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Morris Massey – Triad

Morris Massey – Triad [3 DVDs (Rips)]
[3 DVDs – Rip]


This is an oldie but goodie. Even though this is over 20 years old, they still sell it for $1,500 and rent it for $500. Massey is a great speaker, I have never seen anyone present information quite the way he does. It is a great set in my opinion, it changed the way I think about how other people think. I hope you like it, I did!He has a new set that came out last year, if there is enough interest maybe we can put together a group buy on it.The Massey TriadMorris MasseyPROGRAM 1: “What You Are Is Where You Were When”In this program, Massey investigates the role of the past by explaining the three self-programming periods each young individual goes through in developing a value system. These gut-level feelings guide our adult behavior, determine our worldview, and influence how we feel about what is normal and abnormal. 69 minutesPROGRAM 2: “What You Are Is Not What You Have To Be”Massey profiles two unique generations within our society: “traditionalists” and “rejectionists.” In this investigation of the present, he focuses on why the value of work, job commitment and individual performance varies with different age groups, and describes how Significant Emotional Events can change gut-level values. 64 minutesPROGRAM 3: “What You Are Is Where You See”Dr. Massey continues his exploration of values programming into the future by showing you how to redefine, redesign and recreate your future by shifting from the point of view imposed by your past to a new and more objective viewpoint. 58 minutesSERIES KEY LEARNING POINTS# Improve communication & understanding among diverse groups and Improve employee morale# Unlock the puzzle of human behavior# Encourage cooperation and teambuildingRunning Time: 191 minutesCopyright Date: 1986Enterprise Media is the official lead distributor for this   * MotivationalUses   * Diversity   * Communication   * Improving Sales, Attitude, and Service   * Leadership   * Listening   * Management Skills   * Motivation and Inspiration   * Respectful Workplace   * Teams and TeambuildingPurchase and rental page:    


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