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Mike Whitfield – Bodyweight Finishers 2.0 PLUS All Bonuses –

Mike Whitfield – Bodyweight Finishers 2.0 PLUS All Bonuses 2014
[4 eBooks – PDF]

Description———————————————————————–Released last week and already avaiable to the!ENJOY!!P.S: I didn’t upload the “Bodyweight Dirty 30 2.0” ’cause is already here: ———————————————————————–Is cardio really evil?Does cardio really make you fatter?You’ve probably heard of all this before.So, the fitness experts went on an “Interval Craze” otherwise known as “HIIT” which stands for “High Intensity Interval Training”.You know the drill… 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy… and repeat for a miserable 25 minutes in the hot, overcrowded gym using a treadmill or bike, pounding your knees and leaving you exhausted instead of energized.Have you ever wondered that if the “secret” to looking more athletic and leaner was high intensity training, wouldn’t we have more fit and lean people surrounding us?If you have an open mind, I’d like you to open up the possibility of inviting a “New School” interval training into your life that is so much easier because it’s so flexible.You can do this at any time, anywhere… even in your pajamas (I’m not kidding).This simple approach uses ZERO equipment.And recent breakthrough research PROVES you can burn more fat in as little as 4 minutes compared to a 30-minute interval workout…… up to 5 pounds per week (yes, with REAL clients of mine).If you’re busy, this is going to be HUGE for you.Now I know this won’t make gym owners happy and you may even think, “NO way… no equipment at all… and in as little as 4 minutes?”. But hear me out… this simple formula could change the way you work out FOREVER.It’s a blend of “old school” interval training with “new school” science that I’ve personally used to lose 105 pounds (and have kept it off).And I’m not the only one. I have used this radical “blend” of new school and old school with thousands of stay-at-home Moms, business executives, and more including my private clients that have won numerous Transformation Contests, along with $5,000 in contest money.The best part? You won’t need ANY equipment nor do you have to be an amazing athlete. I’ll show you how it works in a few minutes. In fact, this blend of old school and new school is BETTER without equipment.Oh yeah – and you can “plug” this concept with ANY routine.First, I promise to be transparent with you. Starting with this… my genes are HORRIBLE. I can look at a bag of chips and gain weight.In fact, I started to get pudgy way back in my 20’s, even when I had a very demanding physical job.Then… it got MUCH worse.I got a desk job and over the course of a year of having the lack of physical activity plus caving into my cravings for sweets, I ballooned to 300 pounds…Stress and work got the best of me… and 46-inch pants… and XXXL shirts.My belt would actually “dig in” my stomach and I would end up with bruises… even after I adjusted the dang belt!I HATED going out. I didn’t want to be with friends because I could practically hear their thoughts…“I can’t believe Mike has gotten so big. He is so lazy”.I truly felt I had hit rock bottom.And you know what? I was NOT lazy. I was angry and frustrated, but definitely NOT lazy.I had a strong work ethic and worked crazy hours. I was getting fat because of my lack of time AND me NOT being lazy.But this lack of time was getting the best of me.I was tired of being winded after walking a flight of stairs…… or carrying a couple of bags of groceries.I had ENOUGH.Have You Ever Had a “Switch” Go Off Inside of You and Suddenly, You’re Willing to Do WHATEVER It Takes?This is exactly what happened to me…… and it led to the 9-minute “finisher” that changed the way I worked out FOREVER.It will change the way you work out, too… as long as you keep an open mind. You’ll see how it works shortly, but first, why did I even use this 9-minute concept? …The switch…It was a cold morning in December of 2002, I was playing Madden football on the Playstation.I threw what seemed to be the perfect pass to my wide receiver.But out of nowhere, the linebacker intercepted it like a thief in the night.I stood up with anger overwhelming me.I then slammed the controller down out of frustration.When I reached down to pick it up, I huffed and puffed as if I just ran a marathon.Beads of sweat started to cover my forehead… all from just reaching down.I couldn’t even see my feet.  My disgusting belly fat was blocking my view.This was embarrassing and it was time I did something about it.It was the slap in the face that I needed.In January of the following year, I started what would be a long road ahead of losing weight.You’re probably familiar with that “Let’s Do This!” feeling of getting started, right? It’s the same feeling when you get back into the gym on a Monday after a binge-eating weekend.First, I went to my old high school track for some running, extremely motivated.After all, running is simple exercise, right?I officially “started” – I was on an adrenaline rush.The thing was… I only walked one lap, and I ended up exhausted and out of breath.Slowly, I had to build up my endurance. But there was one problem…I realized that the dieting was more of a challenge than I anticipated.I was hungry… like all the time.Have You Ever Noticed an Increase in Your Appetite When You Work Out More?You’re not alone. I was experiencing the SAME thing! My cravings would consume me and I couldn’t even focus. All I could think of was how bad I wanted to chow down until I was miserably full.And it seemed the more I worked out, the hungrier I got.My cheat day was ridiculous, and it was holding me back from losing as much fat as I wanted to. I’m talking about mountains and mountains of… PANCAKES.I wish I knew about this study BEFORE I started my journey…Now, 268 calories may not sound like much. But if you add that up over a week, that’s 1,876 calories.Over the course of a month, that’s 8,308 calories.There are 3,500 calories in just one pound of fat.So that means you would actually gain OVER 2 pounds of fat every month. That’s over 24 pounds a year……all thanks to INCREASED exercise.No wonder I was struggling!So if you find yourself with a rather large appetite, you can cut back on your cardio and that might help a little.In fact, I’ll show you how to eliminate your typical cardio all together and replace it with this “old school” cardio meets “new school” science approach.This Concept Will DECREASE Your AppetiteResearchers from the International Journal of Obesity found that overweight subjects ate about 200 fewer calories following a vigorous bout of exercise just like this (which I’ll reveal to you) than after rest.Some studies have shown that high intensity exercise is tied to appetite suppression and changes in hormones that regulate hunger and fullness.That’s pretty powerful – for someone like me with poor genes, I would love to consume 5,600 calories LESS each and every month.Can you imagine what that alone could do to help you change YOUR body without having to change anything else?That means your clothes will start to feel looser.It also means you’ll feel lighter on your feet, right? After all, 5,600 calories less is quite a dent into your diet. I know I would feel lighter (and better).Now we’re just scratching the surface. It actually gets better…You’ll love this concept because you won’t need anything but your own body and you can do it with your current daily routine (it actually works BEST 3-4 times a week and that’s it!)…… all in 9 minutes or less.There’s a “sweet spot” to plug this and you’ll discover exactly where and why.Plus, you’ll see yourself dropping fat week after week without any magic diet pills or powders. In fact…It Was the Main Reason Why I Lost 105 Pounds and 14 Inches Off My Waist… and KEPT It Off for YearsBecause of this concept you can start using TODAY, I was able to lose the equivalent of 35 watermelons.(No reason for the use of watermelons there… it’s just cool that the average size watermelon is 3 pounds and 3 X 35 = 105).In other words, this is how much weight I lost…In fact, close your eyes and think back to the last time you picked up a watermelon. Feel the density of it as your arms start to get tired of holding it?Well, I had one client named Chris that consistently lost in weight the equivalent of one watermelon week after week for six months with this concept (yes, 70 pounds in 6 months!).It didn’t matter what workout program he used as long as plugged in the exact protocol I’ll show you.So What Is This “Old School” CardioMeets “New School” Science? HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) burns more fat than traditional “steady-state” cardio. You probably already know that.But that doesn’t mean you totally dismiss “cardio” all together.Your body will actually benefit from the cardio used in this 9-minute (or less) approach.Now why can’t you just use intervals?… Because there is bad news.Your Interval Sessions Have been lying to you for decades.I fell for it, too. You can’t trust the display. Read below…Can you imagine sweating your butt off on a treadmill for 45 minutes and reading “800 calories burned” on the display, yet you only burned a fraction of that?And don’t forget the excess calories you may eat due to your increased hunger from the longer exercise.That’s frustrating.No wonder I ate like a horse…Now just like my weight gain story, things even get worse.Think about this for a second…What’s the First Thing That Comesto Mind When You Think “Cardio”? If you’re like me, you’re thinking of one of two things… a stationary bike or a treadmill.What muscles do you work when use that equipment? Your legs, right?Nothing else really gets worked.So now you’re pounding and pounding for 15, 20, 30, maybe even 45 minutes and your legs are taking a beating.What did they do to you? Are you angry at them? Do they talk back? Was it something they said?Ha… no, of course not.With traditional interval training, you’ll agree that all the hard work is being done by the legs. What about the rest of your body?Your pushing muscles, pulling muscles and core are all being ignored.These are FREE calorie-burning resources at your fingertips!Yet, one rep after another, you’re pounding your joints over and over again. You may not feel any aches or pains today, but later this week, or a few months from now and even years from now, you will.Your joints don’t deserve this.But there is good news…This new approach doesn’t require any treadmills or bikes. You can use it anywhere.And you’ll actually “spread” the effort strategically over your entire body and this gives you an almost unfair advantage of losing more fat. Your friends and family probably don’t even know about it because it’s still relatively new (although the concept has been used by the best coaches in the world).As you know, the more muscle you work, the more calories you burn.And because you’re going from one muscle group to another, you can rest LESS and do MORE.This is where the “9 minutes” come in.Why Only 9 Minutes (Or Less)?I’ve been writing these “finishers” for years now. There’s a certain “formula” I use and that formula takes as little as 3 minutes all the way up to 9 minutes.No, it’s not a secret formula, either. It’s a combination of four things:    Density (a lot of work in a little bit of time)    Active Recovery (“easier” exercises plugged in to keep the heart rate up even while “actively resting”)    Strategic Rest Periods    High Volume Using “Weird” Set and Rep SchemesThe best way to describe this is “metabolic Stacking” because you’re stacking the 4 BEST ways to boost your metabolism in ONE short burst of exercise.It didn’t matter what workout program my readers or clients used… when they “plugged” in this metabolic stacking formula, they lost fat consistently week after week.This study below will show you how it works and why it’s better than your normal cardio or interval routine you typically do after your main workout:Can you imagine actually looking forward to exercise? … How consistent would you be?The Canadian Scientists concluded that style of bodyweight training will boost cardiovascular fitness just as well as “cardio” while giving you BETTER improvements in muscle endurance.All in just 4 minutes.Now, the 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest is just one variety of using this finisher approach.There are also ladders, gauntlets, density circuits and more, which you can’t get from traditional interval training.So you still get the fat-burning benefits of “cardio”, but with better and faster results because you combine cardio with this latest science.But what if you took it a step further?There are things you can do with this bodyweight finisher concept that are way outside of the box…… but that’s the idea.You can even get a little crazy (but yet, still effective.)You can do sets of just 1-2 reps of exercises in a certain time frame (let’s say 5 minutes for example), resting only when needed. For example…A lower body exerciseA recovery exerciseA pushing exerciseA pulling exerciseA recovery exercise (optional – depending on the structure of the finisher.)You’ll be able to do a lot of rounds (density) and because you’re going from one exercise to another (using DIFFERENT muscle groups), your heart will pound through the roof as if you’re running on a treadmill (there’s your “cardio”).Again, you’ll be using more muscle – meaning you burn more calories in less time.So you reduce the pounding on your joints, allowing you to recover faster.When you recover faster, you can get MORE out of your own routine.That leads to faster fat loss. And it gets better!…Wouldn’t you agree that everyone has a unique fitness level?For some, 20 seconds of rest is too long. For others, it’s too short. That’s why the rest periods are up to you.The principle is simple – if your form gets sloppy, you must rest.  This is your mantra with any density style of finisher (and ladders as well).This is why the finisher concept works, no matter what your fitness level is. It TARGETS your unique fitness level so you get the most out of every finisher.As long as each finisher uses this formula, you’ll get consistent results week after week. PLUS, you become more efficient, which helps with EVERY DAY activities.You see, you’re bringing a new “stimulus” consistently. This doesn’t allow your body to adapt, which is a good thing.Your body has to work hard to recover from this short burst training and in order to recover, it burns calories to return to a “normal state”…… all in just a fraction of the time (9 minutes or less).And because you do work out less, you’ll actually start feeling younger AND looking younger within a few weeks.This type of training actually reverses the aging process.It not only worked for me, but for men and women just like you including Lori, who lost 66 pounds in 5 months…or Beau, a busy radio producer who got shredded and ready for a Spartan race, even on a busy schedule…So When Can You Use This“Plug-In” Finisher Approach? This new form of exercise will be your workout grand finale. You END your routine with it, hence the name, “Finisher”.Think about this – it’s a 1-2 punch. The first punch is your usual routine.  The second punch (the finisher) is what breaks your fitness and weight loss plateau and gives you the edge.By plugging in this finisher at the END of your workout, you’re going to dig deeper into your stored fat.This releases (breaks free) fat that has been stored and because of the “metabolic stacking” finishers approach, you’ll release and burn fat in less time.It doesn’t matter what routine you enjoy… whether you work out 2 days a week or 7 days a week.Simply plug in this metabolic boost at the end of your program and you’ll destroy weight loss plateaus, rapidly jump start fat loss and improve your fitness…… as long as you use the formula, just like the finishers you’re about to discover.One more thing…You can also complete a finisher on your off day to accelerate fat loss.Just make sure you warm up. Something like this will work:    Jumping Jacks (10)    Bodyweight Squats (10)    Pushups (8)    Leg Swings (15 per side)Do this circuit twice, resting for 30 seconds between circuits. Then jump into your finisher using metabolic stacking on your off day to boost your metabolism and speed up fat loss …… so you can get ready for that beach trip of course.People like you and I needed a no-fluff solution to lose fat faster without any gimmicks, powders or pills.And we’ve found one. With some honest hard work, you can lose fat consistently, without the plateau, week after week.In fact…I Entered Six Private Clients in Five DifferentTransformation Contests and Even with Thousands of People Voting, All Six ClientsPlaced or Won EVERY ContestAnd get this… they all had different workout routines. Some worked out four days a week… some did twice a week.Some enjoyed Meathead workouts… some wanted workouts they can do in the comfort of their own home.Hey, get this… Philip, a private client of mine, was walking on a treadmill 5 days a week for up to an hour without dropping a pound.But once he eliminated his old school cardio and worked out just 3 days a week while using these “NEW school cardio” finishers, he dropped 34 pounds in only 12 weeks. And the $1,000 he won wasn’t bad either.All of these people had different diets, too.And you can become a success story… all from the comfort of your own home because you won’t need ANY equipment.It doesn’t matter where you are at, or what you enjoy as your main routine. Take a look for yourself…And What Does the 2014 Trainer of the Year, Who Has Trained Thousands of Busy People Like You, Think of These Bodyweight Finishers?You might be thinking, “This is great. But I don’t have a routine to use these finishers with”.I’ve got you covered.First, let’s take a look at what you get, but let me be clear…The Bodyweight Finishers Community won’t allow just anyone to come in.If you’re one of those people that just love motivational quotes and keep saying, “One day, I’ll get in shape”, I’ll be blunt. WE DON’T WANT YOU.We want people who share our message and want to impact their own health as well as help those around them with a “no fluff” approach, no matter what routine anyone is on.If you’ve read this far, you clearly believe in not wasting time. You would have clicked away by now.That funny feeling in your gut means it’s time to do something and quit reading.It also means you’re already motivated and committed to changing.Congrats to you – most people don’t even remember this first, crucial step, so you’re already well ahead of most people.You know there isn’t any “magical” answer or missing piece to the puzzle other than hard, smart work driven by the latest science…… which you will find with this NEW Bodyweight Finishers System:It’s so simple to use. “Plug” any bodyweight finisher to the END of your workout. That’s it. You don’t do cardio. You don’t do intervals. These finishers replace all that because you’ll work more muscle and in less time. You can do them at home, in the park, in your garage and more. They require ZERO equipment.You can also do any ONE of them on your off day to accelerate fat loss and become a conditioning machine.You’ll get a variety of easy-to-follow finishers including Bodyweight Challenges, Ladders, Gauntlets, metabolic Circuits, Density Rounds and More…… in just 9 minutes or less Do you want to burn 240 to 360 calories in 4 minutes?A study by ACE revealed that participants burned anywhere between 240 to 360 calories in just 4 minutes using the powerful and advanced Tabata protocol approach.That’s almost 1,000 calories per week if done just 3 days a week!For advanced visible results, choose any of these Tabata finishers and burn more fat in less time. You’ll be in the next size down in no time. These powerful, 30-minute workouts will hit every single one of your muscles so you’ll burn fat even while you rest. They also use a combination of metabolic resistance training, conditioning and finishers so you can melt fat anywhere and improve your fitness with no equipment.This includes the best bodyweight and ab supersets you’ve ever seen so you’ll not only build a rock-hard core, but you’ll also see new muscle definition in muscles that were dormant for so long. Adrenaline is a strong word, but so is this program. If you want to take your physique to the next level only using bodyweight exercises, than follow this program for 4 weeks.Insane supersets and circuits using strength and conditioning, you’ll become resilient and carve out a new transformed body in just 28 days.Of course you’ll get detailed exercise descriptions and photos. But even better, you’ll know exactly how to complete every fat-burning rep of every exercise inside every workout and finisher as I coach you with high quality videos. There will be no guesswork. Just watch and apply to your own workout and finisher.This ensures you nail every rep and get the most out of the program.You can even download these videos to your computer, tablet or phone.Bodyweight Finishers is NOT Rehashed Boring and Weak Circuits. Get Ready for 75 NEW Exercises and Methods to See VISIBLE Results in Only 7 DaysI’m already seeing where “keyboard trainers” are doing their own finishers.  The truth is that every single of them are missing AT LEAST one of the crucial ingredients from the formula…… the formula that worked for me to lose 105 pounds and the same formula that I shared with my customers and private clients, who are busy with normal jobs. They don’t have an abundance of time on their hands nor do they want to spend forever in a stinky gym.EVERY finisher has been tweaked to perfection so that you crush your goals, no matter what finisher you go with at each workout. Rest periods were adjusted, exercises were subbed in and out and much more.I can’t help it… I take pride in what I do and it has taken me years to put this program together after much testing and evaluating.Now normally to work with me as your coach, I would create a 4-week program, along with unique finishers using the 4-step formula for $397 a month as an online client.But my schedule won’t allow me to take on anymore online coaching clients.And if we were to meet one-on-one, you can expect to invest $120 for a half hour and I promise it would be worth every penny…So if you took 8 weeks of program design and we met 3 days a week, you would expect to invest about $3,000.But hey, the power of technology!…I got with a local film expert. That saved me from traveling and eliminated lodging expenses.And because these finishers and workouts take ZERO equipment, we didn’t have to rent any location for filming. We actually filmed this outside.Because I was able to save so much without sacrificing value, I was able to pass these savings onto you.Access to the Bodyweight Finishers System and Bonuses normally would cost around $97 due to the filming expenses, location rental, etc, and even then, it’s an amazing bargain.But because I was able to eliminate spending, you won’t invest even half of that.Today, you can get started on looking and feeling leaner than ever before using this breakthrough research and the entire Bodyweight Finishers System and Bonuses for just $19.


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