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Michio Kushi – The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health – A Complete Guide to Preventing and Relieving More than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders Naturally (2003)

Michio Kushi – The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health -A Complete Guide to Preventing and Relieving More than 200 Chronic Conditions and Disorders Naturally (2003)
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Description”Food is the chief of all things, the universal medicine. . . . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . . creates our day-to-day health and happiness.” from The Macrobiotic Path to Total HealthEven in medical schools, alternative medicine is blossoming. Two thirds of them now offer courses in complementary healing practices, including nutrition. At the heart of this revolution is macrobiotics, a simple, elegant, and delicious way of eating whose health benefits are being confirmed at an impressive rate by researchers around the world.Macrobiotics is based on the laws of yin and yang the complementary energies that flow throughout the universe and quicken every cell of our bodies and every morsel of the food we eat. Michio Kushi and Alex Jack, distinguished educators of the macrobiotic way, believe that almost every human ailment from the common cold to cancer can be helped, and often cured, by balancing the flow of energy (the ki) inside us. The most effective way to do this is to eat the right foods, according to our individual day-to-day needs. Now in this marvelous guide, they give us the basics of macrobiotic eating and living, and explain how to use this powerful source of healing to become healthier and happier, to prevent or relieve more than two hundred ailments, conditions, or disorder @both physical and psychological.This encyclopedic compendium of macrobiotic fundamentals, remedies, menus, and recipes takes into account the newest thinking and evolving practices within the macrobiotic community. The authors integrate all the information into a remarkable A to Z guide to macrobiotic healing from AIDS, allergies, and arthritis, to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. They also clearly explain what we need to know to start eating a true macrobiotic diet that will provide us with a complete balance of energy and nutrients.Living as we all do in environmental and climactic circumstances that are largely outside our personal control, it is vital that we follow a healthy lifestyle, including a flexible diet that we can adjust to meet our own individual needs. The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health gives us precisely the tools and the understanding we need to achieve this goal. Use it to build a strong, active body and a cheerful, resourceful mind.Paperback: 560 pagesPublisher: Ballantine Books (November 23, 2004)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0345439813ISBN-13: 978-03454398195.0 out of 5 stars A profound and revelatory book, July 28, 2005By A ReaderTo those who understand its significance, this is a profound and revelatory book.Like all living things, food has energy in it. Macrobiotics is eating according to the energy in food, which allows us unprecedented control over our health.The “vague” quality the previous reviewer objects to is inherent in Chinese medicine and is in fact one of its greatest strengths, permitting a view of health and disease based on concepts rather than data. (And in fact, the book isn’t vague at all–this is just a reflection of her unfamiliarity with the ideas.)Nor do the authors “mention all types of alternative therapies.” For each category of illness, they outline the conventional medical treatment, provide references to medical studies (for those who feel the need for this sort of thing), and then discuss the macrobiotic approach.The same goes for the comment that “a more specific macrobiotic way of eating would have been nice.” This is a highly specific book on how to use macrobiotics to treat over 200 health problems without recourse to the toxic, invasive, and expensive techniques of conventional medicine. Nevertheless, the authors devote over 100 pages to macrobiotic philosophy and practice and another 20 or so to recipes. Anyone who feels the need for more information should investigate the numerous books on the subject by Michio Kushi and others.As for repetitiveness, this is inevitable in a book intended even for those with no exposure to macrobiotics, because each condition requires modifications of the diet. Rather than giving the basic diet in one place and requiring readers to flip back and forth through the book and put it all together themselves, they’ve quite reasonably done so for us.As far as wanting you to “buy more from their website,” this 500-page book has a two-page resource list at the end, presumably for those without convenient access to natural-food stores. If that constitutes a shameless hard-sell, I’d like to see more of that attitude in the marketplace.I’ve been macrobiotic for over 20 years and find this an extraordinary book, like all Michio Kushi’s works. I buy copies and give them away to people I know who are sick, because my two decades of experience with this diet have convinced me that vegetarianism is essential to good health–and if you’re going to be a vegetarian, I can’t imagine doing it any other way.Please contribute back by OCRing *and* Spellchecking/Proofreading (!) this book. I recommend ABBYY Finereader 10 (or 11) for doing this work in a relatively easy way. There are other applications as well. The important thing is to spellcheck and correct any mistakes the automatic software run did – often people just run automatic conversion and upload here a pdf that has many mistakes and/or can’t be converted to other digital formats.If you start to do the process please leave a comment here so the effort won’t be duplicated by others. Thank you.


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