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Mirabelle Summers – Conversation Chemistry

[1 eBook – PDF]



is Conversation Chemistry right for you?When renown online relationship expert Amy Waterman and I (more about who we are further down the page) started researching and writing Conversation Chemistry, we were initially going to write 2 separate books: one for people who are single or dating, and one for people who are already in a relationship.But then after getting people who are dating and others who are in a relationship to read our books, the feedback we received was an overwhelming number of suggestions that we combine them both together as there was so much essential information in each of them for people at all stages of a relationship.So we ended up agreeing and hence Conversation Chemistry is actually the length of two books (298 pages) and is packed full of essential communication secrets for you, no matter whether you are single or in a long term relationship!We’ve broken it up into three specialized sections:   Section 1: The principles of great communication with the opposite sex.Section 2: Secrets to talking to and communicating with the opposite sex during dating.Section 3: Communication inside a relationshipHere is the exact breakdown of what you’re going to learn inside this exciting book (which you can download in the next 5 minutes if you wish!)You’ll learn:Part I:  Principles of Great Communication with the Opposite Sex   Discover the principles of great communication. These principles differ between men and women, find how and why!   (pages 17 and 18)   Whether you can adapt the way you talk to suit the person you’re talking to may determine whether or not that person develops a romantic interest in you. That’s why you’re going to find out in detail how and why men and women communicate differently, and how to communicate in such a way that builds unstoppable attraction   (pages 19 – 25)   Find out the surprising results from a study of singles bars, conducted by a couple of doctors. They proved the theory that there is a definite sequence to the process of attracting a mate. You’ll hear what this process is, and how you can use it to your advantage in sparking attraction. If you follow this process, you’ll build up an incredible attraction for you in members of the opposite sex   (pages 26 – 30)   Discover the “hows and whys” of talking that are so essential to building attraction   (31 – 33)   Find out the form of intuitive communication that NLP practitioners, psychologists and even pickup artists alike agree is crucial to forming a lasting bond with another person…   (page 35)   The ‘magic’ ingredients necessary to build up potent rapport with another person. This is truly powerful stuff you won’t want to miss out on!   (pages 36-52)   So many things can turn a person off when you start a conversation with them. Find out what the 5 most common turn-offs are, so that you don’t make the same mistakes that a lot of others do.   (page 52 – 71)   The 5 conversation turn-ons that when applied diligently, you’ll find that people will not just enjoy talking to you… they’ll go out of their way to talk to you!   (pages 72-89)   How to manipulate the mood of a conversation so that you are perceived as a superb conversationalist. Hint: What you actually have to say plays only a small role in your overall communication.   (Pages 73-74)   The secret to demonstrating social intelligence to a group of people so that you instantly “fit in”   (page 74)Part II:  Secrets to Talking and Communicating with the Opposite Sex During Dating   Find out the key secret to become a charismatic person who has no doubt that what you’re saying is interesting to your audience.   (page 92-94)   How to overcome approach anxiety. If you suffer from approach anxiety, you’re not alone. Going up to someone and starting a conversation can be incredibly difficult! You’ll learn how to calm these nerves right here with our highly effective 5 step strategy    (pages 95-99)   You’ll learn everything you need to know about how to start a conversation with a member of the opposite sex. Imagine this… no more nerves… no more running out of things to say. You’ll soon find it easy to strike up a conversation and give off a great first impression. You’ll also get to read a lot of fantastic example conversations.    (pages 100 – 121)   How to talk about yourself in such a way that you show off your best traits, while avoiding coming across as a bragger.    (122-128)   The one thing that you absolutely must say to put people at ease and dramatically reduce your chances of getting “brushed off” by a member of the opposite sex when you try to strike up a conversation.    (pages 129 – 131)   How to talk and impress a group of people (132 – 134)   The simple secret to making a member of the opposite sex feel addicted to talking to you    (pages 135 – 138)   Discover the 2 crucial secrets to the art of confident conversation.   (pages 139 – 144)   Small talk is great for opening a conversation. But if you start to feel as though you may have struck a chord with someone, where do you go from there? How do you make it clear to them that you’d like to get to know them a bit better? Discover how to take a conversation to a more intimate level – without awkwardness or embarrassment!    (pages 145 – 148)   The five secrets to speaking with an attractive voice. We’re constantly making evaluations and decisions on the attractiveness of others according to the quality of their voice. When you meet someone for the first time, you form an instant snapshot of that person. Some research indicates that 90% of your lasting opinion of someone is formed in the first ten seconds of meeting them. That’s a pretty small window of time to come off well! And your voice plays a major role in how you present yourself to people, so it makes sense to polish it up like the valuable resource that it is.   (pages 154 – 159)   How to make others laugh! This can work to your advantage! If you have the power to make people laugh, it’s like a drug – or, even more accurately, like magic. Someone who uses humor to create attraction is like a magician: other people can’t understand what’s happening, or how it works; but work it does. And it creates attraction like you wouldn’t believe.    (pages 160 – 169)   When performed well, a good tease creates humor, intimacy, and electrifying attraction. That’s when it’s performed well. Done wrongly it can kill attraction completely. Find out exactly how to tease in such a way that you bond with the opposite sex and have piles of fun in the process!    (pages 170 – 171)   How to flirt non-verbally. Find out how to strongly, convey and create attraction using the power of body language – the other person won’t have a clue that you’ve assisted them down the road towards attraction to you    (pages 172-176)   How to spark chemistry and sexual chemistry with the opposite sex. You’ll learn some incredibly powerful secrets here    (pages 177 – 182)   Find out how to talk to a shy or quiet person. You’ll find out how to connect with them and bring out their best side    (pages 183 – 186)   How to talk to ANYONE for long periods of time… While still maintaining a vibrant, fun conversation that sparks attraction.     (pages 187 – 189)   Find out how to be an active listener. Listening is absolutely vital to any successful, productive, and meaningful conversation. Find out how to be an active listener, without getting distracted or pretending to pay attention.   (pages 190 – 192)   Sick or running out of things to say? Believe it or not, it is actually possible to train your brain to instinctively have more to say in just about any given situation and you’ll find out how right here.    (pages 193 – 195)   How to put your best foot forward and always communicate your most attractive qualities   (pages 196 – 199)   Discover how to talk about interests that you don’t share… and have both of you still enjoy the conversation!   (pages 200 – 203)   How to relate funny, personal stories – anecdotes, if you will – in a manner that entertains people and leaves them with fond recollections of you and your amazing social manner.    (pages 204 – 208)   Social nervousness can be really crippling. The symptoms are hard to mistake: knotted, “fluttery” stomach, sweaty, clammy skin, hot and cold flushes, dry mouth, flushed or pale cheeks. It’s difficult to tell yourself that it’s “all in your head” when the physical evidence so clearly points to the contrary! In this intriguing chapter, you’ll find out how to save yourself from nervousness.    (pages 209 – 211)   How to smoothly move things to the next level. You’ll find out when and when not to touch someone, how to transition fluently from not touching, to touching in neutral areas to kissing and beyond!    (pages 214 – 216)   How to read the body language of the opposite sex so that you know whether or not they are attracted to you.   (pages 217 – 219)Part III:  Communication Inside a Relationship   The communication skills required for a great long-lasting relationship are different to those that spark attraction and get you through the first month or two of dating. In this exciting section, you’ll discover vital communication skills that will bring the two of you together and you’ll find out common communication mistakes so that you don’t make them yourself!   (pages 221 – 232)   What to do if communication stops. Rarely go out for an evening alone together? Feel like you’ve run out of things to say to each other? Find out how to revive your communication and get to know your partner again.   (pages 232 – 235)   Find out what to do when communication goes horribly wrong. A break down of communication is at the heart of most marriage breakups. It’s unfortunate that many couples get to the stage where they can’t talk to each other about anything without arguing. You’ll identify how to turn this whole situation around and get your communication back on a healthy track.   (pages 235 – 241)   ***Important Reading*** The secret formula for having the relationship you want, developed and scientifically proven by a well known counselor from his 14 years of research into this topic.   (pages 242-245)   How to communicate affection. Many dating experts advocate that from the time you start dating, not to let on how you feel too soon. That way they’ll see you as a challenge and will have to work to get your interest. Follow that kind of dating advice when you’re in a relationship, though, and you’ll find yourself out of the relationship as quickly as you got in it. If you want to create a healthy relationship that lasts, you have to learn to communicate affection frequently, freely, and in a way that’s understood by your partner.   (246-253)   Why you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable about silence in your relationship   (pages 291-292)   Discover the 3 traits of happy couples who know how to disagree in a healthy, non-destructive way. One of the main reasons for communication breakdown in relationships are severe disagreements and arguments. It’s unfortunate, because there’s actually nothing wrong with disagreeing. Even if you and your partner can not see eye to eye on anything, you can still live in peace. But you have to know how to disagree appropriately, in a way that strengthens your feelings of connection rather than your feelings of separation.   (pages 254-261)   How to argue properly and grow together as a result, rather than grow apart. This is an incredibly important chapter for you to read as arguments have been proven to be severely detrimental to many relationships, and yet seen as strengtheners for others who know how to argue properly.   (pages 262 – 272)   How to forgive. Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycleof resentment and retaliation. Denying forgiveness to your partner is just like poisoning your relationship. Discover the path you need to follow to true forgiveness.   (pages 273 – 275)   How to talk about your feelings. The difference between your emotions being a good or a bad thing is in how you choose to express them. The rewards of increased emotional self-awareness make it worth the effort. Emotional intelligence will reward you with greater relationship, social and career success as well as greater levels of happiness and life satisfaction.   (pages 276 – 282)   How to talk about “Us”. Moving from “me” to “we” can be a struggle, especially as you feel you may be giving up a part of your independence and self-determination for the sake of the relationship. Discover what it truly means to be a couple.   (pages 283 – 288)   Using the power of talking about the future to further enhance your long term relationship success. Having individual and mutual goals is the first step to relationship success, so the next step is in talking about them and assessing your progress at regular intervals.    (pages 289 – 292)   How and when to actively listen to your partner. It’s about receiving much more than just words.   (pages 293 – 294)   Discover the primary way that couples bond and connect as human beings (page 295)


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