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Nathan Blaszak – Secret Hypnotic Seduction Techniques

Secret Hypnotic Seduction Techniques
[3 CDs – 9 MP3s, 1 Ebook – PDF]



Another exclusive for the fam!Imagine, just for a minute… “It’s 90 days from now, and your seduction ability has increased 7 FOLD… you’ve seduced women in bars, clubs, on the street, in stores or at the gym… and best of all, you’re trying LESS than ever before!”*Sound crazy, or impossible?… Then keep reading to learn how real menare already getting these results, using my powerful Hypnotic Seduction system…”* From: Nathan Blaszak Dear Friend, You can say certain things… things that make a woman feel drawn to you, become utterly fascinated with you, and give up sex. You can even utilize one of the most powerful covert conversational hypnosis strategies that cause her to hypnotize herself to find you to be the most desirable man on the face of the planet. Is this really true? Here Are 5 Reasons To Believe This Is True…Reason # 1: Covert Hypnosis Is Real and It WorksI have thousands of happy students of my very first successful best selling covert hypnosis book and audio course “How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught” that’s been available online for the last 5 years. They’ve taken all my closely guarded strategies and used them to seduce women, make more sales and gain more compliance. All their testimonials are real and speak for themselves. On top of that, covert hypnosis is used by the media, some politicians, marketers and many other professionals you’d instantly recognize… cops, lawyers, the Home Shopping Network, CIA, FBI – to name only a few. If they use covert hypnosis, it’s obviously real and it works. The problem with my best selling book (although it’s a magnificent one and I highly recommend reading it by now if you haven’t already) is that it’s too vague in the subject of seduction. Which means it has excellent information contained in it, but it isn’t specified and focused solely on seducing women. So there’s some work involved when using it for that purpose. This program solves that problem. You’ll get all the MEAT and step-by-step juicy secret hypnotic seduction techniques right here and now in complete detail. Reason # 2: Women think Entirely Different Then MenUs as men think logically. We take the facts about a subject and make all our decisions based on the best possible outcome we think will happen. Although covert hypnosis works on males, it works especially with females. Why? Because women are emotional creatures! Covert hypnosis entails the use of emotional descriptions. When you learn my Secret Hypnotic Seduction Techniques you’ll understand that Women cannot resist feeling your emotional descriptions, so when you apply these secret techniques, she’ll automatically associate those feelings with you! That means if you want her to have sex with you, get her to imagine it! The problem, however, is that you can’t just come out and say “Imagine having sex with me.” Because it won’t work as she will resist that directness (in most cases). Instead, you have to apply my secret hypnotic seduction techniques to indirectly get her to imagine these things. It’s all laid out in complete detail. Reason # 3: There Are NUMEROUS Hypnotic Seduction Products Available That’ll Waste Your Money and TimeI’ve been teaching people covert hypnosis for over 5 years now online. I’ve been consulting with salesmen and seducers for over 7 years. Most of the hypnotic seduction techniques out there are rehashed from some of the oldest original ideas or what you can find on free eZines and forums. Believe me. I have bought most of them out of curiosity and research (I wouldn’t know what I do now if I hadn’t). However, I’ve even seen handfuls of the same strategies I taught originally re-written and sold. What it all boils down to is I actually USE what I teach. I’m an adult. I’ve been around the block a time or two in this field. I’ve done the research and most of all – the REAL WORLD testing on this material. I’m not a kid just making a quick buck. The majority of people who sell hypnotic seduction material simply don’t even use the strategies themselves. I have and still do. Just ask them. ASK THEM if they use the strategies they teach, and when they give you the obvious “yes” answer, then ask them how they work. Most of them can’t explain to you how they work or even what some of the terminology even means!What’s wrong with this picture? I get people all the time telling me about how they were confused by all the covert hypnosis stuff available out there until they found my products. The reality here is I’ve spent the last ten years of my life studying covert hypnosis, influence, unconscious communication and persuasion. I’ve done all the testing to see what works and what doesn’t. I didn’t read a bunch of courses and decide to rewrite one into my own. I teach what I use because I’m real. Reason # 4: This Is NOT NLP Language Pattern Clunky Verbal GarbageBack in the day, NLP made some surprising and necessary breakthroughs in language pattern technology.  But today, the clunky therapeutic terminology and its use in seduction don’t go well with the flow of conversation. Hypnotic communication has evolved. To say to a woman during conversation “You can feel the weight of your body pressing to the floor as you begin to wonder… you’re starting to feel connected to me” just isn’t going to work.  You have to me more indirect than that. I show you how. By the way, you’ll find a lot of this old useless advice being sold in other hypnotic seduction products. Don’t waste your money. I’m not saying you won’t learn anything from them. All I’m saying is that from a lot of them you’ll learn techniques that are outdated and useless.Out of respect and ethics, I’m not going to list any of those products here. See for yourself or just take my word for it… Reason # 5: There Is Only ONE Technique That You’ll Ever Need To Learn That’ll Make A Woman Hypnotize Herself Into Bed With YouEven though I’ll be revealing to you ALL my secret hypnotic seduction conversational techniques, including how to use descriptive terminology in an indirect way to get women to imagine you being the sun at the center of her own personal universe, I’m going to show you the one and only method you’ll ever need that makes her hypnotize herself. It was about 3:30 a.m. when I woke up from a dream. You see, at that time for the last eight weeks I was using language patterns, hypnotic devices and other covert hypnosis conversational strategies on women (the same you’ll be learning) successfully. I guess you could say that the technology I learned evolved into greater and greater simplicity – because the breakthrough dream changed my life forever! You see, I figured out a way to say little or nothing at all, and let her describe sex, connections, feeling overwhelming attractions… and have her associate all those feelings with ME! I tested my theory the next day. I applied this simple strategy and I was absolutely floored at how easy it was, and… how it simply works about 99.97% of the time! You see, I don’t like to work hard. It’s not that I’m lazy. It’s because I like to work smart. I like to get the best results in the shortest time possible – and it better be easy to do! Well, this strategy achieves that above list. You won’t be memorizing and reciting lengthy, cluttered unnatural re-hashed hypnotic patterns. Let’s face it, that technology is OLD, UNNATURAL and OUTDATED. Although you’ll be learning the above strategies for a way to understand the evolution of hypnotic seduction (and they’re good skills to incorporate into your conversations from time to time) – you DON’T need them to apply one of the easiest most effective “get her to hypnotize herself” strategies. Wouldn’t you like to learn this killer strategy? It really is the only one you’ll ever need… Here’s Only A Partial List of What You’ll Discover in My Secret Hypnotic Seduction Techniques Program: The simple system to use to build a confident aura of hypnotic attractiveness without uttering a single word. What it has to do with making or breaking your success with every other strategy you learn.Actual examples of how women think and which part of her mind is the ONLY mind you should focus on communicating to (and NO, it’s not just vague “unconscious mind” advice). Find out exactly how it’s done in the real world for maximum seduction results.Need to quickly save the seduction because the conversation has hit dead end? Do NOT try to resort to hypnotic communication until you learn this. You’ve tried being nice, giving her compliments, buying her flowers, opening doors, romancing her and did pretty much everything else in between. Now you’re asking yourself… when do the good times roll? Where’s the love? Where’s the sex? How come there’s trouble in paradise? I’ll give you solid steps to follow to get the women HOT to be with you. How you can get women to imagine the most intrusive and blatant things you normally couldn’t talk about with her, and she won’t think a thing about it! Here’s the deal: I have developed a way to get women to imagine “doing sexual things you with you” and doing it by directly saying it to her (but smoothly removing yourself from the picture where you’re there – meaning she’ll unconsciously associate those things with you, but to her conscious mind, you aren’t there. This technique is astounding and even funny. Hardly anybody ever notices that you’re doing it.It’s so obvious! How to save a TON of time in the seduction process by using over 30 powerful, and proven hypnotic language patterns that are guaranteed to work.Please Note: You DO NOT have to use these patterns to get laid, by the way. Relax, it’s totally within your option to use them if you so desire. Hypnotic Seduction: What works and what doesn’t. Why?Hypnotic Story Telling Method: How to turn your stories into hypnotic motivational actions the woman can’t resist taking. Speaking. Writing… I’ll reveal all the secrets you should know to turn your stories into panty soakers. What are the secrets behind the men who have women crawling all over them? Here’s what I’ve found out from friends I know personally. By the way, I do very well. But being a lady killer isn’t my focus anymore. I’d rather be on the beach in the Bahamas or hanging out in Paris with my special other.What to do tomorrow morning to begin using hypnotic seduction to get laid — like crazy.How to ratchet up anything you say, using multi-step hypnotic strategies and not any traditional seduction advice and techniques.Why you can be too smart for your own good. The way to get the women you want into bed and the things you need to do even if you’re a dummy. What to do when you work your tail end off on a seduction attempt and it bombs. My killer “reversal strategy” walks you through the entire process from start to finish making sure you don’t make any mistakes, and seal the deal even if it seems all is lost. Just follow this one step as your final attempt. It normally pulls through for you 97% of the time. Can you really hypnotize women like they say, by using special conversational devices without having to make any other changes? The truth will shock you!Would you like to get women to imagine already being with you and doing anything you can imagine before it ever happens? Everybody with covert hypnosis knowledge knows that what you get a person to imagine is what they perceive as real. But normally they fail to mess with her sense of time. I know one guy who uses virtually this one hypnotic strategy alone and hauls in one woman after the next. True story. What you need to know about using hypnotic seduction.How disarm women that “reject your hypnotic attempts.”355 magic words that get women to drop everything to be with you and why you better learn these words before someone else comes along and steals your wife or girlfriend! Say this one hypnotic pattern to a woman and she might even end up stalking you it works so well! Use with caution and care. How to talk hypnotically. Learn only a few easy skills to develop to become the most hypnotic sounding man on this planet – even if you don’t know a thing about embedding hypnotic commands! This advice shortens your learning curve and removes having to learn the technical aspect behind hypnotic talking. Learn to do it naturally. How to physically hypnotize a woman with your touch – -and make your seduction a one time effort! (Yes, you can use this strategy to get women to feel like having sex just by touching them a certain way). more at…


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