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Mystery – Hired Guns And Stripper Game

Mystery – Hired_Guns_And_Stripper_Game
[ 08 – AVI’s ]



This is a compressed version of the product available here: **** Exclusive **** Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity.Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome!After  lot of EFFORTS this exclusive material brought to you by the participants of the Mystery Stripper DVDThis GB is CLOSED – exclusively by Mystery, this product offers techniques on how to engage waitresses, clerks at stores, bartenders, shooter girls, and of course exotic dancers. The value of this product extends beyond just hired guns. In addition, these DVDs offer more in depth explanations and examples on topics such as multiple threading, DHV story telling, etc. Also included are many new stories, routines, and sound bites for you to play with. Many of the discussion points are pretty universal, and are not just techniques for Hired Guns. A lot of concepts will really click after you’ve finished watching this.


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