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Monroe Institute (Hemi-Sync) – The Gateway Experience Complete 8 Albums

[24CDs – Wav, mp3, 8 manuals – Pdf, 1 Track Listing – txt, 7 Covers – jpg]



Waiting for the new Robert Bruce product made me want to repeat the Gateway Journeys from beginning to end. This is a great program to learn OBE and astral travel. Although it has a ton of other applications too. So I ripped the CDs for use while I travel in the real world.I ripped them to wav for use with my iOS devices. FLAC doesn’t work with playlists. mp3 is lossy, and I wasn’t sure if that’s a good idea for HemiSync. Unfortunately I misplaced 1 CD, so 2 tracks are mp3 only, downloaded from somewhere else, instead of freshly ripped. All others are wav.This is the full collection of the Gateway Experience. 8 (!) Albums á 3 CDs. Containing the old (out of production) Wave V and Wave VI, plus the new releases of Wave V and Wave VI. We have some of the files in other formats already, but not the complete program, and not in wav.Booklets from all 8 albums are included, plus 1 track listing.I always found the music only journeys of the old Wave V brilliant. Once you know the techniques, the verbal guidance is disturbing. With the old Waves V and VI you can explore on your own, and use the very techniques you learned from Wave I through IV.From The Monroe Institute.There are hundreds of so-called “technologies” for influencing our states of consciousness available on the market, but few have actually proven themselves under close scrutiny. One breakthrough tool that stands out as truly effective is the Hemi-Sync® technology used at The Monroe Institute.In 1975, Robert Monroe was issued an original patent in the field of altering brain states through sound. His compelling research became the foundation for a noninvasive and easy-to-use “audio-guidance” technology known as Hemi-Sync, which has been proven to produce identifiable, beneficial effects, including enhancing alertness, inducing sleep, and evoking expanded states of consciousness. There are many mind/brain products that attempt to imitate this technology, but the Hemi-Sync® process, after decades of research and thousands of lab sessions, remains unparalleled in its efficacy.These tools have evolved directly from the acclaimed residential programs taught on location at The Monroe Institute. Now, with The Gateway Experience, you have access to a convenient in-home audio training program for developing, exploring, and applying expanded states of awareness. Exercises in this comprehensive series use specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies combined with spoken guidance and subtle sound effects to guide you into focused, whole-brain states of consciousness.When you listen to The Gateway Experience, the audio programs work by sending different tones to each ear. The two hemispheres of the brain then act in unison to “hear” a third signal. This is not an actual sound, but an electrical signal that can only be perceived when both brain hemispheres are working together. The result is a focused, whole-brain state known as “hemispheric synchronization”—or Hemi-Sync—an optimal condition for improving human performance.Hemispheric synchronization occurs naturally in our daily lives, but typically only for random, brief periods of time. Now with The Gateway Experience, you can learn to achieve and sustain this coherent brain-wave state to replenish mental energy, improve concentration, access intuition, and quiet your mind.The Hemi-Sync Gateway experience Includes:# 18 Hemi-Sync CDs# 6 detailed instruction booklets to get you started immediately# Over 20 hours of exercises to help you expand the territory of your conscious statesGateway Highlights:# Embark on an “odyssey of self-discovery” that takes you beyond your physical time – space reality# Develop creative insights to dissolve your fears# Learn to control your energy body and reach out further from your physical body# Experience deeper levels of sleep# Support your existing meditation practice by enhancing mental focus and awareness# Learn “mental tools” and exercises to navigate many expanded states of consciousness# Reach new potentials in thought and action as you learn how to become your own personal gateway into profound forms of perceptionThe 18 CDs are divided into six “Waves”, each containing three CDs.This collection actually contains 24 CDs. The original 6 CDs from Wave V and Wave VI have been replaced by new ones. This collection contains the old and the new version of These albums.Wave I – DiscoveryDiscovery introduces the Mind Awake/Body Asleep state (Focus 10) and other “mental tools” to help you experience states of expanded awareness. You are led from your physical waking state into deep relaxation and then into unexplored levels of your consciousness. Discover new potentials in thought and action as your total self becomes your personal gateway into profound forms of perception.# Orientation – Introduction and Focus 3# Intro Focus 10 – establish the state of mind awake/body asleep# Advanced Focus 10 – expand perception and learn greater control of personal energy# Release and Recharge – detach from old fears and negative emotions# Exploration, Sleep – techniques for expanding and exploring while asleep# Focus 10 Free Flow – experiment with all tools learned in Wave IWave II – ThresholdLearn more Focus 10 “mental tools” and benefit from exercises which take you to a state of expanded awareness known as Focus 12. Threshold opens new perceptual channels for expanding and integrating personal awareness while developing creative insights which assist in dissolving fear barriers.# Intro Focus 12 – establish the higher energy state of expanded awareness# Problem Solving – receive creative solutions to your questions# One Month Patterning – reshape your life in desired directions# Color Breathing – link mind and body to energize and support healing# Energy Bar Tool – direct your nonphysical energies Introduction to LBM – balance and strengthen the physical selfWave III – FreedomEnjoy Focus 10 and Focus 12 exercises developed specifically to make the methods for perceiving and controlling your nonphysical energy a comfortable and joyous experience.# Lift Off – achieve ease with nonphysical experience# Remote Viewing – tools for distant perception# Vectors – reference points for easy movement# Five Questions – answers from your total self# Energy Food – absorb nonphysical energy# First Stage Separation – explore nonphysical consciousnessWave IV – AdventureExplore new experiences, new ideas, new places and new friends. This album provides you with the ultimate expression beyond Freedom – that of a personally controlled and directed adventure.# One Year Patterning – for designing your desired future# Five Messages – gain insight into your total self# Free Flow 12 – an unparalleled background for personal exploration# NVC I – non-verbal communication, the language of intuitive thought# NVC II – broaden perception in all states of your being# Compoint 12 – establish a reference point for communication with higher consciousnessWave V – Exploring, Not available for sale anymore.This album was later replaced with a new Wave V.This is the original album. Contains 6 music only journeys without verbal guidance. Very good journey for those who have learned the techniques and want to ‘travel’ without being disturbed by verbal guidance. # Mission 10# Mission 12# Mission Day# Mission Night# Horizons# PathwaysWave V – Exploring NEW, replacing the original Wave V albumFrom the now familiar state of Focus 12, you will be introduced to Focus 15 – the “no time” state – the state of simply being. Here, far beyond your five physical senses, you can connect with the source of your intuition.# Advanced Focus 12 – strengthen and reinforce your familiarity with this valuable state.# Discovering Intuition – use Focus 12 as a natural foundation for enhancing your intuitive abilities.# Exploring Intuition – further exploration of your intuitive abilities.# Intro to Focus 15 – be guided into Focus 15, the state of “no time”, where time does not exist for you.# Mission 15 Creation and Manifestation – explore Focus 15 as a powerful state of creation and manifestation.# Exploring Focus 15 – a free flow opportunity for further exploration of this extraordinary state.Wave VI – Prospecting, Not available for sale anymore. This album was later replaced with Wave VII.This is the original album. Contains 6 music only journeys without verbal guidance. Very good journey for those who have learned the techniques and want to ‘travel’ without being disturbed by verbal guidance. # metamorphosite (mp3 only)# Bio-Body (mp3 only)# Null Point# Plus Polarity# Near Reaches# Far ReachesWave VII – Odyssey NEW!This is today sold as Wave VI, but originally it was #VII of the program.Embark upon an odyssey of self-discovery. Wave VI features high adventure exercises in Focus 21 (the bridge to other energy systems). Explore realms of awareness that defy description in dimensions beyond physical time-space reality in this much-requested continuation of the Gateway Experience.# Sensing Locale 1 – learn to control your energy body Expansion in Locale 1 – reach out further from your physical body Point of Departure – project “out of phase” from your physical self Nonphysical Friends – meet your “helpers in energetic form”.# Movement to Locale 2/Intro Focus 21 – travel the bridge to other energy systems# Free Flow Journey in Focus 21 – brand-new territory for your explorationComments from Robert Monroe:What can you expect from the Gateway Experience? “As much or as little as you put into it. The exercises provide you with a set of tools how you use them and what you do with them is your responsibility. Some discover themselves for the first time, and thus live more completely, more constructively. Others reach levels of awareness so profound that one such experience is enough for a lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily activity.”


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