to improve your health and weight loss…Behind The Scenes At Blooming Beets – Iva PaleckovaOn my trip to Boulder to film sessions with Neely, we had the opportunity to film behind the scenes at Blooming Beets – one of Boulder’s brand new Paleo-friendly restaurants.  In this session, Neely sits down with the founder, Iva Paleckova, to discuss why she founded the restaurant, the benefits of their food, and her health journey.Chicken Masala and Fruit Salad Demo – Peter ServoldPete Servold, author of Paleo by Season and founder of Pete’s Paleo, gave us the opportunity to sit in on a demo of one of his ridiculously good recipes — a Chicken Marsala, and a Fruit Salad – with some special extra ingredients.   Pete is an amazing chef and is a fantastic presenter – make sure to check this presentation out and make his chicken for dinner tonight!Overcoming Eating Disorders With Love, Hugs… and Bacon! – George Bryant   • How to conquer the limiting beliefs holding you back from living a life you love and the body you deserve…   • How George overcame over a decade of bulimia and weight issues (and how bacon and chocolate keep him happy and healthy…)   • How to transform negative experiences with food and cooking (that now keep you out of the kitchen) into a love      and excitement for food and cooking…How To Stay On Track When Things Don’t Go According To Plan – Sarah Servold   • How to stay motivated even when things aren’t going according to plan…   • Behind the scenes of running a real food company…   • Pre, Post, and During pregnancy tips…How Gluten Affects Weight Loss – Dr. Thomas O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN   • Think going gluten-free is just a fad? Then you need to hear this…   • Is non–celiac gluten sensitivity a real problem?   • A simple home test to measure your gluten sensitivity (and what you must do right now if you are)…Tomato Gazpacho Recipe Demo – Iva PaleckovaIva and Blooming Beets are back for their first recipe demonstration of this summit – and that is for their VERY tasty Tomato Gazpacho.  This is a quick and super simple one to make – and is, of course, VERY good for you.  Oh, and it also tastes amazing. As usual, I’m the one you don’t see that’s drooling behind the camera as they prepared the meal. Get in on this session and make it for lunch this week!How To Save Money and Eat Healthy As A Family – Katie The Wellness Mama   • How she keeps her kids eating 5 different fruits and vegetables every day…   • What it takes to get your kids making the right food choices all on their own…   • How to transition your kids to a healthier diet…   • Tons of tips to save money on food for any healthy diet…   • How to create a sustainable meal plan every month that will save you time, stress, and money…   • The most important foods to buy organic if you can’t afford to go completely organic…Overcoming The Mental Battles of Weight Loss – Heather Kelly   • The number one weight loss block that every single one of her clients has to deal with (and how to break through it)…   • The most satiating food that helps keep bingeing and overeating to a minimum…   • Another surprising key to weight loss (lowering stress and figuring out what you’re passionate about in life)…Quick and Easy Fat Burning Workouts – Jade Teta   • Learn exactly how to structure your workouts to lose fat   • Why running does not burn fat, and what you should do instead (or in addition)   • How to know if you’re burning fat or doing damage to your body during workoutsChia Seed Pudding Recipe Demo – Iva Paleckova   • Finally, we wrap up with our last Blooming Beets presentation — where the head chefs are going to show you how to      make an incredibly delicious chia seed pudding.   • Its out of this world AND it takes less than 2 minutes to make. Seriously.   • Oh, and it also tastes amazing. As usual, I’m the one you don’t see that’s drooling behind the camera      as they prepared the meal.How To Love The Body You Live In – Danette May   • How to love the body you live in and live your passion   • How to exercise properly and efficiently to burn fat and build lovely muscle tone   • The biggest key to weight loss (and its not what you think)   • How to find sustainable motivation to stay on track with losing weight and getting healthyHow To Balance Your Hormones – Dr. Sara Gottfried   • How your hormones affect weight gain and weight loss, and what to do about it.   • The 3–step protocol for a menopausal woman who’s feeling awful and having trouble losing weight   • How to figure out exactly what YOU should be eating in order to feel and look your best.Maintaining A Healthy Weight Before, During, And After Pregnancy – Chris Kresser   • How being overweight affects your ability to conceive…   • How to healthily and sustainably lose the baby weight…   • Simple techniques to maintain a healthy weight while pregnant…Scrambled Eggs and Yam Mash Breakfast Recipe Demo – Nelson SchwabThe final restaurant in our Boulder tour was Shine Restaurant and Gathering Place.  Neely and I arrived bright and early for this one — and were treated to some of the best breakfast we’ve ever had!  This is another quick demo for you – if you’ve got the ingredients handy, try it for breakfast this morning!  And definitely check out Shine if you’re ever in Boulder – their food is fantastic.The Truth About Cleanses and Detoxes – Esther Cohen   • The secrets of effective cleansing and detoxing   • Why you should avoid most detox programs   • How to cleanse properly for lifelong healthBusting Weight Loss Myths and Boosting metabolism – Christa Orecchio   • The truth about fat loss resistance syndrome and how to treat it…   • Big weight loss myths shattered…   • Why blood sugar balance is so important, not only for weight loss but for brain and whole body health…   • A simple fix to boost your metabolism…   • What role detoxing plays in optimal health and body weight…   • How a sneaky candida problem can affect weight…Intermittent Fasting For Women – Brad Pilon   • Intermittent fasting and why its good for weight loss…   • The different ways you can do intermittent fasting to accommodate your own health needs and schedule…   • How Neely did intermittent fasting with success…   • Special considerations for women doing intermittent fasting…   • Whether the kind of diet you eat matters when you’re doing intermittent fasting…   • What the “Adult Diet” is…Quick and Simple Fat Loss Workout – Brian Pachtman   • Today we head on over to Ruya Crossfit, in Boulder, Colorado, where we had the opportunity to film with its founder,      Brian Pachtman.   • In this video, Brian is going to show you a sample “crossfit-style” workout that you can try — no weights required.   • Crossfit workouts have a reputation for being HARD — and they are — however, we had Brian provide 3 levels of difficulty      for this sample program – from beginner to advanced, so you are covered at any level.The Truth About Supplements – Dr. Steven Sisskind   • The sad reasons Dr. Steve got out of the conventional medical system   • What kind of diet he now recommends to people to lose weight.   • The surprising way that weight loss supplements should be considered on a weight loss plan.   • Which weight loss supplements to absolutely never take.How To Thrive As An Endurance Athlete – Nell Stephenson   • How to fuel endurance exercise, even on a lower carb diet…   • How to switch from being a carb-burner to a keto-adapted fat burner the right way…   • How to fuel endurance exercise and lean out at the same time (no carbo-loading involved)…   • How to end your reliance on sugary gel packets on long runs and rides…   • Exactly what to eat while you’re training in order to lose fat, maintain energy levels, and perform at your best…   • How to know if you’re in the “Chronic Cardio” zone…How Your Digestion Affects Weight Loss – Steve Wright   • The missing link between digestion and weight loss…   • What IS a leaky gut… and how to get rid of it…   • Recommended supplements that immediately improve digestion…Should Women Lift Weights? – Brian Pachtman   • Specific training programs that work for women ONLY…   • The truth about Crossfit and whether its TOO intense for most women…   • A beginner’s guide to getting the most out of the gym…Hormones, Health, And Weight: How PCOS And The Pill REALLY Affect You – Stefani Ruper   • What doctors are getting all wrong about treating PCOS, and how you can get it right…   • How eating more carbs and being at a higher weight fixed Stefani’s PCOS symptoms…   • How birth control and PCOS affect women’s weight, skin, and health…   • Why fasting is dangerous for certain women…   • How women with PCOS need to eat differently than other women to lose weight…   • How estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone affect weight, sex drive, fertility, and mental health…   • Why low body fat and lots of stress can make you infertile… and what to do about it.How A High-Stress Working Mom Lost 100 Pounds – Stacy Toth   • How Stacy changed her diet and lost weight, even in a high stress corporate job      (with lots of takeout and sweets around every day)…   • How Stacy and Matt changed their kids’ diets to Paleo and rapidly improved their behavior and health…   • Why Stacy’s focus is no longer weight loss, and what her new sport has done for her confidence and self love…For Young Girls: Weight Gain and Acne – Leslie Klenke   • How younger girls can lose weight and eat healthier…even if their parents aren’t fully on board!   • How to eat clean and avoid gaining the freshman 15 (or more) even in a college cafeteria…   • What effects food has on uncomfortable puberty, PMS, and acne for young girls…   • Why “eating fat will make you fat” is a myth, and what kinds of fats you should be eating…   • How eating clean can help young female athletes get to their optimal body weight and perform at their best…Quick and Simple Mobility and Flexibility Drills – Brian Pachtman   • In our final session with Brian, he quickly shows us some simple movements we can do in our home to help mobilize ourselves     and improve flexibility.   • If your body is hampered at all by limited range of motion, or limited flexibility, any attempts you make to exercise will be      harder, less effective, and can even lead to injury.   • These drills take all of 30 seconds and can make a WORLD of difference in how you feel – definitely take the few minutes      to watch this video today.A Mom’s Path To Healing Hashimoto’s – Katie The Wellness Mama   • How her autoimmune disease (and having 5 kids) affected her weight, and what she’s doing about it now…   • How other diets–even regular Paleo–weren’t enough…   • How she effortlessly lost 20 pounds in a month…   • The unusual approach that motivates her to stick to her diet…Women and Ketosis: Eating Fat To Lose Fat – Emily Maguire   • Emily’s remarkable discovery in a clinical setting using ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets with obese and diabetic people      (all delivered in her amazing Scottish accent!)   • Exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on a ketogenic diet…   • How implementing a ketogenic diet the RIGHT way can help you burn off fat and boost your health…   • How to know for sure if you’re in ketosis (without spending a fortune)   • How to quickly overcome common ketosis challenges…   • The latest information on saturated fat and how it can be good OR bad depending on what else you’re eating…Meal Planning, Family Dinners, And Eating Healthy On A Budget – Leanne Ely   • How she lost weight and healed her thyroid with diet and lifestyle changes…   • The importance of meal planning in getting to (and maintaining) your best weight…   • How family dinners affect health and performance in all areas of life…   • Making healthy eating work for the whole family, even on a budget…   • How making shopping, cooking, and cleaning a family job (not just for mom) can change everything…Stress, Hormones, And The Future of Medicine – Reed Davis   • Why the current medical system is failing you…   • How to approach chronic conditions and become your own “health detective”…   • Hormone mastery and how to trigger your hormones to reduce stress-on demand…What Your Doctor ISN’T Telling You About Type 2 Diabetes – Isabel De Los Rios   • What you should eat if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic   • Where the American Diabetic Association went WRONG with their eating recommendations   • What your blood glucose numbers should look like – and when you should take action, even if your doctor says you’re “fine”Meet Your Host… Neely QuinnCertified Integrative Clinical Nutrition Therapist Author, The Complete Idiots Guide To Eating Paleo  My name is Neely Quinn. I’m a Certified Integrative Clinical Nutrition Therapist, health entrepreneur, author, and rock climber.  And no matter how you’ve tried to lose weight in the past, I’m here to tell you, just like climbing a rock, there’s always a higher point to reach.  Another level of health, wellness and vitality. And together with these hand-picked weight loss experts, I’ll show you how to reach it.  I’ve worked with thousands of people over the past 10 years, helping them lose weight, fix chronic health issues, and improve athletic performance.  And now I’m excited to be able to bring you the greatest minds on weight loss and optimal health for women.


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