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Microbiome Medicine Summit 2016

Microbiome Medicine Summit 2016
[Webrip – 33 Mp4, 5 PDF]


have only audio. This is complete video presentation 1: Monday, February 29James Maskell – Critical Role of the Microbiome in the Future of MedicineWhat You’ll Learn -Why the microbiome is changing conventional medicineOur obsession with hygiene and the problems it causesImportance of having a holistic and integrative medicine doctorRaphael Kellman, MD – The Microbiome: The Next Revolution in Modern MedicineWhat You’ll Learn -Discover why the microbiome is your greatest allyEvolution and the microbiome: Survival of the “wholest”Why cultivating a sense of wonder and awe impacts your microbiomeSayer Ji – Macro Implications of Your MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -Why the microbiome is a revolution akin to quantum mechanicsDiscover your microbiome’s vitamin-absorbing super powersHow your microbiome can help you overcome geneticsJoseph Mercola, DO – The Basic Ways to a Healthy MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -Healing disease with sunshine, real food, movement and sleepChanging the paradigm of medicine todayImportance of healing practices by our ancestorsMark Hyman, MD – Bidirectional Relationship Between Glucose Fat and MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -Benefits of microbiome diets vs. calorie-counting dietsWhy good quality animal foods are more important than everConnection between antibiotics in animals and humansDAY 2: Tuesday, March 1Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP – Women’s Health and Being in Partnership with Your BodyWhat You’ll Learn -Listening to intuition and what your body tells youWhat is the “Woman Code?”Connection between hormonal imbalance and your microbiomeAviva Romm, MD – Connecting Women’s Health and Your MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -The effects of antibiotics: when should you take them?What are “nightmare bacteria?”Microbiome damage and long-term health problems for kidsMark A. Nesselson, MD – Impact of the Microbiome on Pregnancy, Birth and Early Childhood DevelopmentWhat You’ll Learn -Prepping your body before pregnancyRecommended diet and probiotics for babies and childrenHow your health as a child impacts your health as an adultKenneth Bock, MD – Microbiome, Inflammation and Toxicity in Developmental and Other Pediatric DisordersWhat You’ll Learn -Restoring your microbiome after a C-sectionImportance of the microbiome in the neonateShould we get vaccinated? What should we be mindful of if we do?Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD – The Common Misconceptions of GermsWhat You’ll Learn -Are vaccines safe for you and your kids?Antibiotic overuse and its harmful effectsCreating natural vs. vaccine-induced immunityDAY 3: Wednesday, March 2Brenda Watson, CNC – Digestive Care: Losing Weight Without the Sugar and CarbsWhat You’ll Learn -Reduces cravings, improve microbiome and increase metabolismThe difference between juicing and blended juiceHow to lose weight without craving sugar and carbsNoah De Koyer, DC – The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Building a Healthy MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -Benefits of growing and consuming fermented foodsStep-by-step process to creating fermented foodsHow connecting back to the earth is good for youSummer Bock – The Power of Fermented FoodsWhat You’ll Learn -The benefits of fermented foodsRecommended fermented foods to incorporate into your dietSuggested probiotics to restore gut healthGerard Mullin, MD – New Dietary Approaches for Effective Weight LossWhat You’ll Learn -How to use food as medicineStress and its effect on your gutBacterial overgrowth and microbiome imbalancesDave Asprey – Dieting the Bulletproof WayWhat You’ll Learn -Really? Butter is good for you?The power of collagen enriched foodsFoods that cause inflammationDAY 4: Thursday, March 3Jessica Richman – Ubiome: Tests and Tools for Health MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -Microbiome tests vs. stool testsuBiome test results for medical and clinical doctorsHow to obtain a uBiome testEric Zielinski, DC, MPH(c) – Healing Your Skin with Essential OilsWhat You’ll Learn -Skin issues and how to resolve them with essential oilsPublic health issues and solutions related to the skin microbiomeDIY recipes for skin care and alternatives to harmful skin care productsGerry Curatola, DDS – The Microbiome in Your MouthWhat You’ll Learn -How oral health is connected with the rest of your bodyBest practices for achieving optimal oral healthMyths of oral care and oral healthKara Fitzgerald, ND – A Key Player in the Microbiome: The SkinWhat You’ll Learn -The epidermal microbiome’s similarity to the gut microbiomeHow the skin microbiome protects youCaring for the critters of our skinDAY 5: Friday, March 4David Perlmutter, MD – The Microbiome’s Influence on Your BrainWhat You’ll Learn -Connection between inflammation and diseaseHow to reestablish gut liningDietary changes and healing the microbiomeMartha Herbert, MD, PhD – New Research to Improve Brain Function and Neurodevelopmental Degenerative DisordersWhat You’ll Learn -Interaction between your gut and brain ecologyImproving brain function and eliminating toxinsRole of lymphatic and immune systems linking ecosystemsMax Lugavere – How to Improve Your Neurological HealthWhat You’ll Learn -Preventing cognitive decline or “Bread Head”Supplement and vitamin recommendations to improve brain functionThe cause of growing rates of Alzheimer’sNatasha Campbell-McBride, MD – Relationship Between Gut Health, Mental Disorders and Mental ClarityWhat You’ll Learn -Dietary changes to influence anxiety, depression, stress and brain fogSteps to healing your gut: GAPS DietRecommended supplements to naturally improve mental healthDAY 6: Saturday, March 5Julie Matthews, CNC – How Beneficial Bacteria Can Help Children with AutismWhat You’ll Learn -Differences in pathogenic bacteria levels in children with autismRecommended foods for an individualized dietFundamental nutritional principles for children with autismAmy Myers, MD – Taking Control of Your Autoimmune DisorderWhat You’ll Learn -Major myths about autoimmune disordersConnection between mold and your overall healthRole of stress, even in the world of functional medicineJill Carnahan, MD, Functional Medicine – Connection Between the Microbiome and Autoimmune DiseasesWhat You’ll Learn -What are the triggers for autoimmune diseases?Leaky Gut Syndrome and its causesSmall Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth and what to do about itIzabella Wentz, PharmD – Improve Your Thyroid Functions by Focusing on Your MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -Signs and symptoms of thyroid imbalanceAccurately testing for thyroid disordersWhat is Hashimoto’s and what can you do about it?Leo Galland, MD – The Allergy Solution for a Healthy MicrobiomeWhat You’ll Learn -The difference between treating disease vs. treating peopleThe effects of inflammation on your microbiomeRole of the “healer” and “healee” in the healing processDAY 7: Sunday, March 6Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP – The Power of Developing a Strong Inner EcosystemWhat You’ll Learn -What is meant by the “inner ecosystem?”Importance of treating your health like an ecosystemHow the Body Ecology Diet helps create a strong microbiomeLarry Dossey, MD – How Consciousness and Mindset Affect the Microbiome and Overall HealthWhat You’ll Learn -Benefits of having a connected mindsetImpact of prayer and spirituality in medicine and healthListen to stories of “spontaneous remission”Heather White – Humans, Bacteria, and the Environment: How we are all InterconnectedWhat You’ll Learn -Importance of endocrine disruptors to your bodyCreate a toxic-free environment for your familyHow environmental health affects your personal healthDeepak Chopra, MD – How Thoughts, Feelings, and Environment Influence Gene ExpressionWhat You’ll Learn -How your body is a process that can be changed through consciousness”Speaking the language” of your cells and microbiomeImpact of emotions on your microbiomeAnn Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, Nutritionist – Parasites May be the Hidden Cause of Your Health IssuesWhat You’ll Learn -How to know when you have a parasiteWhich parasites are the most prevalent?Lifestyle habits that stop parasites in their tracksDAY 8: Monday, March 7 : Encore Day


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