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Michael Hall – Coaching Matrix –

[ 1 PDF – 83 pages ]



ARE YOU READYFOR HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING?Men and women around the world have discovered the secret for personal power by working with a personalcoach. Like world-class athletes, award winning actors, CEOs of top corporations—the difference betweengood and great, between masterful and excellent is, more often than not, the finer distinctions that theydiscover and enhance with a personal coach.C Are you ready for that level of success?C Would you like to move up to the next level of performance and achievement?This Coaching Program is designed to work on both your inner and outer games. The outer game is wherewe talk about actual performance—what you do, the application of your skills and talents, the identificationof the skills needed in a particular area, and the implementation of your skills. The inner game is the internalgame you play in your mind and emotions so that you can be at your best. It’s your inner game offrames—the frames of mind that make up your attitude. We call this your matrix of frames.As a matrix of frames, Matrix Coaching will enter and explore the frames that you have created that


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