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Mystery (Erik Von Markovik) – Project Hollywood Formula

Project Hollywood Formula
[10 DVDs – Rip]



Mystery’s Project Hollywood FormulaTP.CLICK EXCLUSIVE. DO NOT LEAK TO OTHER SITES. IF YOU LEAK YOU WILL BE  BANNED. Quote:Warning: Mystery’s brand new, astonishingly affordable Home Study Course, The Project  Hollywood Formula, a 10-DVD elite training, built specifically to zoom guys ahead to  sustained results, all pulled from never before released material recorded at a $7,000 per  person exlusive workshop, is available now!Quote:The Red “Project Hollywood Formula” Disks This series of hard wired attraction switches trigger interest in women that can  turn  into near obsession. (Learning these 5 keys, and how to play them like a piano  is the key to  irresistible attraction…not learning them leaves most guys stumbling  blind.) 14:25 Disk  1. This “additional circuit” in both men and women’s brains creates a key shortcut to   attraction. (Mystery feels that this creates such an unfair advantage that  understanding  this alone can vault you ahead massively.) 27:10 Disk 1. The compelling reason why you must be a part of this group. (Mystery harps on  this  point again and again because it’s so darn important.) 52:54 Disk 1. The biofeedback exercise that will create positive feelings for women as soon as  they  meet you.  (This is an automatic reflex that’s built into everybody’s brain, so  it literally  can’t fail. 56:09 Disk 1 “The whole game is won and lost in compliance.”  Find out what Mystery means by  this  statement – and why it’s a short cut to sustained success with women.  (This  point made a  massive difference in the way I see the game.) 19:24 Disk 2 Don’t make this easy to make mistake.  (The reason this one can be so tricky is  that it  will seem like you’re doing great…until you lose the girl because of it!)  24:07 Disk 2 You can’t play the game if you can’t open.  Mystery makes it easy, both with  step by  step training and by surrounding you with short-cuts to vault you forward  once you’ve  opened. Attendees raved about the special emphasis on easy but effective  opening (Starts  29:34 Disk 2) This silver bullet is the way to make yourself literally rejection proof. (Mystery  walks  you though exactly how to use this routine to make it 100% safe to open, even  for guys who  are nervous about opening.) 32:03 Disk 2 The real formula for eye contact.  (It’s NOT what most folks expect.  Eye  contact can  be a big advantage – but it can also sink you.  Mystery breaks it all  down and shows you –  eye-to-eye how to do it right.) 40:20 Disk 2 Mystery’s stripper routine and the KK story.  Mystery delivers these two routines  as if  he were in-field at the Playboy Mansion. It’s like being in field with him .   Stripper  routine 47:30 Disk 2, The “KK” story. Warning: do NOT skip these critical routines – they made all of  the  difference for several attendees. 53:55 Disk 2 Mystery’s personal vulnerability routine.  1:03:02 Disk 2. The real formula for building the identity that will both suit you, and work  like  nuts when it comes to landing the girl. (This is actually common sense when you  think about  it, but for some reason this information is not being taught.) 14:46 Disk  3. The technique that Mystery learned from Courtney Love. (It works like clockwork  every  time and makes you indomitable in conversation.  It’s especially important when  it comes to  Amog situations, or battles over social control.) 16:38 Disk 3 The fifth attraction switch – this is a recent discovery and can tip attraction  in  your favor in a big way. (One of the things that makes Mystery great at pick up is  constant  innovation, and this new concept will help demonstrate why that innovation  is so important.)  22:33 Disk 3. How to use stereotypes to create a unique avatar for yourself. (This is a big  advantage  that a lot of people don’t get despite spending massive time and money on  their image.)  23:50 Disk 3. Mystery’s blueprint for turning proximity to your advantage. 33:54 Disk 3. Knowing how to read the signals girls are sending with how near-or-far they are is  like  being able to read minds. (Because most guys don’t realize this, they are  missing out on  many of their best opportunities.) 39:50 Disk 3. Mystery demonstrates the non-verbal IOIs and IODs. 40:52 Disk 3. This lock-in-gambit is ready to use. Mystery demonstrates this move step-by-step.   (Warning: only do this if you’re ready to go for it with a girl, because she’ll be  serious  about you right away.) 50:30 Disk 3 Mystery “outs” Matador’s “gay kissing routine.” This is just as effective as it  is  hysterical.  (Matador has done this front of a girl’s boyfriend multiple times and  gotten  away with it every single time.) 55:30 Disk 3 The “mind hack” for turning any routine into an  automated social tool.  Mystery   developed and tested and still applies “mind hack” today. (This “mind hack” a big  part of  the reason Mystery and his students have success with such a broad array of  women from all  different countries and cultures.) – 17:09 Disk 5. When and how to debrief.  (This can actually make the huge difference in getting  the  next girl, even if your first set was a total blowout.) 5:25 Disk 5. Mystery’s “Nine’s Gambit” demonstrated and explained.  (The good thing about  learning  this gambit is that it’s powerful on it’s own, but it also helps you  understand what kinds  of gambits work and which one’s will actually hurt you.) -This  one is lightning fast so it’s  good that you’ll have it on disk to watch again and  again. 18:01 Disk 5. Mystery’s “pneumonic routine” detailed and demonstrated – this one is really  special,  especially once you’ve seen Mystery do it.  (The reason it’s so good is that  it is an  open-to-close “fast track” routine, if you know how to do it right.) 22:20  Disk 5. Mystery’s “first and last letters” gambit explained and demonstrated – this one is   especially good if you want a girl who likes smart guys, but you don’t want to  memorize a  long complicated routine. 24:43 disk 5. The Snapple gambit. (This is a great opener because it always gets big laughs,  but  it’s also “under the radar” so you don’t get resistance.) 25:10 Disk 5. The photographic memory plotline – you can add this one on to the “pneumonic  routine”  and take a girl from attracted to ready to go. (This lesson also explains  why plotlines are  so compelling and work so well, even though they are so simple to  remember and execute.)  28:25 Disk 5. And much, much more! (Including Disk 4 – Kino escalation fast forward with  Mystery  and Lovedrop.)Quote:The Black “Playboy Mansion Fast Start” Disks Flood technique – this is the fast way to acquire in field “spider sense,” plus  it’s  one of the best proven ways to get over the approach anxiety that so many guys  report. 3:07  Black Disk 1. Mystery’s flash game sequence demonstrated and explained. (This works especially  well on  hired guns, but all women are hard wired to respond strongly to this  dumb-simple sequence.)  7:04 Black Disk 1. “The smarter man wins in pick-up.” – How Mystery strips game vision down to  black and  white. (This simple game vision technique is one of the ways that Mystery  keeps things from  getting complicated – which is a very relaxing feeling.) 13:59  Black Disk 1. How style and Mystery operate in field, detailed step-by-step, and why they are  using a  little known, but highly effective technique to multiply their success in  field. 19:17 Black  Disk 1. How to use kissing to your advantage. (Almost everybody screws this up – kisses  are  just as much an opportunity to screw everything up as they are a way to turn the  heat up.  Mystery explains the difference so you never get it wrong.) 33:16 Black Disk  1. How Mystery’s cheat sheet system works. (This is like invisible training wheels for  pick  up, it’s a big boost while you are getting started and later on when you don’t  need it  anymore you get rid of it – or pass on your wisdom to a new beginner.) 44:07  Black Disk 1. The real way to multiple thread – unfortunately there’s a lot of confusion over  when,  why and how to use this killer technique to insulate yourself from rejection  and to push  attraction into overdrive. 45:41 Black Disk 1. If a woman doesn’t feel “this” then you’re NOT going to be successful with her.  Matador  explains why and then shows the “how to” of making this emotion happen on  near autopilot.  (This is one of the big reasons that top PUAs who have gone out in  field call Matador a  total MACHINE when it comes to getting girls. I’ve seen it and  it’s shocking.) 9:54 Black  Disk 2. “The gift” this ultimate reframe is critical for sustained success in pick-up.  12:57  Black Disk 2. Matador’s dinner routine demonstrated and explained. (This works with or without a  wing  – Matador explains it both ways.) 19:02 Black Disk 2. Matador’s disqualifier opener demonstrated and explained. (This is a great one  to  teach your wing as well.) 45:50 Black Disk 2. Matador demonstrates his own hard wiring when it comes to pick up. (So you know  what it  “looks like” when you are doing attraction right.) 52:55 Black Disk 2. Matador unlocks his bulletproof opener for mixed sets. (That’s where you’ve got  a  group of girls AND guys.) This one works so well that it makes opening mixed sets  almost  funny. 10:56 Black Disk 4. A real life demonstration of Matador’s caveman tactics and how he uses his  bulletproof  opener to diffuse a situation that would have gotten many guy’s asses  severely kicked by a  jujitzu expert. (Vegas story.) 11:41 Black Disk 4. Matador’s fool proof system for permanently blasting past the issue of approach   anxiety. (The way he sees it, you ability to open automatically after this lesson  will  improve your pick-up life by 100% if you learn absolutely nothing else.) 12:30  Black Disk  4. Matador demonstrates his “tractor beam” technique using the “spells opener.” 21:40  Black  Disk 4. The quick fire way to convey your positive personality traits while building   attraction and having fun. 32:03 Black Disk 4. Matador demonstrates how to open a moving set with your eyes. Then he explains why  this  counterintuitive, but shockingly effective technique for day game and club game  actually  works. 41:25 Black Disk 4. And much, much more!Quote:Secret Weapon Playboy Mansion Debrief Gold Disk Warning: you NEED a recovery routine, in case you come across as “too smooth” in an  important set. Mystery demos his recovery routine and explains when to use it, and why and  how it works. 14:47 Secret Weapon Disk. How to use lock in props almost like a gentle forklift when it comes to moving  girls to  an isolated location with you – demonstrated and explained. 17:03 Secret  Weapon Disk Mystery’s backwards merging scripts, demonstrated and explained in detail. 17:25  Secret Weapon Disk. What Mystery looks for BEFORE he even looks at a single other person when he enters  a  pick-up location (Whether it’s a club, pub or even in a day game situation. It’s  THAT  important.) 24:13 Secret Weapon Disk. The character that you can play that will make it so you get everybody’s  attention  (Even if you are whispering in a loud pub or club.) Mystery demonstrates  and explains for  you: 25:41 Secret Weapon Disk. The question you MUST ask every set that you open. If you don’t do that you’re  creating  a major obstacle for yourself that’s almost impossible to unravel. (This  question was so  important Mystery made the entire group shout it at the top of their  lungs TWICE!) 43:07  Secret Weapon Disk. style’s SOI (Statement of Intent) routine – this is truly mind-bending. It’s  very  rare to get video of style in field – and style is at his very best here. 35:11  Secret  Weapon Disk. And much much more.Uploaders notes: There are a couple of audio glitches in these videos, not because of any ripping errors, but because of the source DVDs. A few minutes are lost between each disk, as tapes were changed during filming.DVD 1-5 contain the footage from Day 1 of the bootcamp, before the Playboy Mansion party.DVD 6-10 contain footage from Day 2.DelaysVIP+      5 daysPU          2 weeks


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