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Nathan Thomas – Hypnotize Anywhere (HQ audio rip)

Nathan Thomas-Hypnotize Anywhere (HQ audio rip)
[22 PDFs, 29 MP3s]



This is a high quality audio ri  of: are also a couple of video rips:Here: a poor quality smaller rip here: ‘ll also upload a low quality audio rip later.(Personally, I think the low quality audio is good enough, but I’m not so sensitive to these things).Sales page: division to sections is not strictly according to the video numbers.Also, the last 2 section are the bonuses.CASE STUDY: Novice Hypnotist Embarrasses Top Psychiatric Doctor Using Simple “Rapid Fire” Conversational Hypnosis Techniques…And why – using the same simple conversationalhypnosis techniques – you too will be able to getconsistent and predictable hypnosis results that willtotally dumfound doctors, psychiatric experts and, ofcourse, your own friends and family)…From the desk of Nathan ThomasDear Reader,The first time I immediately realized just how powerful hypnosis is – even when you’re just having a normal conversation – happened like this:A family friend had been suffering from destructive insomnia for several months.She just could NOT get to sleep, and was going manic.We had a chat, and on a whim I decided to use just TWO hypnotic techniques in the conversation.Being new at the time (this happened back in 2007) and nervous with this stuff, I didn’t expect much!After all, this woman had been to see a man who many people considered New Zealand’s top psychiatric doctor in treating insomnia — and NOTHING this “expert” had tried had helped.The next morning, we got a phone call…For the first time in over 10 weeks, our family friend had slept right through the night!She told me “I don’t know why, but after talking to you everything seemed to sort itself out…”That’s when I realized this stuff really does work!Hypnosis can work just as well for you too.See today is THE DAY you finally “wave goodbye” to the nervousness and trepidation that come from the fear that your hypnosis work will fail miserably and make you look silly.Believe me, I know what it’s like to want to floor to open up and swallow me during a humiliating hypnosis session.Here’s the story:Case Study: How I *Almost* Failed Before a Massive Group (And Why I Didn’t):The first time I plucked up the courage to demo an instant induction in front of a massive group of my friends, I was terrified.But, I gritted my teeth, and tried.It failed. I wanted to die on the spot!The lady I was trying to hypnotize opened her eyes, and… delivered the ULTIMATE HUMILIATION…She Just Laughed A Cruel Laugh At MeBut…From somewhere (somehow) I managed to remember a new technique I’d recently been focusing on. And I managed to eke out just two sentences.Then the oddest thing happened…Immediately she closed her eyes, and followed my suggestions perfectly.The watching group was stunned.Afterwards the lady I led into a deep trance just could not stop talking about that time she got hypnotized!Want to know the two sentences I said to that lady?Want to know how I used hypnosis to embarrass a top psychiatric sleep expert?And want to know how to HYPNOTIZE PEOPLE ANYWHERE and NEVER AGAIN fear the humiliation of hypnosis failing you?If so, you’re right where you need to be.Because TODAY you are going to have the opportunity to try out my online video training program:Hypnotize AnywhereHow to create virtually undeniable displays of the power of hypnosis in any context you chooseHow to easily master the inner game so you radiate unstoppable confidence so that your mere presence silences a room as soon as you walk inHow you can harness the latest array of psychological tricks to make your hypnotic inductions and suggestions practically irresistibleHow most beginners immediately guarantee failure before they even begin, and how you can flip the switch and make success a near certaintyHow changing just one word can supercharge the power and potency of your hypnotic suggestions, and dramatically increase your success rateWhat simple secret shared by three dead millionaires will make you a better hypnotist and a more persuasive communicatorHow this one simple yet powerful change in the way you talk will cause people to automatically want to do what you tell themHow to naturally speak in a way which causes people to take immediate action, and respond to you the way you want them toHow to approach someone – stone cold – and have them agree to be hypnotized.The Entire Street Hypnosis Process – step by step from start to finishHow to do a “Pre-Talk” which prepares people to be hypnotized (note: most hypnotists get this wildly wrong!)How to explain hypnosis to your friends and family so they’ll eagerly want to be hypnotized (note: I did this wrong for years!)The simple five step process for doing an instant hypnosis induction that actually works and creates deep hypnosis in less than 10 secondsHow to do a range of powerful deepeners which zone people through the floor and prepare their minds to accept all your hypnotic suggestionsImportant: What to do if your hypnotic induction fails – and how to make it look as if you have the situation entirely under control!The simple step by step process for creating powerful hypnotic phenomenaHow to use hypnosis to stick someone’s hand to something (hypnotic catalepsy)How to use hypnosis to have someone forget their own name or a number (hypnotic amnesia)How to turn invisible through hypnotic suggestion (hypnotic negative hallucination)Important: The key to giving hypnotic suggestions which actually work (and how new hypnotists sabotage the process)How to combine your new-found skills to create a powerful hypnotic induction which is almost guaranteed to workHow test the suggestibility of a potential hypnotic subject before you begin, so you know right away whether or not your induction is going to workThe one rapid hypnosis induction which is perfect for a party or any impromptu demonstration and almost never fails (and if it does you have a built in “out” to save face)How to safely awaken people from hypnosis… and the three elements ever awakener must have to avoid any chance of trouble or danger.The five hypnotic phrases that work like magic to sky-rocket the power of your inductions and suggestionsHow to turn a simple hypnotic demonstration into something life changing and unforgettable.Why most so called “conversational hypnotists” never actually achieve the success they claim – and the simple mental shift that will allow you to succeed where most others fail.Whether the NLP rapport techniques actually work, and the four simple steps you can take to create instant rapport with anyone (best part: this works anywhere, and will soon become as natural to you as breathing!)How Milton Erickson managed to create powerful transformations just by talking – and how you can use this simple hypnotic trick in your everyday lifeThe five innocent sounding questions that obliterate negative and unhelpful beliefs, and allow you to redefine someone’s entire world viewThe simple conversational hypnosis trick that will ‘failure proof’ your hypnotic suggestions, and allow you to rapidly create changes that will last out in the real worldThe awkward trap that many novice conversational hypnotists fall into when trying to use “Hypnotic Language Patterns” and how to steer clear of this once and for allWhat to say to skeptics and those afraid of hypnosis to instantly convert them into passionate and eager hypnotic subjects (I wish I knew this when I first got started!)And that’s just the start!Just the very beginning of an incredible journey which will rapidly give you the skill and confidence of a master hypnotist.If you’re not at least starting to tremble with excitement, then leave this page now.Seriously – GO!This stuff is not for you.BUTIf you’re ready to let the pieces finally CLICK into place…… and achieve the clarity, confidence and consistency you’ve be searching for…… that really does make hypnosis work LIKE MAGICThen you, my friend, are in the right place!Case Study: Novice Hypnotist Embarrasses Number 1 Psychiatrist By Using Simple Conversational Hypnosis Techniques…The first time I immediately realized just how powerful hypnosis is – even when you’re just having a normal conversation and not even doing “Street Hypnosis” – happened like this:A family friend had been suffering from destructive insomnia for several months. She just could NOT get to sleep, and was going manic.We had a chat, and on a whim I decided to use just TWO hypnotic techniques in the conversation.Being new and nervous with this stuff, I didn’t expect much!After all, this woman had been to see a man who many people considered New Zealand’s top expert in treating insomnia, and NOTHING this “expert” had tried had helped.The next morning, we got a phone call.For the first time in over 10 weeks, our family friend had slept right through the night!She told me “I don’t know why, but after talking to you everything seemed to sort itself out…”That’s when I realized this stuff really does work!On “Hypnotize Anywhere” you’ll discover the exact techniques that I used to make this happen, and how you can use these to create rapid transformations with pretty much anyone, anywhere you choose!Before I give you access to these frighteningly powerful hypnosis secrets, I have a friendly warning:With Great Power Comes…GREAT RESPONSIBILITYSpiderman’s uncle hit the nail on the head.As a hypnotist (and I mean a real hypnotist not a “relaxotherapist!”) you have the key to people’s minds.With just a few words, you can completely reprogram someone’s entire belief system.That is a massive power.So handle with care!The people I want to turn into master hypnotists are people whoGet a kick out of helping others live life to the full!Want to free their friends and family from set backs, problems and limitations so they can enjoy life with as much freedom as you do (or will, when I’ve taught you these secrets!)Believe that life is too short to not get what you want and want to help others realize this essential truthCase Study: How I *Almost* Failed Before a Massive Group (And Why I Didn’t)The first time I plucked up the courage to demo an instant induction in front of a massive group of my friends, I was terrified.But, I gritted my teeth, and tried.It failed.The lady I was trying to hypnotize opened her eyes, and just laughed.Remembering a new technique I’d recently been focusing on, I said just two sentences.Immediately she closed her eyes, and followed my suggestions perfectly.The crowd was stunned, and afterwards she just could not stop talking about that time she got Hypnotized!You’ll learn this exact technique within 90 minutes of starting the “Hypnotize Anywhere!” videos. It’s simple, and will save you from the embarrassment of failure.As a Street Hypnotist You’ll be Able ToUnleash The Dormant Power Hidden Inside People’s Minds and Show Them the Resources They Have WithinThis is probably the kindest, most inspiring thing you can do for somebody.So I want to help you make it happen!Your Investment is Guaranteed for a Full Year!If for any reason (or no reason) you are not totally thrilled by your experience with ‘Hypnotize Anywhere’ you can claim a full refund – no questions asked.. This 100% guarantee is absolutely unconditional! You can claim a complete refund within a full year for any reason (or no reason)! You’ll even get to keep all the materials AND I won’t harbor a grudge – I promise!Remember when I said these hypnosis training videos were filmed in Auckland, New Zealand?That’s where Keys To The Mind are based, and where I’m writing this to you from now.We have some cool office space in the center of town, but most of the time you’ll find me working from home.Here’s a photo my “office:”It’s a pretty sweet set up as you can see!The trouble is, New Zealand is, as Cat Stevens would say…… “Miles from Nowhere!”So rather than forcing you to wait WEEKS for the post man to deliver these videos to you on DVD…You Get Instant Access To Everything Online So You Can Get Started Right Away… No DelayAnd our customer support is so darn good – if you have any questions at all when you begin your Hypnotize Anywhere home training program, you can simply drop us an email and we’re happy to help.Here’s what Vana wrote back after he had trouble accessing one of the bonus downloads in his members area (the issue has since been totally fixed, btw):So if you don’t already get it:You’re About to Become a Master Hypnotist with the Power to Effortlessly Hypnotize Pretty Much Anyone, Anywhere You Choose!You’re about to get instant online access to these professionally filmed videos and master secrets most will never know about how hypnosis…Learn hypnosis the easy way so you avoid failure and confusionGet a clear, concrete understanding of hypnosis so you know exactly what you’re doingMaster the essential safety tips that will keep you and the people you work with out of harms wayHow to give a sold pre-talk which primes people to experience hypnosis, and makes success virtually certainHow to easily master a powerful array of instant and rapid hypnosis inductions which create deep trance in under 9 secondsMaster the ultimate hypnotic deepener certain to zone even the most difficult subject through the floorHow to rapidly create powerful hypnotic phenomena which amazes, entertains and inspiresThe “Rocket Launch Formula” the simple street hypnosis innovation which elevates a normal demo into something life changingHow to seamlessly integrate a potent mixture of powerfulhypnotic language patterns to radically amplify the power of your suggestionsExperience a group hypnosis induction and get hypnotized to achieve your goals and become a master hypnotistMaster the street lethal rapport skills which immediately allow you to form a deep connection with virtually anybodyHow to speak with a compelling, authoritative voice so that people cannot help but follow your instructions and suggestionsThe one charisma secret which allows you to instantly take control of any situation, and lead any groupHow to utilize NLP’s covert techniques as a hypnotist to create rapid, powerful changesHow to tell enthralling hypnotic stories which have people hanging off your every word and create rapid, undetectable changeMaster the 6 devastatingly potent psychological drives which will give you the power to motivate, persuade and influence anyoneHow to program yourself for virtually inevitable success as a confident master hypnotistWhy some hypnotists fail, and how to avoid the dangerous traps and pitfalls which ensnare so many hopefulsYou’re GettingThe professionally filmed footage from the 2 day Street Hypnosis boot camp including 24 video lessonsThe complete written transcripts of all the videos for you to read along and jog your memoryMy private “trainers notes” I used to jog my memory as I taught – a simple, clear summary of the entire trainingPlus My Two Top Selling Hypnosis eBooks….“Rapid Street Hypnosis – Be a Street Hypnotist in 1 Hour or Less”“Conversational Hypnosis in Action“Let Me Give You Even More Bonuses So You Have No Choice But To Become a Master Hypnotist When You Join “Hypnotize Anywhere”Imagine going down to your local Porsche dealership to buy your dream car…… and receiving a brand new Ferrari as a free bonus!That’s how you’re going to feel when you check out these fantastic hypnosis training bonuses.What you’re getting are my elite street hypnosis training materials, most of which are no longer available anywhere else.Bonus 1: The Most Closely Guarded Hypnosis Secrets Dave ElmanDave Elman transformed hypnosis by dramatically reducing the time taken to perform a hypnotic induction, and make changes happen.(Of course, even Elman’s famous 60 second induction is slow compared to what you’ll be learning on this course, but the old master had a few other tricks up his sleeve which you’ll definitely find very interesting!)In this audio you’ll discover the advanced hypnosis secrets that Dave Elman created which give you the power to create rapid, powerful transformations.These ideas are pretty advanced, so don’t listen to this audio lesson until you’ve completed the rest of the course!Bonus 2: Advanced Hypnotic Phenomena to Take Hypnosis to the Next LevelHypnosis is *very* powerful – and you’re about to harness the full extent of this incredible skill.This audio lesson will show you how to take hypnosis up several levels, and induce advanced hypnotic phenomena.We’re talkingPositive and negative hallucinationHypermnesia – hypnotic memory enhancementDeep trance identification – the ultimate learning toolThis may sound daunting now, but after completing the training this will be a piece of cake!Bonus 3: Finally Put an End to Failure and Make Your Hypnosis Work ConsistentlyThis audio lesson will install in your mind the one skill that can take anyone from hopefully hypno-failure to confident success:UtilizationUsing some more advanced techniques from Milton Erickson and some principles I’ve developed, you’ll discover how to change almost any reaction into your desired result.This means that regardless of how someone responds to your induction or suggestions, you’ll nearly always be able to make your hypnosis work.This “secret sauce’ technique is what separates the hopefuls from the heroes, and I think you’ll find it a total game changer.Bonus 4: Become a Hypnotic EntertainerYou don’t have to be a professional stage hypnotist to entertain others with the power of the mind.People are amazed by the simplest hypnosis demos, and with the skills you’ll be learning on this program you’ll be able to show people things they can only dream of.This audio lesson is designed to let you take your hypnosis skills and use them to entertain a crowd in a totally on the fly, impromptu situation.We’re talking…How to always have enough people to hypnotize, wherever you areHow to deal with skeptics and stop them from ruining your showHow to keep everything safe no matter what happensHow to totally blow people’s minds even with the simplest hypnotic displaysWhat to do if something fails (and how to look like a pro no matter what happens)Bonus 5: Develop the Electrifying Confidence of a Master Hypnotist with This Hypnotic Induction AudioThis audio recording uses powerful overt and covert hypnotic strategies to help you blast past your nerves, and unleash unstoppable hypnotic confidence.Using my full range of hypnotic skill (skills you will soon have yourself) I will hypnotize, entrance and mesmerize your mind into finally unleashing ALL of the confidence you have previously kept under lock and key.After listening to this audio people will SEE the confidence shining off you the moment you walk in the room.Not only will you now have the skills of a master hypnotist, but you’ll have the earth-shaking presence that makes people no without ANY doubt that they are in the company of a force to be reckoned with.You’ll get this powerful hypnotic induction audio to download instantly – right now – along with the other materials as soon as you order.Bonus 6: Become a Master Hypnotist and Irresistible Persuader from the Inside Out with the Core Inner Game ReportI’m feeling a little guilty about giving this away for free because a lot of people have paid very good money for this report.But hey, you’re worth it, and it fits in beautifully with the other material you’re getting on this training program.The core inner game report is essential reading if you’re serious about master hypnosis and influence.Actually, I’ll go so far has to say that everything that has been holding you back from master hypnosis may be solved just by reading this report!It’s a big claim, but I totally believe, and so will you after you check it out!And remember…Your Investment is Guaranteed for a Full Year!If for any reason (or no reason) you are not totally thrilled by your experience with ‘Hypnotize Anywhere’ you can claim a full refund – no questions asked.. This 100% guarantee is absolutely unconditional! You can claim a complete refund within a full year for any reason (or no reason)! You’ll even get to keep all the materials AND I won’t harbor a grudge – I promise!Grab your copy of “Hypnotize Anywhere” and get instant access to everything here right now!Yes Nathan, I’m Ready to Become a Master Hypnotist – Let Me in Now!I realize I’m about to get instant online access to:The Complete “Hypnotize Anywhere” Video Training Course Including All 24 Training Videos ($950 Value)The Complete Written Transcripts of the Videos ($99 value)The “Rapid Street Hypnosis” eBook ($37 value)The “Core Inner Game Report” ($50 value)The “Conversational Hypnosis in Action” eBook ($57 value)The “Electrifying Confidence” Hypnotic Induction Audio ($47 value)The Skills of the Master Training Audios  ($47 value)The “Become a Hypnotic Entertainer” Audio ($47 value)The Never Fail with Utilization Audio ($47 Value)That’s a total real world value of $1381!Plus I Realize ThatMy investment is backed up by the iron-clad 60 Day MONEY BACK GUARANTEE – so there is absolutely no risk whatsoever.I get instant access to everything right now to access online in the members zone and download to my computerInstant Access: $1381$397 Just $197 During This Limited Time Re-LaunchI’ll see you on the other side!Cheers,Nathan ThomasPSRemember, if you’re not 100% thrilled with any aspect of this course…You’ll Get A Full Refund – No CatchesThis iron-clad money back guarantee is valid for a full 60 days!Your investment could not be more safe.PPSSo right now you have a big decision to make.Option 1: You keep doing what you’ve always been doing, and trying what you’ve always been trying.Keep searching YouTube for more and more demo videos HOPING the pieces click into place.Keep reading the same old books and articles and TRYING to make this stuff work.Keep feeling nervous – scared – terrified whenever you get a chance to do hypnosis and keep hoping but DOUBTING your own abilities.Opportunities will keep slipping you by, and the dream of becoming a master hypnotist will forever be just that: a dream.Option 2:  You take me up on my offer, and choose to access “Hypnotize Anywhere”You’ll start watching, and barely 10 minutes into the first video the truth will start to sink in.In less than 30 minutes, your head will be SPINNING with excitement.Within an hour, you’ll feel everything begin to click into place!And the next person you see better look out!The people who have doubted you – maybe even laughed behind your back at the absurdity of YOU being a “hypnotist” will soon be BEGGING you to hypnotize them and help them past their problems.The next time you go to work or go to a party, you’ll be the center of attention.Everyone will gather round to watch the hypnotist reveal things that no one there will ever have seen before.For you it will be as easy, natural and simple as breathing.For them, it will be like nothing they’ve ever seen in their entire lives.The Clock is Ticking so choose now:


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