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My Mad Methods 2012 Issues

[3 ebook – pdf]


What is is the ultimate resource for everything regarding unconventional training. It is the place for free detailed information about each unconventional training methods (including kettlebells, clubs, sandbags, macebells, etc) with hundreds of exercises, free workouts, videos, and a place for you to find out even more by asking questions to top professionals in each of the seeks to bring the underground world of unconventional training to the surface and expose as many people as possible to these effective training methods. Who was created for? is for those looking to expand their knowledge on unconventional training and break away from the limited options offered in standard gyms. People looking to get into peak physical condition using effective, simple tools that encourage full body motions and balance. is for those who know that there is a better, more effective way to achieve peak physical condition than the more popular methods available.How can you be a part of My Mad Methods?There are a few different ways to be a part of My Mad Methods. The first  way is by becoming a contributor of My Mad Methods. We are always looking for knowledgeable fitness professionals who have a passion for their work. If you feel you know about a certain method of training then let us know. Send us a video and a bio about yourself and why you think you are an expert in your field and we could post your work. For those looking to learn more about the different methods presented than the FAQ and Community is a perfect section for you. Ask questions and let top professionals answer you Why aren’t all exercises of each method on My Mad Methods?That’s because we want you to be a part of this. We want top professionals to bring their knowledge to the table and become a contributor to help people worldwide on their quest for true physical perfection. What can My Mad Methods do for you?My Mad Methods will be your educational tool for all things unconventional. It is your reference to information that you can use on yourself or your clients. You will not only learn countless exercises and workouts, but also proper form with step by step instructions and descriptions. The best part about My Mad Methods is that it’s completely free to you! My Mad Methods can also be a great way to drive traffic to your website. Become a contributor and have a link to your website added to the exercise or workout you add.


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