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Music Me Free – Meditation & Inner Peace Mp3 Pack

Meditation and Inner Peace Mp3 Pack
[25 MP3s, 3 WMVs, 1 TXT]



SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDMeditation and Inner Peace Mp3 Pack by Music Me Free[MP3 – 192 kbps – CBR]More and more people are turning to meditation as a way to seek inner peace, calm the emotions, quiet the mind, heal the body, and replenish the spirit. Over the centuries and even today many people use different methods to enter a deep state of meditation. Some use breathing techniques. Some use chanting, others use dance, instruments, music, devotional exercises and so much more. All these are different methods used for basically entraining the brain and lowering the brainwave frequencies in gradual progression from beta to alpha to theta to delta levels where the rejuvenating benefits of meditation can be experienced. Also used by some for entering deep states of meditation are brainwave mp3’s or cd’s which are embedded with binaural beats or isochronic tones.It has been scientifically documented that periods of regular brainwave entrainment by means of listening to cd’s or mp3’s embedded with binaural beats or isochronic tones can lead to an increase in overall emotional calmness, relaxation, deep inner peace, intelligence, creativity, focus and mental clarity also improving memory, raising IQ and creating a rise in energy, and reduction in stress levels. These are the same benefits one experiences during meditation.Sessions Included In The Meditation and Inner Peace Mp3 PackNOTE: There are 25 sessions in the Meditation and Inner Peace Mp3 Pack because 9 of the sessions are duplicated as far as the entrainment, but different music and louder binaural beats or isochronic tones are used in the 9 additional sessions for those of you who prefer louder tones. This mp3 pack also comes with 4 plain sessions with just tones and no music or nature sounds. So technically you are getting 25 mp3 sessions.Alpha SessionsAlpha brainwaves are slower in frequency than Beta brainwaves and represent a state of relaxed mental awareness or reflection. Alpha brainwaves are the condition for relaxation, hypnosis and lighter meditation. At this level the mind experiences the body in a half-in half-out state of sleep or detachment. The feeling is of being conscious of all things around you but the body being in deep relaxation. The Alpha brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 7 or 8 Hz to 12 Hz.Alpha Relaxation – Binaural Beats with Ambient Music (Length: 25 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 34 MB)This is a relaxing alpha session using binaural beats embedded into slow tempo ambient music (Soundtrack 30). The carrier frequency in the left ear is 186 hz, and in the right ear it is 176 hz, resulting in an entrainment frequency at the alpha level of 10 hz. However, the session begins at 13 hz and after 3 minutes gradually curves down to 10 hz and remains there throughout. For full effectiveness headphones are recommended when listening to binaural beats.Alpha Relaxation 2 – Isochronic Tones with Ambient Music (Length: 20 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 27.4 MB)This is a relaxing alpha session using isochronic tones embedded into slow tempo ambient music (Soundtrack 12). The carrier frequency in the left ear is 175.5 hz, and in the right ear it is 166.5 hz, resulting in an entrainment frequency at the alpha level of 9 hz. However, the session begins at 13 hz and after 3 minutes gradually curves down to 9 hz and remains there throughout. When listening to isochronic tones you don’t necessarily need headphones if you have a good speaker system that can pick up the background beats. However headphones are recommended for best results.Deep Alpha Dissociation Session – Split-Hemisphere Stimulation with Beach Sounds, Underwater/Whale Sounds, Ambient Music (Length: 25 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 34 MB)This is a deep, relaxing alpha session that stimulates each ear with a slightly different frequency in order to produce a dissociating effect. The entrainment frequency is embedded into beach sounds, underwater and whale sounds, as well as ambient music (Soundtrack 25). The entrainment for the left ear begins at 13 hz. And then curves down for 3 minutes to 10 hz. It remains at 10 hz for the next 5 minutes before curving down (for 2 minutes) to 8 hz, and remains there for the remainder of the session. For the right ear the entrainment begins at 13.5 hz and curves down for 3 minutes to 10.5, and remains at 10.5 for the next 5 minutes before curving down for 2 minutes and leveling out at 8 hz for the remainder of the session. The carrier frequencies used are 200 hz for the first 9:42 minutes, and then 120 for the remainder of the session.Alpha/Theta SessionMany of the worlds religions were founded on reaching the alpha/theta state and devised strict disciplines to do so. And it just so happens that the resonant frequency of the earth and ionosphere is approximately 7.83 hertz, right at the lower alpha and upper theta range. Furthermore if your alpha and theta brainwave patterns are strong enough, it’s a lot easier for intuitive messages from your subconscious or inner mind to reach your conscious mind.The Schumann Resonance – Isochronic Tones with Includes wind, chimes, rain and a passing thunderstorm, night noises. 3 different ambient music tracks (Length: 60 minutes, File Type: Mp3, File Size: 134 MB): The Schumann Resonance is at a frequency of about 7.83 Hz (upper theta level and lower alpha level) which is the same frequency that the earth’s magnetosphere resonates at. This is why some of us experience a certain freedom, inner peace, and overall happy condition when we are out in nature away from crowds and big cities. The energy in the atmosphere seems more clear and not as congested and we are more in tune with the earth’s frequency. Your body can rebuild and repair itself (balancing the nerves, removing stress etc.) when your brain tunes into this frequency.Theta SessionsTheta brainwaves are slower in frequency than alpha brainwaves. The theta brainwave state corresponds to frequencies ranging from 4 hz to 7 or 8 hz. Theta brainwaves are the brain state of REM sleep (dreams), hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and the barely conscious state just before sleeping and just after waking. Sometimes you can grasp deep insights, intuition, creative ideas, spiritual guidance etc. while in this state, but it takes practice to remember such insights. Research has proven thirty minutes a day of theta meditation can dramatically improve a person’s overall health and well-being. Spiritually and metaphysically speaking theta is the brainwave state where the mind is capable of deep and profound learning, healing, and growth – it is the brain wave where our minds can connect to the Divine and manifest changes in the material world. The Shamanic state of consciousness, which is theta brainwaves, allows us to journey into the higher planes. The steady-rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one-half times per second (theta waves are 4-7 cps) is the key to transporting a shaman into the deepest part of his or her Shamanic trance. The constant and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and other listeners into realms of blissful meditation also follow this rhythm. Through theta wave meditation, we can open our third eye and access the delta waves that unite us with universal energy and cosmic consciousness.Deep Meditation – Isochronic Tones with 2 Ambient Music Soundtracks, Wind, and Wind Chimes (Length: 45 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 61.5 MB)This is a deep meditation session. It begins at the 12 hz alpha level, and descends into theta frequencies at 5 hz (18 minutes in), and stays there until 39 minutes in, when it rises back up to alpha (9 hz) to help leave the user refreshed and awake. The carrier frequency used is 120 hz. Entrainment is produced using isochronic beats and entrainment embedded into 2 different ambient music soundtracks as well as into wind and wind chimes soundtracks.Complete Theta Session – Isochronic Tones with Soothing Rain Sounds, and Ambient Music (Length: 60 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 82.2 MB)Under ideal conditions it takes at least 6 minutes for the brain to become entrained to a particular frequency. This session is layered in such a way that the listener will experience the theta brainwave frequencies (4 hz – 7 hz) for 6 minutes a piece. The session begins right around where your brainwave frequency usually is after you settle down and begin to reelax. That is, it begins at 10 hz, and ramps down for 6 minutes until it reaches the theta level of 7 hz. It remains at 7 hz for 6 minutes, and then ramps down for 6 more minutes until it reaches 6 hz, and remains there for 6 minutes. And on it goes repeating the same pattern for 5 hz, and 4 hz, before starting to curve back up for the last 10 minutes of the session until reaching 10 hz again. The session uses isochronic tones embedded into the soothing sound of rain, and ambient music (Soundtrack 1). The carrier frequencies used are 120 hz, 110, hz, 100 hz, 90 hz, and 80 hz.Delta SessionsDELTA: 0.1Hz – 4Hz or less cycles per second. Delta being our deepest state of mind is also one of the most beneficial states. Physically speaking delta has been linked with an increase in the body’s production of growth hormones which plays a vital part in the body’s natural ability to heal and rejuvenate. It is where we recharge our batteries, rejuvenate our body and mind, improve our right brain activities of intuition, and create that deep sense of calm and inner peace. In general delta is usually associated with deep dreamless sleep. Unfortunately when most of us sleep we remain in the alpha state or may drift into theta. But without reaching the delta state we may awaken in the morning without the recharged feeling that naturally comes with entering the delta brainwave state. As beneficial as it is to enter the delta state unconsciously during deep sleep, it is even more beneficial to enter delta consciously during deep meditation. If you are able to access this level, yet remain alert, you are able to connect to your inner self which can be life changing. When you are conscious while connecting to your inner self you will discover life’s meaning, and your life’s purpose. It is from this deep level that many of the world’s religions or spiritual teachings first sprung (but have been misunderstood and distorted by those who have never experienced this deep level of consciousness). When your conscious mind connects with your inner self it will eventually synchronize your brain in a way that you desire what your inner self desires, it will become second nature to you, not a rule or regulation, not a religion, but natural to who you really are at the core of your being. This is the truth behind what religion calls conversion, or being ethical, or being born again etc. The synchronizing of the brain, however, is not always pleasant because your subconscious mind will be cleansed from hidden, limiting, stuck feelings and counteractive beliefs which you normally defend and cherish and will not let go of for the life of your ego.Going Deep – Binaural Beats with 3 Ambient Music Soundtracks (Length: 60 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 82 MB)This session begins with the first ambient soundtrack (#28) at the alpha level of 10 hz, which immediately starts to ramp down for 20 minutes until it reaches the delta level of 3.5 hz. At this time the first ambient music track fades out as a second soundtrack (#35) starts playing, and the listener remains here at the 3.5 hz level for the next 20 minutes. Then, around the 40 minute mark, the previous soundtrack ends and a new soundtrack (#69) begins as you ascend back up for the next 20 minutes until you reach the alpha level of 10 hz again. This last soundtrack has a higher pitch than the other two so as to help return you to the 10 hz alpha level. 120 hz is the mid carrier frequency used throughout the session.Going Deeper Still – Isochronic Tones with 4 Ambient Music Soundtracks (Length: 35 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 47.8 MB)This recording begins with the first ambient soundtrack (#14) at the alpha level of 10 hz, which immediately starts to ramp down for 5 minutes until your reach the delta level of 3 hz. At this level the first ambient music track fades out as a second soundtrack (#66) begins, and the listener remains here at the 3 hz level for the next 10 minutes. Then, around 15 minutes into the session the previous soundtrack ends and a new soundtrack (#48) begins as you descend down to the delta level of 2 hz and remain there for the next 10 minutes. When you are about 25 minutes through the session the 4th ambient soundtrack (#58) begins as you ramp up for the remaining 10 minutes until you reach the alpha level of 10 hz. The mid carrier frequency used throughout this recording is 100 hz.Very, Very Deep – Binaural Beats with 5 Ambient Music Soundtracks (Length: 60 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 81. 7 MB)This session begins with the first ambient soundtrack (#39) at the alpha level of 10 hz, which immediately starts to ramp down for 10 minutes until your reach the delta level of 1.5 hz. At this level the first ambient music track fades out as a second soundtrack (#11) begins, and the listener remains here at the 1.5 hz level for the next 15 minutes. Then, around 25 minutes into the session the previous soundtrack ends and a new soundtrack (#22) begins as you descend down to the delta level of 1 hz and remain there for the next 10 minutes. When you are about 35 minutes through the session the 4th ambient soundtrack (#1) begins and you go lower still until you reach .05 hz, and remain there for the next 10 minutes. The 5th ambient track (#51) starts playing the session slowly ramps up for the last 15 minutes until you reach the alpha level of 10 hz. The mid carrier frequency used throughout this recording is 80 hz.Extra SessionsSession For Deep Sleep – Isochronic Tones with Night Noises, and Ambient Music (Length: 60 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 82.2 MB)Use this session to fall into a deep, healthy sleep. The session begins at 12 hz and gradually works its way down to the delta range of 1.05 hz after 30 minutes. It remains at 1.05 hz for the remaining 30 minutes. The session uses isochronic tones embedded into night noises and ambient music.Session For Pain Relief – Isochronic Tones with Chirping Birds and Ambient Music (Length: 25 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 34.3 MB)This is a soothing sub-delta (0-1 Hz) delta session designed to help with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. It is based on the study of fibromyalgia by Kathy Berg, David Siever, Horst Meuller and Donald Seibel. Entrainment is provided by tone beats and randomly generated forest sounds (chirping birds and running water), and entrainment embedded into a soothing ambient music soundtrack.Chakra Balancing Session – Binaural Beats with Wind Chimes and Ambient Music (Length: 35 Minutes, File Format: Mp3, File Size: 47.9 MB)The human body has energy centers with different rates of vibration or sound, not to mention colors. These energy centers are called charkas. There are many chakras in the human body, but there are 7 main charkas. These energy centers are not in the human body like you find blood and bones in the human body. Rather they are in what some call the subtle body – the aspect of us that experiences astral travel, out of body experiences, lucid dreams. These chakras correspond to the human spine starting at the root and running to the crown of the head. This recording contains binaural beats embedded into the sound of wind chimes and ambient music soundtrack #13. The session centers for 5 minutes on each chakra with a brainwave frequency of 10 hz for each chakra. The carrier frequencies used for the chakras range begin at 131 hz for the root chakra, reaching up to 247 hz by the time the recording is at the crown.BonusWildlife Slideshow – The Wildlife Slideshow is a WMV file. The size is 18.9 MB, and it is 8:12 minutes in length. The entrainment frequency is set at 10 Hz (binaural beats) alpha level, and the carrier frequencies are 105 hz and 95 hz. There are over 110 Wildlife photos. The slideshow is embedded with binaural beats and it begins with ambient music and bird sounds, as several bird images move through the slideshow. Then various animals start appearing in the slideshow as a different ambient music soundtrack starts to play. Eventually sea lions and seagulls appear in the slideshow at which time you will hear ocean and beach sounds, after which you will hear underwater sounds, and whale sounds as fish and whale photos move through the slideshow until it ends. You can loop this and watch it over and over.Nature Scenes Slideshow – The Nature Scenes Slideshow is a WMV file. The size is 24.8 MB, and it is 9:26 minutes in length. There are over 125 nature scene photos. 3 different ambient music soundtracks embedded with isochronic tones play during the slideshow. The entrainment frequency is set at alpha/theta level of 7.83 which is the frequency of the earth and ionosphere. The carrier frequency is set at 120 Hz.Flowers Slideshow – The Flowers Slideshow is a WMV file. The size is 23.9 MB, and it is 11.36 minutes in length. The entrainment frequency is set at 4 Hz (delta level), and the carrier frequency is 80 hz.There are over 150 different flower photos in this slideshow. Isochronic tones are embedded into 3 different ambient music soundtracks.


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